Natural vs. Synthetic Drugs: The Myth and Reality

One of the most common yet very dangerous misconceptions that people have on the drug use scene is that "natural" is healthier, safer, and better than synthetic drugs. The notion stems from various reasons, including cultural beliefs, historical usage, and a general preference for things perceived as "pure" or untainted. Nature is good for humans, but not all natural products are effective. Contrary to what many people think, natural drugs carry side effects, some of which may even have serious safety concerns.

In the same breath, people assume that synthetic drugs have toxic chemical composition and are potent and dangerous. But that's not always the case. This article will explore the common misconceptions surrounding "natural" and synthetic drugs. We'll debunk myths about their potency and risk, and clarify the difference between these types of drugs.

What Are Natural Drugs?

As the name suggests, natural drugs are derived from plants, fungi, or other naturally occurring sources. The drugs are often made with little processing and without additional ingredients. Common examples include:


What Are Synthetic Drugs?

Synthetic drugs are chemically created in a home or medicine lab to mimic another drug like morphine, cocaine, or marijuana. The resulting drugs typically have an entirely different effect on behavior and the brain. Common examples include:

Misconceptions about Natural vs. Synthetic Drugs

Let's debunk the myths surrounding natural and synthetic drugs.

Natural Drugs are Always Safer

The belief that natural drugs are inherently safer is a common misconception. While some natural substances may have a long history of traditional use, it does not guarantee safety. Natural drugs can have potent effects and carry risks of adverse reactions, toxicity, and dependency. For example, opioids derived from poppy plants can lead to addiction and overdose.

Synthetic Drugs are Always Riskier

Synthetic drugs are chemically made in the lab but are sometimes riskier than natural alternatives. People associate the word chemical with toxic, but everything is made of chemicals, including the fruits we take, dishes we use, and even natural drugs. While some synthetic drugs can be potent and have unpredictable effects, others, when properly regulated and used as prescribed, can be safe and effective. Pharmaceuticals like antibiotics, pain relievers, and certain psychiatric medications are examples of synthetically produced drugs that undergo rigorous testing for safety.

Natural Drugs Have No Side Effects

Contrary to the common misconception that natural drugs are pure, it's essential to recognize that all drugs, whether natural or synthetic, have the potential to cause side effects. In fact, some natural drugs may even pose serious health risks.


For instance, Kava is a traditional drink used in the South Pacific for its sedative and anxiolytic effects. However, its consumption has been linked to liver toxicity, leading to regulatory restrictions in some countries. Ephedra, which is used for weight loss and energy enhancement, has also been associated with cardiovascular issues, including high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and even cases of stroke.

Synthetic Drugs are Always Potent and Dangerous

While it's true that some synthetic drugs can be potent and carry significant risks, not all synthetic drugs are highly potent or inherently dangerous. Many synthetic drugs are developed for legitimate medical purposes and are used safely under medical supervision. The dangers associated with synthetic drugs often arise when they are produced and used in uncontrolled or illicit settings without proper regulation or oversight.

Fentanyl, for instance, is a potent synthetic opioid that, when used appropriately and under medical supervision, can be a valuable tool for managing severe pain. The potency of fentanyl is much higher than that of some natural opioids like morphine. The dangers of drugs like fentanyl often arise when it is illicitly manufactured and enters the illegal drug market. Illicitly produced fentanyl, often mixed with other substances, has been a major contributor to opioid-related overdoses and deaths.

It's also worth noting that synthetic drugs cover a wide range of drugs. Heroin, for instance, is technically a synthetic drug, but it comes from the opium plant. In comparison, bath salts are made using amphetamine-type stimulants and highly synthetic chemicals.

Natural Drugs Are Not Addictive

The source of a drug (natural or synthetic) doesn't inherently determine its potential for substance abuse; many natural drugs can indeed lead to dependence and addiction. Addiction is a complex phenomenon influenced by various factors, including the drug's pharmacological properties, individual susceptibility, and patterns of use. Natural drugs like opium, cannabis, tobacco, kratom, and coca all have a high potential for addiction due to their effects on the brain's reward system.


Importance Informed Choices

The idea that natural drugs are universally safe or that synthetic drugs are always dangerous oversimplifies a complex landscape of substances with diverse effects. The world of substances is diverse, and each drug possesses unique characteristics, effects, and risks. A blanket assumption of safety or danger fails to acknowledge the nuances that distinguish one substance from another.

The misconceptions can lead to unsafe practices, misinformation, and potentially harmful decisions. Knowledge is a powerful tool. Being well-informed about the substances you choose can empower you to make choices that align with your values, preferences, and health goals.

The Role of Comprehensive Education in Dispelling the Myths

Comprehensive drug education can help dispel myths surrounding drug use, particularly those related to the perceived safety of natural drugs and the assumed dangers of synthetic drugs. It can provide access to accurate and evidence-based information about the effects, risks, and potential consequences of both natural and synthetic drugs. It also helps one understand that each drug has distinct characteristics and potential risks, preventing oversimplified assumptions about drug safety or danger.


Can Psychedelic Assisted Therapy Help Addiction Treatment?

Psychedelic-assisted therapy is currently drawing a lot of attention. There has been a resurgence of interest in the therapeutic potential of psychedelic drugs such as psilocybin (found in magic mushrooms), LSD, and MDMA (commonly known as ecstasy) for the treatment of various mental health conditions. 

Re-emerging clinical research suggests that psychedelic-assisted therapy has the potential to serve as an alternative treatment for substance use disorder, depression, and anxiety. For example:

There are also numerous stories and testimonies from individuals who have undergone psychedelic-assisted therapy and reported significant improvements in their mental health.


Many of these stories are shared publicly, in the media, or through personal channels, creating a positive and powerful narrative around the potential of psychedelic-assisted therapy. Patients have reported feeling more open, connected, and attuned to their emotions and thoughts and having a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world.

All this is very encouraging. However, it's worth noting that we've been here before with psychedelics. In the 1950s and 60s, numerous studies were happening across the United States to explore the potential of psychedelics in treating various mental health conditions.

Media outlets like CBSNews even covered the story of Arthur King, who received LSD as part of his treatment for alcoholism in 1966. After 6 months of treatment with LSD, Arthur King was able to curb his addiction and was still sober in the 27-year follow-up.

But as these drugs became synonymous with substance abuse, hedonism, and countercultural activities, they were made illegal. LSD was made illegal in 1966, followed by mushrooms in 1968, and most research into the therapeutic potential of psychedelics ground to a halt. At the moment, the use of psychedelics for their therapeutic potential is still highly regulated and not yet widely available. But the renewed interest and investment have fueled further research, much of which is ongoing.

What is Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy? 

Psychedelic-assisted therapy is a therapeutic approach that uses psychedelic substances, such as psilocybin, Ketamine, and MDMA, to facilitate therapeutic experiences. These substances are administered in a controlled and supportive environment, usually with the guidance of a trained health professional, to help individuals achieve altered states of consciousness that may lead to increased self-awareness, insight, and emotional processing. 

The goal of psychedelic-assisted therapy is to provide individuals with a unique and profound experience that allows them to gain new perspectives on their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and to work through emotional and psychological challenges.

For example, cancer patients who took part in two different studies reported mystical experiences or spiritualistic experiences after taking psilocybin for their anxiety and depression. According to the studies, psilocybin reduced cancer-related anxiety, hopelessness, and dread immediately after the dose, and the improvements persisted for up to 6.5 months in about 80% of the patients.


Psychedelic-Assisted Treatment and Addiction

A growing body of research suggests that psychedelic-assisted treatment may have promise in easing some of the symptoms of addiction. One way psychedelics may help with addiction is by reducing other mental health symptoms that often co-occur, such as depression and anxiety.

For many people struggling with alcohol and opioid addiction, these symptoms can be a significant barrier to recovery, as they can make it harder to stay motivated and engaged in treatment. By addressing these underlying mental health issues, psychedelics may make it easier for individuals to quit abusing substances.

Psychedelic-assisted treatment may also work by promoting changes in brain function and increasing self-awareness. For example, research suggests that psychedelics may help to "reset" the brain by fostering new neural connections and reducing negative thought patterns. By facilitating these changes in the brain, psychedelics may help individuals break free from patterns of addictive behavior and develop healthier coping mechanisms. 

Studies have shown that psychedelics reduce both alcohol use and smoking. The success rates are higher than what doctors see with other therapy or medication alone.   

How Does Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Work?

While researchers do not fully understand how psychedelics work in the brain, several potential mechanisms have been proposed. 


Risks of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy for Addiction Treatment

While psychedelic-assisted therapy for addiction treatment may hold promise, there are also potential risks associated with using these substances. They include: 

While psychedelics have shown promise as a therapeutic tool, they're not a panacea and don't work for everyone. Factors like dosage, setting, and individual differences in brain chemistry can all impact the effectiveness of psychedelic-assisted therapy. Also, trained professionals should always supervise these substances in a controlled environment, as they can be potentially dangerous if misused.

If you're considering using psychedelics outside of therapy for different reasons, you should seek the support of a Psychedelic harm reduction and integration therapist. A PHRI therapist will help you plan to minimize risks and increase the chances of positive therapeutic outcomes. 


What Are the Most Popular Drugs Used at Music Festivals?

Drug use is rampant at music festivals due to the carefree atmosphere and the availability of drugs. Many people view drug use as a part of the festival experience and feel that it enhances the music and the overall atmosphere. The overall atmosphere of festivals can make it difficult to “dance safe.”

However, drug use can also lead to negative consequences, such as bad trips, overdoses, and arrests. According to the National Institute on Drug Use, drug use can also trigger or worsen mental health disorders. As a result, individuals need to be aware of the risks associated with drug use before they choose to use drugs at a music festival. Health care is not and should not be top-of-mind when attending a music festival but drug use makes future health care issues a problem.

Popular Drugs Used At Festivals

According to a study of 976 people in the United States, 53% of those attending live music events admitted to using illicit drugs or alcohol, with more than 93% consuming alcoholic beverages. Additionally, about 40% of festival goers used marijuana at live music events, followed by 8% who each used hallucinogens or MDMA.


Here are some of the most popular drugs used at music festivals:

Each of these drugs produces different effects, depending on the individual's physiology, the dose taken, and the person's state of mind. While some people may enjoy the effects of these drugs, others may find them uncomfortable or frightening. Keep in mind that each person reacts differently to drugs, so it is important to be cautious when taking any substance.

Most Intoxicated Live Music Event Genres

The study by also found that festival goers abused drugs or alcohol more in some music event genres than in others.

In the study, EDM, heavy metal, and alternative music events had the highest percentage of people who drank alcohol or used drugs, with 67.5%, 52.2%, and 60.6%, respectively. Indie rock and reggae were also found to be relatively high on the list, with 60.2% and 60.0% of respondents saying they had used alcohol or drugs in the events. Classical and Rock music events had the lowest, with 39.8% and 39.6%.


Consumption at Concerts

Here is a quick look at consumption at concerts per substance, according to

Popular Substance at EventsPrevalence in Music EventsPercentage
AlcoholAlternateHeavy MetalEDM  57.6%56.2%54.9%
MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly)EDMReggaeIndie Rock25.6%4.8%3.0%
HallucinogensEDMIndie RockHeavy Metal9.8%4.8%3.8%

Why Do People Use Drugs at Festivals?

While the use of drugs is certainly not limited to festivals, several factors can contribute to drug use at these events.


The anonymous and often crowded nature of festivals can make it easier for people to buy and use drugs without being detected.

Availability of Drugs

The availability of drugs at festivals is usually higher than at other events, as dealers know that there will be a demand for their products. Besides, things like alcohol are often heavily promoted in such events since manufacturers usually sponsor.

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is often a factor, as people feel pressured to conform to the behaviors of those around them.

Just for Fun

Many people use drugs as a way to let loose and have fun. The relaxed atmosphere of a festival can make it seem like an ideal time to try new things. Others use drugs to try to stay awake and not miss out.

Enhance the Experience

For some people, taking drugs is also a way to enhance their music experience. Certain substances can cause colors and sounds to seem more intense, leading to a more immersive and enjoyable experience.

Makes Sharing Space Easier

Drug use can make sharing space with large groups of people easier. In crowded environments, drugs can help to reduce anxiety and promote feelings of social connectedness.

Some people also use drugs to self-medicate, relieving anxiety or boredom. However, it is important to remember that drug use comes with risks. Overdosing or mixing drugs can lead to serious health problems and even death.

Dangers of Using Drugs at Music Festivals

Drug use is common at these events and can lead to serious side effects. Ecstasy, for example, can cause dehydration, overheating, and heart problems. Club drugs like ketamine and GHB can cause vomiting, hallucinations, and blackouts. And marijuana use can impair your judgment and coordination.

There's also a risk of combining drugs in dangerous ways. For example, one might drink alcohol to quench the thirst from ecstasy use. According to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation, such mixing masks the impact of ecstasy and can lead to accidental overdose and death.


There are also increasing cases of drugs being cut with other substances, which can make them more potent and dangerous. For example, cocaine may be cut with fentanyl, a powerful opioid that can be deadly even in small amounts. MDMA may be cut with n-ethylpentylone, a psychoactive drug linked to adverse effects such as anxiety and paranoia.

In addition, drugs like MDMA can cause dehydration and overheating, which can be dangerous in a crowded and chaotic environment like a music festival. Because of the drug-related harm involved, it is important to be aware of the dangers of using drugs at music festivals and ensure that you stay safe if you attend one of these events.

Ways to Stay Safe At Music Festivals

If you choose to use drugs at a music festival, you can utilize some harm reduction approaches to reduce the risks.

How to Attend a Music Concert Without Participating in the Substance Use Culture

Just because substance abuse is common at music festivals doesn't mean you have to participate. There are plenty of ways to enjoy these events without using drugs or alcohol. You can choose to attend smaller, local events that may be less likely to involve drug use. Alternatively, you can look for festivals that focus on specific genres of music, such as jazz or folk, which tend to attract a more mature crowd.

You can also take steps to create a drug-free environment at a festival. If you're camping, for example, you can choose to stay in a designated sober camping area. And if you see someone who looks like they're struggling, don't be afraid to reach out and offer help.

Music festivals can be a great way to enjoy your favorite artists and explore new genres of music. But it's important to be aware of the risks of drug use at these events. By being informed and taking precautions, you can stay safe and have a great time without putting yourself, and public health at risk.

Stuck In A Loop: When Hallucinogens Cause Cyclical Behavior or HPPD

There are instances when individuals who abuse hallucinogenic drugs like MDMA (ecstasy), psilocybin (also called magic mushrooms), and LSD experience the effects several weeks, months, and even years after abusing the drug. These effects are commonly referred to as flashbacks and are prevalent in people suffering from HPPD (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder).

This article will discuss HPPD in detail. We will look at what HPPD is, its symptoms, causes, and treatment.

What is HPPD?

Simply put, HPPD refers to the visual disturbances that hallucinogenic drug users experience long after using the drugs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, visual disturbances range from bright circles and size distortion to blurry patterns.

People suffering from HPPD only experience flashbacks. They do not re-experience any other feeling of being high on the drugs they consumed before.

HPPD flashbacks are annoying, especially if they happen frequently. Although the flashbacks aren’t necessarily full hallucinations, they may result in mental health problems like anxiety.

Scientists argue that HPPD hallucinations are pseudo hallucinations, and those who experience them can differentiate what is real from what isn’t.


What do flashbacks feel like?

People who experience flashbacks feel like they are reliving something they experienced in the past. Some flashbacks happen after drug use, while others happen after one undergoes a traumatic experience, i.e., post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  

Both people with HPPD and PTSD experience moments when their sensory information tells them they are experiencing moments they experienced in the past, even though they aren’t.

With PTSD, the flashbacks are more vivid. On the other hand, flashbacks of those with HPPD are not in-depth. HPPD victims only experience visual snows.

If you suffer from HPPD, you will be aware of the flashbacks but won’t experience the high that the drugs you used before gave you. Note that these flashbacks may become frequent over time and can overwhelm you.


The 2016 review revealed that there are two types of HPPD; type one and type 2. Those who suffer from type 1 HPPD only experience brief flashbacks, while those that suffer from type 2 HPPD experience more intense flashbacks.

If you suffer from unwanted hallucinations or cyclical behaviors, you are likely to experience any of the following visual disturbance symptoms of HPPD.

  1. Color flashes- you may notice random flashes of color at random times.
  2. Intense colors- the colors of objects around you seem brighter.
  3. Color confusion- you may be unable to tell the difference between similar colors. For instance, you wouldn’t be able to tell maroon and red apart.
  4. When you stare at objects, you see a glowing halo around them.
  5. Objects may appear bigger or smaller than they are.
  6. You may notice patterns on various objects when in reality, the object does not have any patterns on it.
  7. Items or objects may appear to leave a trail behind them as they move.
  8. You may have a difficult time reading since words on screens or pages appear to be in motion.
  9. You may feel uneasy every time you have an episode since you know that what you are experiencing is not real.

Currently, there is no scientific explanation of when these symptoms manifest. Therefore they can happen to you at any time.


People experiencing HPPD may also experience mental health issues, including anxiety, panic disorders whose common symptom is increased heart rate and heavy breathing, suicidal thoughts, and symptoms of depersonalization. Despite most people suffering from the disorder acknowledging that they experience these symptoms, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not acknowledge them as possible symptoms. The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders only acknowledges the visual disturbances symptoms we discussed above because it is still unclear whether HPPD directly causes mental health issues.

HPPD causes

Scientists believe that individuals who consume hallucinogenic drugs recreationally are at a high risk of suffering from HPPD. However, they are yet to conclude on the frequency of drug use that causes HPPD.

A recent study revealed that HPPD is common in people who consume more than one dose of LSD. It is also prevalent in people who use other hallucinogens on one occasion or more.

Contrary to common belief, HPPD is not a result of mental disorders or brain damage. It is also not a result of a “bad trip.” This is caused by hallucinogenic drugs and is more often than not, one of the many effects of LSD abuse.

HPPD management and treatment

If you experience any of the symptoms we discussed above, you should visit your doctor. They will ask you several questions before giving you a full diagnosis.


After being diagnosed with Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder, you need to learn how to manage and treat it. Currently, two drugs have proved to be effective in HPPD treatment: lamotrigine and clonazepam.


Lamotrigine is a mood-stabilizing medication that is effective in relieving individuals of HPPD symptoms. A case study showed that lamotrigine is effective in the treatment of HPPD. Unlike other medications like antipsychotics, it did not make any symptoms worse.


Like lamotrigine, clonazepam is effective in treating this disorder. It makes the symptoms less severe and more manageable.

To manage these symptoms, doctors also advise individuals to avoid stressful situations and illicit drugs. Additionally, doctors may give patients a few techniques to cope with the symptoms. For example, your doctor may advise you to use calming breathing exercises every time you have an episode. They may also prescribe rest and talk therapy.

Note that there is no single treatment for HPPD. You will undergo drug therapy. Drug therapy varies with individuals depending on the difference in visual disturbances symptoms.

Most times, drug therapy is successful, and individuals lead everyday lives after that.


Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder is a serious condition. Anyone who uses hallucinogens can eventually develop this disease.

If you experience any of these symptoms, they may eventually fade away. However, there are instances when the symptoms will persist for an extended time.

It would be best to seek professional help if you notice any of the symptoms above. Your doctor may prescribe drug therapy to treat the condition and other techniques to manage the symptoms and make them more bearable.