A Fresh Start: Decluttering Your Life in Addiction Recovery

There’s nothing wrong with holding on to sentimental items or memories. If anything, these can offer a sense of comfort and familiarity. But in addiction recovery, sometimes that very comfort can become a barrier to progress. That’s why it’s necessary to release things that no longer serve you. Decluttering your life is not about erasing your history or discarding cherished memories. It's about creating space for what truly matters now – your present and future in recovery.

What is Clutter?

Clutter is a collection of disorganized, scattered, or unnecessary items that create disorder and chaos in a physical or mental space. It can manifest in various forms, including:

Clutter has been shown to cause stress, anxiety, and depression. There’s also a strong connection between clutter and sleep problems, constant low-grade fight or flight response, memory issues, weight gain, lack of focus, etc.


How to Remove Clutter from Your Life

Clutter is bad for your mind and body and, therefore, bad for your recovery. Decluttering your home is a significant step towards creating a healthier, more positive environment. Here is how to remove clutter:

Physical Clutter

Physical clutter is the most obvious type of clutter and the first thing that comes to mind when discussing decluttering. Here’s how to get rid of physical clutter from your home, office or personal areas:


Take a thorough look at your space. Identify areas that contribute to stress or disorganization. Then, sort your possessions into categories. These can include essentials, sentimental items, and non-essential or triggering things.  

Start Small

Get four boxes, and label each one: one "Keep," one "Donate/Sell," one "Trash," and one "Undecided." Using these boxes makes it easy to break down the task. Once you’re done marking, pick a manageable area, like a single room or even a specific area within a room, then gather and pile all the items in the area on the floor, picking up each item and deciding which box to put it into.

Repeat this process until all items are in their respective boxes, and move on to the next area in your home. Be careful not to overdo it. In fact, you can set a time limit for the decluttering session, and only start work that you can finish within that time. This will make the process seem a lot less overwhelming.


Create designated spaces for essential items. This helps maintain order and prevents future clutter. If possible, invest in shelves, bins, or organizers to keep belongings in their designated places. The goal is to try as much as possible to keep only what truly adds value to your life.


Substance Removal

If you have any unused substances dispose of them safely. You can return them to a pharmacy or to a drug take back program. But if the process is emotionally challenging, reach out to a sponsor, counselor, or support group for guidance. It’s equally important to get rid any paraphernalia as this can be a strong trigger for further drug abuse.

Digital Clutter

Digital clutter can be just as impactful as physical clutter, if not more so, given the increasing reliance on digital devices in our daily lives. Here’s how to declutter your digital space:

Emotional Clutter

Emotional clutter pulls the mind in too many directions, leaving you feeling overwhelmed or tired. Here’s how to refresh, refocus, and get back on track toward your long-term recovery.

Practice Mindfulness

Engage in mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga. Mindfulness helps you stay present and reduces the impact of overwhelming emotions.

Let Go of Perfectionism

Understand that recovery is a journey, and perfection is not the goal. Accept that setbacks may occur, and learn from them rather than dwelling on feelings of failure.

Emotional Detox

Consider activities that serve as emotional detox, such as art, music, journaling, sleep, or physical exercise. These activities can help release built-up emotions.

Seek Support

Share your feelings with a family member, trusted friend, or therapist. Opening up to others can provide valuable perspectives and emotional support.

Healthy Boundaries

Set and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships. Communicate your needs and prioritize self-care to prevent emotional clutter from external sources.

Emotional Inventory

Regularly check in with your emotions. Take time to reflect on how you're feeling and why. This self-awareness can prevent emotions from building up and becoming overwhelming.

Seek Professional Help

Engage in therapy or counseling to address deep-seated emotional clutter. A mental health care professional can provide guidance and support in navigating complex emotional issues. They can also help you learn how to set goals, forgive, and challenge negative self-talk.


Why Decluttering Can Help Life in Recovery

Decluttering your life can significantly benefit life in recovery for several reasons:

Removing physical clutter and emotional baggage allows you to create a supportive environment that aligns with your commitment to positive change. But if you’re having a hard time, it might be a good idea to get some help.

If clutter is triggering you to go back to using, don’t hesitate to seek mental health services or substance abuse treatment. Mental health and addiction treatment can help you regain control of your life. Contact us today to find out more:


Misdiagnosis of Withdrawal Symptoms as Mental Health Issues

Withdrawal symptoms are a natural and expected part of quitting addictive substances. They occur because the body and brain have become accustomed to the presence of the substance and have adapted to its effects. When the substance is removed, the body and brain need time to readjust, which can result in emotional, psychological, and social symptoms. The misdiagnosis of withdrawal symptoms, which include sweating, nausea, tremors, seizures, anxiety, depression, irritability, and hallucinations, can often mimic symptoms of mental health disorders.

For example, withdrawal from meth can cause extreme paranoia, anxiety, and hallucinations, which might be mistaken for symptoms of schizophrenia or other mental health conditions. Meth use can also cause long-term changes in the brain, which might lead to signs and symptoms that resemble mental health disorders even after the drug use has stopped.

Similarly, withdrawal from opioids such as heroin or prescription painkillers can cause anxiety, depression, and irritability, which can be misdiagnosed as generalized anxiety disorder or major depressive disorder.


These symptoms may persist for weeks or even months after the drug use has stopped, making it difficult to distinguish between withdrawal symptoms and underlying mental health conditions. In such cases, a doctor might prescribe an antidepressant to treat symptoms. But this only worsens the situation since depression isn't the primary issue. Eventually, the patient might end up with issues like emotional blunting after stopping antidepressants.

The Negative Impact of Misdiagnosed Mental Illness

Misdiagnosing withdrawal symptoms as mental health can lead to psychological and physical health issues. It can:

Exacerbate the underlying condition

If a person is misdiagnosed with a mental health disorder and prescribed medication to treat that disorder, the medicine may not address the underlying issue of withdrawal, and the person's symptoms may persist or worsen. Moreover, when misdiagnosed with a mental health disorder, they may be prescribed medications that can worsen their withdrawal symptoms or cause new ones.

For example, benzodiazepines, often used to treat anxiety, are addictive and can worsen withdrawal symptoms if a person is already experiencing them. Misdiagnosis can also delay or prevent patients from receiving appropriate attention for their withdrawal, leading to worsening the underlying condition.

Potentially life-threatening consequences

Some withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures, delirium tremens, and respiratory depression, can be life-threatening if left untreated. But when these symptoms are misdiagnosed, and appropriate treatment is delayed or not given, the patient may end up with potentially life-threatening complications, including coma or even death.

Increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and self-harm scenarios

Withdrawal symptoms can lead to intense emotional distress and increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and self-harm scenarios. And the risk is even higher when healthcare providers misdiagnose the symptoms as mental health issues and offer inappropriate medication.

Psychological consequences

Misdiagnosis can also have psychological consequences, leading to a feeling of hopelessness and frustration for the individual. Patients with misdiagnosed mental conditions can end up feeling deflated, confused, and frustrated when they notice that the treatment prescribed is not working. Sometimes, they might feel hopeless or like failures and turn to drugs or alcohol to self-medicate. In extreme cases, they may self-harm or even commit suicide.

Increased risk to self-medicate


Mental health issues often co-occur with substance use disorders. In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, people with Drug abuse issues may also struggle with mental health issues like bipolar disorder, ADHD, schizophrenia, and personality disorders. This is mainly because these co-occurring disorders share the same contributing factors, including environmental and biological factors. 

A misdiagnosis, coupled with a lack of access to the proper psychiatric treatment can further drive one to addiction as they self-medicate to mask the symptoms, trying to make themselves feel better. Conditions like marijuana, cocaine, and opioid use disorder are common because they bring euphoria and escape from the reality of an undiagnosed mental issue.

Causes of Misdiagnosis of Withdrawal Symptoms

There are several potential causes of misdiagnosis of withdrawal symptoms, including:

Prevention and Treatment

Misdiagnosing withdrawal symptoms as mental health issues can significantly affect a patient's health and well-being. However, there are steps that healthcare professionals can take to prevent misdiagnosis and provide appropriate treatment.

  1. One of the most critical steps to prevent misdiagnosis of withdrawal symptoms is to increase education and awareness among healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals should receive education and training on the common symptoms of withdrawal to improve their understanding and ability to recognize them. This education can help reduce the number of misdiagnosed cases.
  2. Open communication between healthcare professionals and patients is also essential. Patients should disclose their history of substance abuse and the extent of their withdrawal symptoms. This information can help healthcare professionals make a proper diagnosis.
  3. Proper assessment and diagnosis of withdrawal symptoms are crucial to providing the correct treatment. Healthcare professionals should assess and diagnose withdrawal symptoms properly. This assessment can help identify the root cause of the symptoms, leading to proper treatment.

Once a patient is correctly diagnosed, the appropriate treatment can be administered. Treatment for withdrawal symptoms may include medications to manage physical symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and seizures. Behavioral therapies may also address psychological symptoms and help individuals manage their cravings and triggers. Patients can also try out natural remedies for antidepressant withdrawal.

At More Than Rehab, we offer comprehensive, evidence-based treatments to address withdrawal symptoms and support long-term recovery. Our treatment plans are personalized to meet each individual's unique needs and may include a combination of medications, behavioral therapies, and other supportive services. Therapies are especially critical in managing withdrawal as it helps patients handle stress better.

We offer a comprehensive assessment and evaluation process for misdiagnosed clients to determine the underlying causes of their addiction or related issues. This process involves gathering information about the individual's medical and psychiatric history, as well as their substance use, related behaviors and known side effects. If a client has been misdiagnosed, we work with them to re-evaluate their diagnosis and develop an appropriate treatment plan that addresses the underlying causes of their addiction or related issues.

We aim to provide personalized, compassionate care to help individuals achieve and maintain recovery. We are committed to providing the best substance abuse treatment and ongoing support and care to promote long-term success. Call us today. We are available to help 24/7.
