The Efficacy of CBD in Treating Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

CBD has gained a reputation as a magical elixir that can seemingly heal everything from stress and insomnia to cancer and chronic pain. People are captivated by the potential of CBD as a multipurpose remedy, and its purported benefits have fueled a surge in its popularity. However, most of these claims are not based on scientific evidence, and the only medical indication that CBD has been proven to treat humans is epilepsy.

That said, there has been a growing interest and scientific research on the potential efficacy of CBD in managing opioid withdrawal symptoms. In fact, a recent study suggests that CBD curbs cravings in people with opioid dependence. According to the study, the potential to reduce cue-induced craving and anxiety offers a strong basis for more research on the substance as a treatment option for opioid use disorder. 

This couldn't come at a better time, considering the pressing need to address the opioid crisis and provide effective interventions for those struggling with addiction. Opioid addiction has reached alarming levels, causing immense harm to individuals, families, and communities worldwide. In 2021, 80,816 people lost their lives due to opioids.


However, the researchers in the study note that the study was very narrow and only used specific, standardized amounts of CBD. As such, the results don't suggest buying a jar or bottle of over-the-counter CBD will help with opioid cravings.

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound in cannabis plants. It is one of the many cannabinoids present in the plant, alongside THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive, meaning it does not induce a "high" sensation commonly associated with cannabis use. CBD is typically extracted from hemp plants to produce numerous products such as oils, tinctures, edibles, and topicals.

CBD has gained attention for its potential therapeutic use. It interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, which regulates various physiological processes, such as pain sensation, mood, sleep, and immune function. CBD is believed to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), and neuroprotective properties.

While CBD has shown promise in treating certain medical conditions, such as epilepsy, its broader applications as an alternative treatment in areas like addiction recovery, pain management, sleep disorders, and anxiety are still being explored. More research is needed to fully understand its effects, optimal dosage, and potential interactions with other medications.

Addiction is a Brain Disease

Before we dive into why or how CBD might help in addiction recovery, it's important to look at how substance abuse alters normal behavior and brain function. Addiction is a complex brain disease characterized by compulsive drug-seeking behavior and the inability to control substance use despite negative consequences.

Addiction changes the way the brain processes information. It deregulates the brain's reward system (which is responsible for reinforcing pleasurable experiences), leading to a heightened sensitivity to drug-related cues and a diminished response to natural rewards. This happens with most substances, including nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, meth, and opioids.

When addiction develops, it becomes hard to stop. Attempts to quit might result in withdrawal symptoms that are uncomfortable and challenging to manage. Common opioid withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, nausea, rapid heartbeat, abdominal cramps, and intense cravings.

These symptoms can be debilitating and are often more intense for the first one to two weeks. Sometimes, they can linger for months and contribute to relapse or continued drug use.


Potential Benefits and Effectiveness of CBD in Mitigating Withdrawal Symptoms

While the scientific evidence is still developing, preliminary studies suggest several ways CBD may play a role in alleviating withdrawal symptoms. One study found that CBD mitigated cravings among those with OUD who had already stopped opioid use. Researchers also found that the compound reduced:

Most of these symptoms occur during opioid withdrawal. In theory, this means that physicians could consider adding the compound to opioid withdrawal treatment plans to manage the symptoms. But more research is still needed to establish the direct effects of CBD on opioid withdrawal and the best formulations and dosages. Here's a closer look at how cannabinoids may help mitigate opioid withdrawal symptoms:

Craving Reduction

One of the key challenges during withdrawal is intense cravings for the substance of abuse. CBD can help mitigate this by reducing cue-induced cravings, especially among those who use heroin. Studies on rats noted a decrease in drug-seeking behavior when rats were taken off heroin and given CBD. A small human study also found similar effects lasting at least a week.

Anxiety and Stress Reduction

Withdrawal from opioids often triggers heightened anxiety and stress levels. CBD has been studied for its anxiolytic properties, with research indicating its potential to reduce anxiety symptoms. According to one review, CBD interacts with serotonin, type 1 receptor (CB1R), and other brain receptors that regulate anxiety-induced behaviors.


Pain Relief

Opioid withdrawal is commonly associated with various physical symptoms, including muscle aches, joint pain, and general discomfort. CBD has shown analgesic properties and has been explored as a potential alternative to traditional pain medications. It may help alleviate withdrawal-related pain and discomfort. Clinical trials have also found CBD well-tolerated with no significant side effects, even when co-administered with a potent opioid agonist.

Sleep Improvement

Insomnia and disrupted sleep patterns are common during opioid withdrawal. CBD has been investigated for its potential to improve sleep quality and address sleep disorders. CBD may indirectly contribute to better sleep during withdrawal by promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety.

CBD has shown potential in withdrawal symptom management. It can help reduce anxiety, improve sleep, curb cravings, and in withdrawal relief. While more extensive research is needed to fully understand its effectiveness, the existing studies provide encouraging results. It is important to note that cannabinoid treatment should be part of a holistic care plan alongside counseling, behavioral therapies, and other evidence-based interventions.

It is also a good idea to take CBD while under medical supervision, especially when dealing with a serious issue like opioid use disorder or chronic pain. Healthcare professionals can coordinate your care and ensure CBD is used with other appropriate treatments for the best possible outcomes.

They will also offer expert guidance, monitor and adjust treatment and offer support and guidance. Most importantly, they will ensure that you have access to reputable CBD products that have undergone proper testing for purity and accurate labeling. Like other natural remedies, CBD is largely unregulated, and it can be hard to know which products have been formulated responsibly.

If you, or a loved one is experiencing a physical dependence on opioids, More Than Rehab is here to help. Contact us today. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year.


Can Delta-8 THC Cause Harm to the Body?

The popularity of Delta-8 THC has been rising in the past few years. According to Headset, the sale of delta-8 grew by 144% between April 2020 and April 2021. However, just like any other new product in the market, actual and potential users of Delta-8 products are anxious. They want clarity on whether the products are safe for their consumption or not. This blog post will dig deeper into the Delta-8 THC safety profile and effects of THC.

What is Delta-8 THC?

Delta-8 is a type of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that occurs in small amounts in the Cannabis sativa plant. This compound has some properties similar to those found in delta-9 THC, an active constituent of marijuana. However, those who use delta-8 THC do not get the psychoactive effects as experienced by consumers of delta-9 THC. The high concentration of THC in delta-9 is what makes its users experience a high feeling.

Delta-8 THC commonly exists in the form of:


Is Delta-8 THC Dangerous?

There are no sufficient studies to evaluate the impact of Delta-8 THC consumption on human beings. Thus, there is no proof that the use of this substance has any potential benefits or medicinal value to its users. The reports circulating on social media posts regarding its potential benefits can be misleading.

Most Delta-8 THC products vendors trade these products outside the state-controlled cannabis industries. Since they are operating in an unregulated environment, nothing stops the producers from making toxic products. If no action is taken to control the production and consumption of this substance, it may present a public health risk

Other reasons why Delta-8 THC is dangerous for human consumption include:

Medical experts continue to discourage the consumption of this variant form of THC. The uncontrolled market of delta-8 products qualifies it to be categorized as a dangerous substance to purchase. 

Is Delta-8 THC Legal?

Delta-8 THC is federally legal across different states in the U.S. through a loophole created by the 2018 Farm Bill. The bill legalized hemp because of its low concentration of THC. The legalization made hemp products such as Delta-8 THC legal to be sold and consumed on a federal level.

However, the lack of research on the effects of Delta-8 THC on human consumption has made 14 states illegalize the sale and consumption of this compound. These states include; Alaska, Arizona, Delaware, and Utah. Other states like Michigan, North Carolina, and Virginia have cautioned the public about using the compound.

What are the Effects of THC?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, smoking marijuana with THC as an active element can have immediate side effects. However, these effects may vary from one person to another. They may also depend on how one consumes the substance containing THC. The common side effects include:

Since delta-8 has certain percentages of THC, consuming it may also result in similar side effects as those listed above. Users of these products have reported other effects such as:


The absence of research data on the adverse effects of delta-8 does not mean the substance doesn’t have serious side effects. In 2020, the Poison Control Center in North Carolina recorded about 109 cases of individuals recording severe reactions to delta-8. 

Delta-8 products packed as fruit-flavored can be tempting to kids who like confectioneries. If you have toddlers in your home, keep any of your cannabis products away from them. 

Factors to Consider Before Buying Delta-8 THC

Before buying delta-8 from any vendor, this is what you need to know.

  1. FDA has not approved any delta-8 product as a safe substance for human consumption. 
  2. FDA has received reports on severe negative effects surrounding the use of delta-8 products. The effects include loss of consciousness and trouble in standing. 
  3. The process of extracting and making concentrates of delta-8 THC uses harmful chemicals, sometimes traced back to the delta-8 products.
  4. Delta-8 THC products have psychoactive and intoxicating effects.
  5. If you have to buy them, ensure you are sourcing them from a licensed vendor, and you should keep them out of reach of children. 

Just because THC products are legal in different states, it does not mean they are safe for consumption. Delta 8 THC and other forms of THC are dangerous and can become addictive when used uncontrollably. If anyone around you is already struggling to free themselves from the consumption of THC products, reach out to us for help.