The Role of Family Therapy in Successful Addiction Recovery

Addiction does not just affect the person struggling with substance abuse but their loved ones as well. When a person abuses drugs or alcohol, their family and friends often experience a ripple effect of negative consequences. The communication breakdown, betrayal, neglected responsibilities, financial strain, and emotional & physical turmoil can strain relationships, erode trust, and create a significant rift between family and their loved ones. Family therapy is an important component of addiction treatment for these reasons.

Sadly, these effects can linger even in addiction recovery. Family members may continue to carry the emotional wounds and resentments caused by addiction. Trust may be fragile, and they may struggle with ongoing communication challenges and unresolved conflicts. They might not assume healthy roles and behavior to encourage and support recovery in this state. That's why family therapy is important. 

What is Family Therapy? 

Family therapy, also known as family counseling or systemic therapy, is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on improving the functioning and well-being of a family unit. It addresses the interpersonal dynamics, communication issues, and relationships among family members, with the aim of healing relationships, enhancing understanding, and promoting positive change. The therapy process involves all or most family members attending sessions together, although sometimes individual sessions may also be included.


Practices in Family Therapy

Family group therapy rebuilds rifts between loved ones. A therapist may use different therapy models, including:

Why is Family Therapy Important in Recovery?

Family therapy plays a significant role in recovery by providing support, education, and intervention for individuals and families facing various challenges.

Education and Awareness

Therapy can play a vital role in addressing misconceptions surrounding addiction. One common misconception is the belief that addiction is solely a moral failing or a result of weak willpower. Family members may harbor judgment or blame towards their loved one, perceiving their addiction or relapse as a character flaw rather than a disease.

Education and awareness about addiction as a disease help family members overcome stigma and judgment. They come to recognize that addiction is not a choice but a medical condition that requires treatment and support. This understanding promotes empathy, compassion, and patience within the family system.


Addresses Co-Occurring Issues

Co-occurring issues are mental disorders that often co-exist with substance use disorders. According to studies, 53% of drug and 37% of alcohol users also have at least one serious mental illness. And family plays a big role in mental health and addiction, so this type of therapy becomes crucial in addressing these co-occurring issues.

Utilizing this type of therapy can help family members understand the impact of family dynamics on mental health and addiction. This can, in turn, encourage families to create a nurturing and empowering environment for their loved ones to recover and thrive.

Encourages Family Involvement 

One of the key principles of family therapy is the encouragement of family involvement, which means involving all family unit members in the therapeutic strategies. This approach recognizes that issues within a family are often influenced by the dynamics and relationships among its members, and therefore, involving everyone is crucial for effective intervention and healing. These therapy sessions will encourage family involvement through family sessions, active participation, collaborative problem-solving, psychoeducation, and homework assignments. 

Improved treatment retention

Family group therapy helps create a supportive environment where family members actively engage in treatment. Their involvement and support can significantly enhance an individual's motivation to stay in addiction treatment and work toward recovery. Knowing that their family members are invested in their well-being and actively participating in therapy can give the individual a sense of purpose and support, increasing their commitment to the treatment program. Besides, family members can provide ongoing encouragement and reinforcement, positively impacting the individual's commitment to treatment and overall recovery.

Creates a Supportive Environment

Therapy with family present can also emphasize the importance of their support in the recovery process. It helps family members recognize their role in supporting their loved ones, providing them with tools and resources to create a nurturing and conducive environment for healing. This supportive atmosphere helps individuals feel understood, validated, and less alone in their recovery.

Improves Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills

Addiction or mental health issues can strain relationships, create misunderstandings, and lead to unhealthy communication patterns. Therapy provides a structured and supportive environment to address these challenges effectively.

During therapy sessions, family members learn valuable communication skills that foster understanding, empathy, and active listening. They also learn how to constructively express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. This allows them to express their support better, establish boundaries, and navigate sensitive topics related to their loved one's recovery. 


Safe Space for Family Members

This type of therapy provides a safe and supportive space where family members can express their emotions, concerns, and experiences related to addiction. It allows them to openly discuss the impact of addiction without fear of judgment or repercussions. Family members can share their struggles, frustrations, and fears and gain insight into their loved one's experiences and challenges. This safe space encourages open and honest communication, fostering understanding, empathy, and emotional healing within the family unit.

Preventing Relapse and Sustaining Recovery

Family support and involvement are crucial for preventing relapse and supporting sustained recovery. In family therapy, family members can learn about addiction, its triggers, and warning signs of relapse. They can also develop skills and strategies to support their loved one's recovery, such as creating a structured and supportive home environment, understanding relapse as part of the process, and encouraging healthy coping mechanisms. Family group therapy helps families become active in the recovery journey, increasing the chances of long-term success.

Family therapy is widely recognized as a valuable component of rehabilitation services and recovery. It acknowledges the impact that addiction has on the entire family system and emphasizes the importance of family support in the healing process. At More Than Rehab, we understand this importance and offer family group therapy as part of our services. 

Family group therapy provides a supportive and inclusive environment where family members can actively participate in the treatment and healing journey. By involving the family, More Than Rehab acknowledges the vital role that family support plays in promoting lasting recovery. If you are interested in learning more about our specific approach to family group therapy and the comprehensive services we provide, contact us today.


High on Drugs, High on Risk: The Impulsive Gambler

Gambling is common in the US and worldwide. People gamble on everything from card games to sports and even casino games. For some, gambling is a harmless pastime; for others, it's quick cash. In moderation, gambling can be a fun activity. However, some people lose control of their gambling and end up being an impulsive gambler (or participating in problem gambling). And the thrill of gambling can be a much greater issue when substances are involved.

What is Impulsive Gambling?

Gambling involves risking something of value to get something of even greater value. As mentioned, people participate in sports betting, card games, etc., for entertainment. However, if a person cannot control their gambling to the level that it negatively affects their lives, they're said to have a gambling problem or impulsive gambling.

Impulsive gambling is a condition where a person cannot control their gambling behavior, despite its negative consequences. As Mayo Clinic puts it, this impulse control disorder is characterized by a persistent and uncontrollable urge to gamble and a preoccupation with gambling even when it interferes with daily life activities.

Gambling, like drugs or alcohol, stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter often associated with feelings of pleasure and reward. This can create a cycle where the brain seeks out more of that reward, leading to a desire to gamble more frequently or at higher stakes. When one has a problem gambling, they may continually chase bets that lead to losses. Eventually, they'll use up all their savings and go into debt, trying to pursue a win. They will make the extra effort to conceal their actions and even turn to fraud or theft to support their addiction.

Gambling Addiction and Substance Abuse


Gambling and mental health issues can reinforce each other. This means that a person with a mental health issue may gamble to escape or cope with the signs and symptoms. At the same time, a person with a gambling problem might develop mental health issues due to loss, feelings of shame, etc.

Similarly, gambling addiction and substance abuse have a high co-existence rate. In fact, those addicted to substances or gambling are already predisposed to thrill-seeking behaviors. 

According to one study, people diagnosed with impulsive gambling also end up having substance use disorder. This could be due to:

Besides, most casinos in the US offer free drinks for those who spend their money at slots or tables. This is a much bigger problem because, like drug abuse, problem gambling is considered a compulsive behavior.

The Effects of Being High While Gambling

Being high while gambling can have significant effects on a person's behavior and decision-making in the following ways:


Drugs that Exacerbate Gambling Addiction

While no specific drug causes gambling addiction, certain substances may increase the risk of developing a gambling addiction. Research shows that individuals with gambling addiction commonly abuse substances like alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and stimulants.

Alcohol and other substances can lower inhibitions and impair judgment, making it more likely for a person to engage in behavioral addictions like gambling. Data from a large study in the US found alcohol addiction to be the most common co-occurring disorder among those with pathological gambling. More than 73% of participants diagnosed with problem gambling had an alcohol use disorder.

Stimulants, such as cocaine and amphetamines, tend to increase feelings of excitement and pleasure, which may make gambling more appealing.

How to Help Cure a Gambling Addict

It can be tough to see a loved one struggle with gambling addiction. But the good news is that with help and treatment, they can go back to leading a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few tips to consider:

Remember that many people who develop problem gambling also develop substance use disorders. Neither addiction is easy to manage without professional help, so it's essential to encourage the person to seek help for both issues. At More Than Rehab, we offer treatment for gambling addiction and dual diagnosis, which means addressing both gambling addiction and any co-occurring substance use disorders. We utilize evidence-based therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help individuals understand the underlying reasons for their addiction and develop healthy coping mechanisms.


Are Psychiatric Medications Overused in Addiction Treatment?

Addiction treatment can be complex and challenging, mainly when underlying mental disorders exist. As a result, psychiatric drugs like antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers are often prescribed to individuals with addiction to help manage these conditions and improve their chances of recovery. However, the use of psychiatric medications in addiction treatment is a controversial topic.

Some argue that these drugs are often used as a substitute for other treatments or to control behavior. There are also cases of overuse, especially when patients receive drugs for conditions they aren't suffering from.

Psychiatric medications can be effective in managing symptoms of mental disorders. But there's a growing concern about their potential for misuse or abuse and their side effects. With that said, the decision to use psychiatric drugs in addiction treatment should be made on a case-by-case basis. Treatment providers should carefully weigh the potential benefits and risks of these drugs and use them in conjunction with other evidence-based treatments, such as behavioral and group therapy. 

What Are Psychiatric Medications?

Psychiatric medications are prescription drugs used to treat various mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. They work by altering the chemicals in the brain that are associated with these conditions.


In addiction treatment, psychiatric medications help manage the symptoms of underlying mental health conditions that may be contributing to the addiction. According to SAMSHA, mental health and substance use disorders often co-occur, with each condition leading to the other about 50% of the time. Someone with depression or anxiety may turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with their symptoms, and vice versa. A comprehensive approach to dual diagnosis can help ensure both conditions are addressed, helping patients manage their addiction more effectively.

Use of Psychiatric Drugs in Addiction Treatment

Psychiatric drugs can be effective in helping individuals manage the underlying mental health conditions that contribute to their addiction. They can:

Overuse of psychiatric drugs in addiction treatment

While these medications can effectively treat symptoms and improve the quality of life for some patients, there are concerns about overprescribing and potential side effects. Studies show that many Americans take prescribed medication that may be inappropriate or not work for their mental health problems.

Prescription medications are not always the safest or most effective route for patients. Atypical antipsychotic drugs like Chlorpromazine, Fluphenazine, Haloperidol, etc., have been shown to cause deviations in blood pressure and Tardive Dyskinesia, a movement disorder characterized by abnormal, uncontrollable, and repetitive movements of the torso, face, and other body parts.

They also cause common side effects like blurred vision, confusion and agitation, erectile dysfunction, hallucinations, and drowsiness. Yet, many Americans go to their primary health care providers and leave with a prescription drug without knowledge of other evidence-based treatments that might be more effective and without the side effects.

According to the CDC, many patients are now receiving psychotropic medications without proper evaluation by mental health professionals. This is concerning as proper evaluation and diagnosis by a mental health professional is essential to determine the appropriate course of treatment for a patient's specific condition. Additionally, overreliance on medication as the sole treatment option can overlook other critical interventions, such as therapy or lifestyle changes, that can improve a patient's mental health and well-being.

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In addition, some medications used to treat mental health conditions, such as benzodiazepines or stimulants, can have the potential for dependence and withdrawal symptoms if not properly managed. And to worsen the situation, some withdrawal symptoms can mask mental health conditions, leading to misdiagnosis and overprescription of medication. Such cases can cause life-threatening consequences, exacerbate underlying conditions, increase the risk of self-harm and suicidal thoughts, and compound mental health issues.

Overusing psychiatric medicines may create neurobiological changes that affect long-term mental health recovery. According to research, these permanent changes can turn transient symptoms into chronic and lifelong mental disorders.

Alternative Treatment Options to Psychiatric Drugs

While psychiatric medications can effectively manage certain mental health conditions, they should not be the only treatment option offered to patients. Instead, a comprehensive approach to treatment that includes therapy, counseling, and lifestyle changes should be considered alongside medication use.


Psychotropic drugs can be beneficial in addiction treatment and can be life-saving for some patients. However, it is essential for a mental health professional to prescribe psychiatric medications after proper evaluations that include a patient's family history of mental health conditions and any past experiences with medication.

At More Than Rehab, we take a holistic approach to addiction treatment, utilizing evidence-based therapies and medications as appropriate and prioritizing individualized care that addresses the root causes of addiction. Our team of mental health professionals is dedicated to ensuring that medications are used responsibly and appropriately as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

We recognize that psychotropic drugs can have significant side effects and potential for dependence and therefore prioritize careful evaluation and monitoring of each patient's medication use. Ultimately, our goal is to help patients achieve lasting recovery and improved quality of life through a personalized approach to addiction treatment.


The Importance of Counseling & Therapy in Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a complex and debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It causes physical and psychological harm to the individual and affects their relationships and ability to function in society. While various treatment options are available, counseling and therapy are often considered essential components of an effective addiction treatment plan. These therapies can help individuals understand the underlying causes of their addiction, develop coping strategies, and rebuild their lives in a healthy and sustainable way.

This article will explore the importance of counseling and therapy in addiction treatment and discuss some of the key benefits and methods involved.

What is Addiction Therapy, and How Does it Help?

Addiction therapy is a multifaceted approach to treatment that helps individuals address the psychological, physical, and social factors that contribute to their addiction. It includes various techniques such as behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing (MI), and family therapy. All these aim to help the individual:


Alcohol or drug use can interfere with how a person functions. It can change how they think, act, learn, remember, or even pay attention. Addiction counseling and therapy can help restore cognitive functioning and provide the individual with essential tools for managing their addiction.

In cases where one struggles with mental illness and addiction, therapy and counseling can help them manage both conditions. It can also educate them on the relationship between their mental health and substance use and strategies for managing both.

How Addiction Counseling and Therapy Works

Counseling is an integral part of the addiction treatment process. It's always used in conjunction with other treatments, such as detox and medication, and typically happens in a professional rehab center. Different types of rehab options exist, including:

Inpatient rehab: Where an individual stays at the facility for a while, usually between 30 days to 6 months.

Outpatient rehab: Where an individual receives treatment at the center regularly, such as daily or weekly, but does not stay overnight.

During therapy, you'll work with your counselor to understand the root causes of your addiction and develop strategies for managing it in day-to-day life. Therapy sessions may include individual, group, or family counseling, depending on the treatment plan.

But since addiction is a relapsing disease, likely, you will still have cravings that draw you back to abusing substances. Long after you rid your body of the drugs, the brain will still remember the pleasure it felt when you used drugs and will continue to send signals of wanting more. That's why ongoing therapy is so important in addiction recovery.

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Behavioral therapies

These therapies focus on helping individuals change the behaviors and thought patterns that lead to addiction. Examples of these types of treatment include:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)is an effective treatment for addiction and mental illness. It helps individuals to identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to addiction. CBT is based on the idea that an individual's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are interconnected and that changing one aspect can lead to changes in others. 

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) was developed specifically for individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder, but it is effective in the treatment of addiction as well. DBT focuses on both acceptance and change, helping individuals to accept their current situation while also working towards positive change. It helps one understand the cycles between intense emotions and impulsive behavior, as well as how these can be effectively managed.

Motivational interviewing (MI)

Motivational interviewing helps individuals overcome ambivalence and develop strategies to cope with existing problems. It focuses on the individual's capacity for self-change, inviting them to consider the consequences of addiction, explore values, and negotiate goals leading to meaningful change. MI practitioners use active listening techniques and specific questions to support clients as they engage in an interactive conversation about their intrinsic motivation and potential roadblocks.


Contingency Management

Contingency management uses positive reinforcement to encourage individuals to abstain from substance use. It rewards individuals who remain abstinent with tangible rewards, such as vouchers or other incentives, whenever they engage in desired behaviors, such as attending support groups or social activities. This can help individuals stay motivated while developing healthier habits and behaviors.

Family and Individual Therapy

Family therapy helps to repair and strengthen relationships between family members. It also often focuses on understanding how addiction has impacted the entire family, identifying needs, and developing strategies for communication and problem-solving. Individual therapy can help individuals process past traumas, build relationships and activities outside of substance use, and foster healthy coping skills for managing their addiction.

12-Step Programs

12-step programs provide a support system for peers in recovery and can help individuals recognize their powerlessness over the substance. These programs emphasize accountability, acceptance, and responsibility to foster self-improvement. The 12-step fellowship helps individuals to identify their addiction as a disease and provides them with a structure and support system to help them cope with the complex emotions that often accompany addiction. Depending on the substance of use, one can join Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Marijuana Anonymous, etc.

Get Help Today

It's never too late to seek help for addiction. With the right combination of therapy and support, recovery is possible. If you or a loved one are struggling with substance use disorder, contact us today.

You don't have to go through this alone – help is available now. Reach out today and take the first step on the road to recovery. We're here for you.


Why Are Opiates Like Heroin So Addictive? 

Opiates are a class of drugs that include both illegal drugs such as heroin and prescription medications such as morphine and codeine. Made from the poppy plant, these powerful substances work by binding to receptors in the brain, triggering feelings of euphoria and reducing pain.

While opiates have long been used for their therapeutic properties, they are also widely abused for recreational use. In fact, opiates are some of the most commonly abused drugs in the United States, with heroin addiction rates skyrocketing in recent years.

According to the National Survey in Drug Use and Health 2019 report, 10.1 million people aged 12 or older misused opioids. 9.7 million misused prescription pain relievers, and 745,000 people used heroin. Sadly, overdose deaths involving opioids increased from about 70,029 in 2020 to 80,816 in 2021.

Most of these overdose deaths involved synthetic opioids like fentanyl, which is now often added to street heroin to increase its potency. Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine, making it extremely dangerous and highly addictive.

Chasing the Heroin High

The powerful effects of heroin are impossible to resist for many people. Once someone takes the drug for the first time, they quickly become hooked on its potent high and find themselves chasing that feeling over and over again. This process is fueled by different aspects of addiction, like withdrawal symptoms, tolerance, and cravings.


Withdrawal symptoms set in when a person stops using heroin or reduces their dosage. These symptoms can be both mental and physical and vary in intensity. They can include everything from anxiety and irritability to nausea and diarrhea. In some cases, heroin withdrawal symptoms can be so severe that they lead people back to drug use to get rid of the uncomfortable feelings.

Tolerance occurs when a person needs increasingly larger doses of heroin to get the same effects. As tolerance builds, people start to experience withdrawal symptoms more often, even if they're still using the drug. This can create a never-ending cycle of addiction in which people are constantly chasing that initial high while also trying to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Cravings are another major factor in heroin addiction. These strong desires for the drug can be triggered by anything from seeing drug paraphernalia to hearing someone mention heroin use. Cravings are often so intense that they lead people to use heroin, even when trying to quit.

Ultimately, these factors leave little room for choice or willpower on the part of the person abusing heroin. Instead, they become driven by a compulsion to abuse this dangerous drug in an attempt to recreate that initial euphoric rush again and again.

Understanding Heroin Addiction and How it Happens

At the chemical level, heroin is very similar to opioids like morphine and codeine. Like these drugs, it works by activating opioid receptors in the brain and triggering the release of large amounts of dopamine. This flood of dopamine produces a potent sense of euphoria, which is why so many people are drawn to heroin in the first place.


However, this intense pleasure also causes addiction to develop and flourish. In the long term, repeated heroin use causes changes in the brain that make it difficult to experience normal feelings of happiness or pleasure without using the drug. This drives people to continue abusing heroin even when they are fully aware of its harmful effects.

In addition, repeated exposure to heroin can lead to tolerance and dependence, both physical and psychological factors that severely complicate the recovery process. Heroin withdrawal issues are persistent and difficult to overcome.

Eventually, one develops an addiction and cannot live without the drug. This is when people start doing things they would never have done before to get their hands on heroin. They may steal from family or friends, lie, cheat, or engage in other illegal activities to get money to buy more drugs. Heroin addiction can happen in less than a week, depending on the frequency of use and purity.

Risk Factors for Heroin Addiction

When most people start abusing opioids like heroin, they assume they're in control and can handle it without getting addicted. But like other mental health issues, substance use disorder can take over a person's life without warning. Some people are more vulnerable to addiction than others, and certain risk factors can make someone more likely to develop a problem with heroin. These include: 

1.    Family history of addiction or mental illness

2.    Childhood trauma or abuse

3.    Previous substance abuse

4.    Mental health disorders like depression or anxiety

5.    A difficult or abusive home life

6.    Peer pressure or a desire to fit in

7.    Access to drugs

8.    Curiosity about drugs

Treatment for Opioid Addiction

Treatment is essential if you or someone you love is addicted to opioids like heroin. Opioid addiction is a serious condition that can lead to overdose and death, but there is hope. With the right treatment plan, people can recover from drug addiction and go on to lead happy, healthy, and productive lives.


Heroin addiction treatment often consists of detox, followed by rehabilitation and therapy. Detox is the first step in treatment and involves getting rid of all traces of the drug from the body. This can be a difficult and uncomfortable process, but it is necessary on the road to recovery and long-term sobriety.

After detox, people usually enter a rehabilitation program. Rehabilitation programs can last for 30 days or more, and they typically involve group and individual therapy, support groups, and other activities designed to help people recover from addiction. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a common approach used in heroin addiction treatment, as it can help people change the thoughts and behaviors that lead to drug abuse. 

Patients with dual diagnosis, meaning they suffer from both addiction and another mental health disorder, may need to receive treatment for both conditions at the same time. This is because treating one condition without the other can often make relapse prevention difficult.

Heroin is an extremely addictive drug. If you or someone close is struggling with a heroin addiction, More Than Rehab is always there to help. Give us a call. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year.


What Is the Best Therapy for Drug Addiction Treatment?

Your addiction treatment will vary based on a range of factors, including the level of care you need, the substance you are addicted to, your mental health, and what you can afford.

There are several treatment options available for addiction recovery. If you are unfamiliar with them, this article is for you. We will discuss the various therapies for addiction treatment to help you decide which one suits you or your loved one best.



Detoxification can either be part of a more extensive treatment program or a stand-alone service that various treatment facilities offer. It is an essential step for people who actively use drugs and alcohol.

Medical detox helps you get rid of addictive substances from your body. During detoxification, you will not use the drugs you are addicted to until the chemical substances leave your body.

Detox must occur in a professionally monitored environment because you are likely to experience painful or severe withdrawal symptoms. In addition, in some circumstances, withdrawal may have psychological effects.

Most drug abusers tend to revert to drug use when they experience withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, there is a need to have professional help to ensure you stay on course.


In addition to ensuring you are safe during the withdrawal period, professionals will help ease discomfort during the withdrawal period. For example, specific medications can reduce the physical symptoms of withdrawal.

Note that detoxification does not address the underlying behavioral causes of addiction. For this reason, it is best to combine it with other therapies.


Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) 

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)  is a therapy that helps you realistically manage your behavior, emotions, and thoughts. The main goal is to help you recognize and change negative thinking patterns. This helps to overcome the mental distress and psychological patterns that can result in addiction.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has proved efficient in treating alcohol and drug addiction. CBT focuses on behavioral health. It helps you recognize your unhealthy behavioral patterns and how to deal with them better. Additionally, CBT enables you to identify your triggers and develop coping skills for them.

Often, CBT is combined with other therapies to treat drug addiction.


Twelve-step facilitation therapy

Twelve-step facilitation therapy, also called 12-step programs, can effectively treat alcohol and substance abuse. This group therapy recognizes that addiction has negative physical, emotional, social, and spiritual consequences.

These 12 step programs begin with acceptance, surrender to a higher power, and finally involvement in regularly scheduled group meetings. Most support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous use the twelve-step facilitation therapy.


Contingency Management

Contingency management treats various addictions, including tobacco, narcotics, and alcohol addiction. Its primary focus is reinforcing positive behavior, e.g., staying sober by giving you tangible rewards.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, research has demonstrated that contingency management successfully prevents relapse in recovering addicts.


Treatment with Medication

Medication plays a vital role in addiction recovery. However, it is combined with behavioral therapies for it to be effective.

Some medications suppress cravings, reduce addictive behaviors, and improve your mood. A good example is lofexidine, an FDA-approved medication for addiction treatment. Lofexidine eases withdrawal symptoms and reduces cravings in patients recovering from opioid addiction. 


Treatment Programs

Most addiction treatment facilities offer three treatment programs:

The treatment program ideal for you significantly depends on your level of addiction and personal preference.

Residential Addiction Treatment Programs

Residential treatment programs offer intensive and comprehensive inpatient treatment. They can be for a short time (30 days), but some may extend for one year.

The advantage of this treatment program is that it incorporates a holistic approach to changing your relationship with drugs or alcohol. Often, you will undergo counseling, extensive education, and behavioral therapy to ensure you don’t revert to drug use.

Generally, residential addiction treatment programs have a multi-angled treatment approach. Most programs require you to start with detox before proceeding to other aspects of the program, including peer support and self-help programs.

Residential programs are beneficial to those who have abused drugs for an extended time and people with substance use disorders. If you got a dual diagnosis on your initial consultation, you should consider opting for residential programs.


Outpatient Addiction Treatment Programs

Outpatient treatment programs offer two services; one-time appointments and repeated appointments. Unlike residential treatment programs, you don’t have to stay at the treatment facility.

Most outpatient treatment programs focus on opioid or heroin addiction. That is because medical providers use medications like buprenorphine and methadone to control cravings and minimize the effects of opioids. You will have to visit the clinic regularly to get the medicine. Treatment facilities often require you to pass a drug test to remain in the program.

Not only does addiction affect the individual, but also family members, friends, and other people they interact with. For this reason, there is a need for counseling. Most outpatient addiction treatment programs also offer individual and family therapy in the form of counseling.

Counseling addresses underlying causes of addiction, including past trauma, depression, anger, and many others. It also mends relationships by helping family members understand the reasons for compulsive behavior.


Peer Support and Self-Help Programs

Several support groups connect people struggling with addiction, the most common ones being Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. The main aim of support groups is to help you remain accountable for your recovery.

By sharing your experience with other people who have undergone similar experiences, you remain more encouraged on your recovery journey. Support groups have proved to be an essential tool for long-term recovery.


Choose The Type of Addiction Treatment That Suits You Best

Since you are now more familiar with the various types of addiction treatment programs, you can decide which one suits you best. We highly recommend going for a professional addiction assessment before deciding on treatment.

More Than Rehab offers high-quality, individualized addiction treatment services throughout the recovery process. Our treatment models are founded on successful national models. Contact us today to start your recovery journey.

Does Counseling Work for Drug Addiction?

Millions of Americans struggle every day with an alcohol or drug addiction. Unfortunately, many of them never end up getting the help they so desperately need in order to get clean and sober. Battling a substance use disorder, or  addiction is extremely difficult, and many individuals require outside help in order to stop using drugs or alcohol. Professionals consider drug or alcohol addiction to be a disease of the brain. It is something that takes rigorous, and often constant, maintenance in order to manage and keep under control. Many times, it is difficult to see the warning signs. Much like how someone needs to take insulin every day for their diabetes. For drug or alcohol addiction, however, treatment comes often in the form of counseling combined with complete abstinence from the use of drugs or drinking alcohol. But, does counseling work for drug addiction?

Getting clean and sober is a huge achievement, but few will deny that the road to success is a difficult path to take and often requires help. There are many reasons why people begin using drugs or alcohol in the first place, but a large share of addicts have likely suffered many different forms of trauma in their life. This trauma and environmental factors can lead to people trying drugs or alcohol for the first time. Also, the abuse of drugs or alcohol can serve as a coping mechanism for the trauma experienced by the individual. Either way, there are many reasons why counseling and therapy are a much-needed service to treat the underlying contributors to the disease. Here are several reasons how counseling can help an individual to recover from alcohol abuse or drug addiction.

How Does Counseling Work For Drug Addiction Treatment?

Helps Develop Coping Strategies

Drugs or alcohol eventually become a coping mechanism after people begin abusing either of these substances. Struggling to cope with the hassles of their day-to-day life, an individual will often return to the drug of their choice. This builds tolerance and makes abuse more prevalent. When a person gets clean and sober, that urge to use drugs or alcohol doesn’t simply go away. The person feels an intense need to use in order to cope, sometimes even for the most common struggles in life. Counseling can teach the individual new and healthy coping strategies. This makes counseling very effective on their path to recovery. Drug and alcohol addiction counselors teach addicts how to deal with stress in a healthier way, which proves much more effective in the long term.

Creates A Strong Support System

Having a strong support system is extremely important to someone who is recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction. A lot of times, people in need of drug and alcohol treatment feel as though they have no one to talk to when times get tough--even if they are lucky enough to have a meaningful relationship left in their life. Having a drug and alcohol addiction counselor allows the individual to feel like there is someone in their life who cares about them, especially someone that isn’t going to judge them or overreact to something they might say.

Be Aware of Co-Occurring Disorders

There can be underlying reasons why someone turns to drugs or alcohol. Self-medication for dissociative disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, and other forms of mental health issues are extremely common. Drug abuse from illicit drugs can sometimes be a coping mechanism, which can prevent common forms of addiction treatment from working.

Gaining A New Perspective

Drug and alcohol addiction counseling is perfect for helping someone gain a new perspective on life. This shift in focus can be crucial to a person’s recovery from mental health disorders. Many addicts will often avoid admitting certain key facts – even to themselves. Something as simple as the fact that they are unable to stop using drugs on there is often avoided. Going to drug and alcohol counseling can help people identify behaviors that are self-destructive. Identifying behaviors that have led them to abusing drugs and alcohol in the first place ultimately teaches healthier and happier behaviors that won't be destructive in their future.

Building A Relapse Prevention Plan

Anyone who has ever gotten clean and sober after an addiction to drugs or alcohol knows that relapse is often part of the process. Many people who are new to recovery will end up using drugs or alcohol again. That’s just a fact. So, if you do relapse, just know that you are not alone. Understand that it is even more important during a relapse to reach out for help as there is always hope for recovery. If you have a drug and alcohol counselor, they will work with you in building a relapse prevention plan. This means helping to identify triggers, creating a plan to help you deal with them, and then providing the support necessary to help you get through those relapse triggers if needed.

Access to Additional Resources

Drug and alcohol addiction counselors are a great tool for helping someone to access additional resources. Aside from the emotional support, helping to learn new and effective coping strategies, and teaching how to manage triggers, a lot of people may not be aware of some of the additional resources available. Creating access to their local community services or even nationwide resources is part of the job descriptions for drug and alcohol addiction counselors. Not to mention, drug and alcohol addiction counselors often have access to resources that aren’t available to the general public.

Helping Repair Relationships

A major consequence for someone actively struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction is the major damage inflicted to many of their close, personal relationships. Sometimes even total loss of these relationships. When people fall prey to drug and alcohol addiction, they regularly alienate themselves from their loved ones and they often lie, steal, and cheat in order to continue abusing drugs or alcohol. These actions can cause a lot of damage to relationships in that person's life. Another benefit of working with a drug and alcohol addiction counselor is that they can offer advice on how to repair and maintain these relationships during recovery. And a counselor can offer advice and guidance on how to create new and healthy relationships as well!

These are just a few reasons why counseling for alcohol and drug addiction works. However, sometimes counseling alone is simply not enough. Thankfully, there are many different levels of treatment available in order to help manage drug and alcohol addiction. That is why it is important to reach out to an addiction specialist as soon as possible to get a proper assessment.

If you or a loved one are suffering from a substance use disorder, please reach out to our highly trained staff at More Than Rehab. We have a wide range of treatment levels and can provide the most specific and tailored treatment necessary, depending on the individual’s specific needs. The majority of our treatment programs offer drug and alcohol counseling so you can be sure to get the best treatment possible.


Crystal Meth is Making a Worrisome Comeback in Texas

While the news headlines are dominated by the opioid epidemic ravaging the United States, crystal meth is making a relatively silent, but deadly return. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the rate of overdose deaths for methamphetamine more than tripled from 2011 to 2016 and that number keeps growing to this day. This is partly due to the increase of cheap, highly potent methamphetamine coming over the US/Mexico border. With the national attention and focus on opioids by public health officials, politicians and government agencies, meth has quietly made a comeback in the US. This likely will not change course, without the proper resources and greater public awareness of the nation’s problems associated with crystal meth.

When drug overdoses began to take more American lives each year than gun violence or car accidents, the attention (and funding) from federal, state and local governments was largely focused on prescription and illicit opioids. The good news is that these efforts may actually be working.


New provisional CDC data shows that drug overdose deaths fell significantly in 2018. This is the first decrease in decades. From the data, it appears that government efforts to prevent doctors from over-prescribing, while making it easier for first-responders to carry naloxone (a life-saving opioid-antagonist) undoubtedly have helped make a real difference in the fight to curb drug overdose deaths.

With prescription painkiller abuse on the decline, drug overdose deaths from crystal meth and fentanyl are the new problem in the United States.

Unlike illicit and prescription opiates, methamphetamine addiction does not have any FDA-approved medications to assist in treatment and rehabilitation efforts. Drugs like buprenorphine, or Suboxone are available to help ease the symptoms of opioid withdrawal. These evidence-based, medication-assisted treatments (MAT) can also help reduce the likelihood for relapse later in recovery. By blocking opioid receptors in the brain, MATs are valuable tools for addiction treatment programs. These medications have shown a verifiable success rate in patients who are struggling with an addiction to opiates.

Meth on the other hand, can cause equally painful and severe withdrawal symptoms. Currently there are no medications available to ease the withdrawal symptoms associated with a physical or psychological chemical dependency to methamphetamine. Detox and treatment for an addiction to methamphetamine can therefore be quite difficult for most patients.

Another problem with the relative lack of effective treatment options for people who become addicted to meth, the ease of access to meth is currently at an all time high. In the 1990’s and early 2000’s we witnessed a major crackdown on illegal meth labs operating within the United States. Meth labs were quite prevalent in Texas, especially in the Houston and San Antonio areas. These ranged from very small operations in an RV in the desert or in someone’s garage, to giant meth super labs in warehouses. Once the Federal Government began imposing stricter regulations on the sale and availability of pseudoephedrine (Sudafed), meth manufacturing labs pretty much became extinct in the US.

These days, the major Mexican drug cartels supply most of the crystal meth that is found in American cities and rural areas. This meth is much cheaper and more potent than ever before. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) reports that the current price of meth is the lowest they’ve seen in years. The Mexican drug cartels, with new manufacturing techniques are also producing meth that’s more than 90 percent pure. This highly-potent crystal meth is creating an entirely new generation of addicts across the nation, at a level of epidemic proportions.

For comparison, in 2017, 813 people died from an overdose on crystal meth, while 591 died from a heroin overdose in Texas.

One of the major complications with a substance use disorder is that the patient can be using multiple substances at any given time. Emergency responders have a difficult time with drug overdoses, because while the patient may be unconscious they have no idea how to treat the overdose. Many people who use crystal meth, are also using other substances as well. Some end up using methamphetamine in the morning and opioids at night, while trying to balance a ‘normal’ lifestyle through the use of various different drugs.

Many of the fatal overdose deaths involving methamphetamine can also be partially blamed on opioids. The extremely dangerous synthetic opiate, fentanyl has been frequently found in different batches of methamphetamine all over the country. This contamination may be intentional, or it may be the result of drug labs that produce and package different substances, where cross-contamination of different drugs may be entirely by accident.

What are the different drug rehab options for someone who is addicted to crystal meth?

The addiction treatment specialists at More Than Rehab have helped people all types of people, many of whom are struggling with an addiction to multiple substances. Our comprehensive drug rehabilitation program can help people with any type of addiction, while we can even address the underlying causes of substance abuse. We see the addiction is often just a symptom of another deeply-rooted mental health issue. This is called a dual-diagnosis and our staff is well-equipped to help people who exhibit both a substance use disorder, along with an underlying mental health issue.

Our approach to meth addiction treatment focuses on making the whole person healthy, mentally, physically and spiritually. Often an addiction is merely a symptom of unresolved trauma that has led the patient to self-medicate, while they attempt to drown-out their sorrows. Since no medication assisted treatment exists specifically to treat a meth addiction, our facility uses a robust combination of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), group therapy, contingency management and relapse prevention. A variety of other treatment techniques could be used in conjunction with these, depending on the patient’s own unique, individual needs.

If you, a family member, friend or loved one are struggling with any type of drug addiction, please give us a call as soon as possible. The longer you wait to get substance abuse treatment, the harder it can be to quit. Most people who die as a result of complications from meth abuse are from a brain hemorrhage, seizure, or a heart attack. This is especially true for older addicts, as their bodies are no longer equipped to handle a long-term episode of substance abuse.

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been using, or how much you have used in the past. More Than Rehab can help addiction at any level of severity. If this has been a wake-up call for either yourself, or your family, or friends, please talk to someone about the problem as soon as possible. Addiction won’t go away by itself. When you’re ready to change your life for the better, give us a call. We are available 24/7 to help you when you need it.
