Alcohol Awareness: America's Most Deadly Drug?

Alcohol is legal and widely available in many parts of the world, including the US. It is a socially accepted drug, often consumed during social gatherings, celebrations, and even casually. However, despite its legality and widespread use, alcohol can indeed be very harmful, both to individuals and society as a whole. This article will spread alcohol awareness as it is consistently a leading cause of death in the United States.

According to NIAAA, over 140,000 people died due to alcohol-related issues between 2015 and 2019. And the deaths skyrocketed in the wake of the pandemic. Going by the numbers, alcohol is one of the leading preventable causes of death in the US, only after illegal drugs, physical inactivity, poor diet, and tobacco. Despite this, alcohol misuse remains a significant public health concern, often overshadowed by the spotlight on other substances like illegal drugs and opioids.

The opioid crisis has rightfully garnered attention in recent years. But it may come as a surprise to many that alcohol-related fatalities often surpass those caused by opioids in certain regions. This stark reality underscores the urgent need for increased awareness and action surrounding alcohol misuse.


Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Misuse

Alcohol doesn't attract consistent attention as a deadly drug because it's socially acceptable, legal, and readily available. As a matter of fact, it's deeply ingrained in many cultures and is often celebrated as a staple of social gatherings and festivities. However, this widespread acceptance belies the significant dangers associated with alcohol misuse.

Psychological Impacts

Physiologically, alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that affects virtually every organ in the body. Upon consumption, it quickly enters the bloodstream and travels to the brain, where it alters brain function, causing changes in mood, behavior, and cognition. In moderate doses, these effects may manifest as feelings of relaxation or euphoria. However, when you drink alcohol in excessive amounts it can cause profound impairment, leading to slurred speech, impaired judgment, and loss of coordination.

Impact on Physical Health

Beyond its immediate effects, long-term alcohol misuse can have devastating consequences on physical health. It can lead to liver disease, including cirrhosis, fatty liver, alcoholic and hepatitis and contribute to cardiovascular problems such as hypertension, cardiomyopathy, and stroke. Additionally, prolonged alcohol misuse can damage the pancreas, weaken the immune system, and increase the risk of certain types of cancer.


Mental Health Impact

Alcohol misuse has far-reaching implications for mental and emotional well-being. It increases the risk of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders and exacerbates pre-existing mental health conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder. Alcohol also impairs cognitive function, leading to memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and decreased overall cognitive performance.

Impaired Judgment

Perhaps most alarmingly, alcohol misuse is a significant contributor to preventable injuries and fatalities. Impaired judgment and coordination make individuals more susceptible to accidents, falls, and motor vehicle collisions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), alcohol-impaired driving accounts for almost one-third of all traffic-related deaths in the US each year, claiming thousands of lives and causing countless injuries.

Social Economic Impact

Alcohol misuse doesn't just affect the person using and their loved ones, but the entire society as a whole. The economic costs associated with alcohol-related healthcare expenses, lost productivity, and criminal justice system involvement are staggering, amounting to billions of dollars annually. According to a systematic review, alcohol accounts for 0.45% to 5.44% of GDP.

Seeking Help for Alcohol Addiction

The stigma surrounding alcohol addiction often prevents people from seeking the help they need. Society's misconceptions and judgmental attitudes towards addiction can cause feelings of shame, embarrassment, and isolation for those struggling with alcohol dependence. 

However, it's essential to recognize that addiction is not a moral failing. It is a medical condition and seeking help is a brave and crucial step toward recovery. Professional alcohol addiction treatment provides individuals with a range of customized treatment options to help them overcome their AUD and regain control of their lives. These include:

Medical Detoxification

Medical detoxification involves supervised withdrawal from alcohol under the care of medical professionals. It helps manage withdrawal symptoms like nausea and vomiting, seizures, delirium tremens, etc., safely and may include the use of medications to alleviate discomfort and reduce the risk of complications.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy aims to modify attitudes and behaviors related to alcohol use, helping individuals develop coping strategies and skills to abstain from alcohol. Contingency management, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and motivational interviewing are common approaches used in alcohol addiction treatment.


Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

MAT combines behavioral therapy with medications to address alcohol dependence. Medications such as naltrexone, acamprosate, and disulfiram can help reduce cravings, alleviate alcohol withdrawal symptoms, and discourage relapse by blocking the rewarding effects of alcohol or inducing unpleasant reactions if alcohol is consumed.

Support Groups

Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) provide peer support, encouragement, and accountability to individuals in recovery. These groups follow a 12-step program, offering a safe space for seeking guidance, sharing experiences, and fostering community.

Family Therapy

Family therapy involves the participation of family members in the treatment process to address interpersonal conflicts, improve communication, and support the individual in recovery. It helps repair relationships strained by alcohol addiction and promotes a supportive home environment conducive to long-term sobriety.

Holistic Therapies

Holistic therapies, such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, art therapy, and acupuncture, complement traditional treatment approaches by addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of recovery. These therapies promote relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being, enhancing the effectiveness of alcohol addiction treatment.

Aftercare Planning

Aftercare planning is crucial for maintaining sobriety after completing formal treatment. It involves developing a personalized plan that may include ongoing therapy, participation in support groups, regular medical check-ups, and healthy lifestyle changes to support long-term recovery from alcohol addiction.

More Than Rehab offers comprehensive substance use disorder treatment in a safe and comfortable environment. If you or someone close to you is struggling with AUD, we can help. Give us a call today to learn more. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year.


How Naltrexone Implants Work for Alcohol & Opioid Addiction

Opioid and alcohol use disorders are a growing concern in the United States, especially with the rise in overdose deaths. In 2021 alone, 107,622 drug-involved overdose deaths were reported in the country, and opioids accounted for 80,816. In the same year, there were over 52,000 alcohol-induced deaths in the US. 

The increase in substance abuse and overdose cases indicates the need for addiction maintenance treatments. While traditional treatments for opioid and alcohol use disorder do a great job of helping people get off of drugs, they do little to prevent overdose cases. Once a recovering addict leaves the treatment facility, they may face triggers that can result in relapse and overdose. 

That's why many medical institutes worldwide are still trying to find innovative ways to enhance the convenience and chances of long-term sobriety. Naltrexone implants are one such innovative treatment option. These implants provide long-term maintenance from alcohol and opioids by reducing the risk of cravings and relapse.

What are Naltrexone Implants? 

Naltrexone implants are small pellets that contain the medication naltrexone. Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist medication that blocks the effects of opioids and alcohol on the brain, thus helping manage cravings. 


The principle behind this medication-assisted treatment is that if someone can't feel the desired effect of drugs, they won't be motivated to use them. Over time, the positive association with opioids or alcohol will fade, and temptations won't be present.

When the implant is inserted under the skin, it slowly releases Naltrexone into the body over several weeks to months. This extended release can help reduce cravings for opioids or alcohol and prevent relapse. In some cases, it can also help curb opioid overdose cases.

Naltrexone implants have shown promising results in treating alcohol and opioid addiction, mainly when used in conjunction with other forms of evidence-based treatment, like medication, counseling, and support groups. This holistic approach addresses substance use disorders and the mental health aspect. 

How Naltrexone Implants Work for Alcohol and Opioid Addiction

Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist medication that works by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain. The implants provide a constant level of medication in the body, which can help to keep the opioid receptors blocked and reduce the risk of relapse.

Naltrexone implants have several advantages as they:

Weakness of Naltrexone Treatment

Despite the advantages of Naltrexone, there are some downsides as well. These include:


How Are Naltrexone Implants Administered?

Naltrexone implants are small, sterile pellets implanted under the skin in a minor surgical procedure. The procedure is usually done in an outpatient setting, meaning you won't need to stay overnight in a hospital.

First, a healthcare professional will clean and numb the area where the implant will be inserted. This is done with a local anesthetic, so you'll be awake during the procedure but won't feel any pain.

Next, the healthcare professional will make a small incision in your lower abdomen skin. They'll then insert the naltrexone implant into the pocket they've created under the skin and close the incision using stitches or adhesive strips. They will also apply a sterile dressing to the area to protect it as it heals. 

The procedure usually takes about 20 minutes or less you can go home the same day. 

Side Effects of Naltrexone Implants

Naltrexone is generally safe. But like any medication, it can cause side effects. Here are some of the potential side effects of naltrexone implant:

  1. Pain, swelling, or redness at the implant site
  2. Infection at the implant site
  3. Bleeding or bruising at the implant site
  4. Itching or rash at the implant site
  5. Nausea or vomiting, headache or dizziness
  6. Diarrhea
  7. Anxiety or nervousness
  8. Fatigue or weakness
  9. Liver problems
  10. Allergic reactions

It's important to note that these side effects are usually mild and temporary, and most people tolerate the medication well. However, if you experience severe or persistent side effects, you should contact your healthcare provider immediately. 

If you have any medical conditions or take other medications, inform your healthcare provider before starting a naltrexone implant to ensure it's safe and effective for you.


Starting Naltrexone Treatment

Before starting Naltrexone, you must undergo an assessment to ensure you're suited for treatment. A good candidate for Naltrexone treatment would typically meet the following criteria:

Naltrexone implants are a cutting-edge treatment for addiction to opioids, heroin, and alcohol. But the FDA has not approved the implantable version of Naltrexone for use in America. The treatment is only available in Europe and Australia. Still, many centers offer other forms of Naltrexone, which also offer long-term maintenance.

For more details about Naltrexone, reach out to More Than Rehab today.
