Borderline Crisis: How Fentanyl is Crossing the US-Mexico Border

Synthetic opioids like fentanyl are the leading course of overdose deaths in the US. New data from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics shows that there were an estimated 81,083 opioid-related deaths in 2023. While this marks a slight decrease from the 84,181 deaths recorded in 2022, the numbers remain staggering and underscore the ongoing threat fentanyl poses to communities nationwide. Most of the fentanyl in the United States is smuggled across the US-Mexico border.

Our border with Mexico has become a major front in the fight against the opioid crisis. Despite efforts to tighten security, traffickers keep finding new ways to sneak the drug in. Mexican drug cartels have set up complex smuggling operations. They recruit US citizens to carry fentanyl across the border, hiding it in cars, trucks, and personal items.

How Fentanyl is Crossing the US-Mexico Border

Seizure reports show that the pounds of drugs seized at the border are trending down. But this is mostly only true for heavier, less potent drugs like marijuana. Seizures of fentanyl, which is 100 times more potent than morphine, is up significantly. In fact, it’s 480% higher at the southern border in 2023 compared to 2020.


The US-Mexico southern border stretches approximately 1,954 miles, crossing four states: California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. This long expanse includes about 26 official land ports of entry, where people, vehicles, and goods are legally allowed to cross between the two countries. These ports are crucial points for trade and travel but also serve as primary routes for smuggling fentanyl and other illicit drugs into the United States.

So, how does fentanyl get in the country?

You might be surprised to learn that most of the fentanyl coming into the US isn’t being smuggled by migrants—it’s often US citizens doing the job. Cartels recruit Americans because they can cross the border without drawing as much attention. They get paid well to hide fentanyl in cars, trucks, and even everyday items like food packages or clothes. Most of this drug trafficking happens right at official border crossings, like the busy ports of entry in San Diego and El Paso.

The Mexican cartels—mainly the Sinaloa and Jalisco New Generation cartels—have this down to a science. They use all kinds of tricks to get fentanyl past border agents. We’re talking about false compartments in cars, blending drugs with legal goods, and even hiding fentanyl pills or powder in shoes or personal items. It’s a cat-and-mouse game that’s constantly evolving, and the cartels are always finding new ways to beat the system.

Despite increased security measures, the sheer size of the border and the volume of traffic make it a challenging task for border patrol and customs agents to effectively monitor and intercept every illegal shipment that passes through.

What the US is Doing to Fight Back

The Biden Administration has been trying to crack down on this by going after the supply chain, especially the chemicals used to make fentanyl. Most of these chemicals come from China, and without them, cartels can’t produce fentanyl at the same scale.

Since 2019, China has cut down on sending fentanyl directly to the US. This is a big change noted by the DEA. However, China still plays a major role in the fentanyl crisis as it supplies the chemicals used to make fentanyl in Mexico and other Central American countries. These chemicals are shipped to Mexico, where cartels turn them into the fentanyl that floods the US.

So, the US has been pushing a foreign policy with China that will help tighten the rules on these chemicals. It’s a step in the right direction because if we can cut off the supply of these chemicals, we can slow down the production of fentanyl.


Federal law enforcement is also working hard to break up cartel operations. They’re going after the money trails that fund these groups and are working with Mexican authorities to shut down labs where fentanyl powder is made. At the same time, US agencies are stepping up their game at the border, using more advanced tech like X-ray machines and drug detectors to spot hidden stashes of fentanyl. They’re also training customs and border protection agents to spot the tricks smugglers use.

But let’s be real—the cartels are always adapting, so it’s a constant battle. For example, fentanyl comes in many forms, and each version can be made using different chemicals. Cartels keep switching up how they make the drug, finding new chemicals that are easy to get.

It’s like a never-ending chase between cartels trying to make money and governments trying to stop them. It’s a dangerous game, and both sides are constantly trying to outsmart each other.

The Real Impact of Fentanyl

Illicit fentanyl is incredibly dangerous. It only takes a tiny amount—just two milligrams, about the size of a few grains of salt—to be deadly. That’s why fentanyl is so lethal and why it’s driving the overdose crisis in the United States. Here are some dangerous impacts of fentanyl and why it’s a public health concern:

Why Fentanyl is So Dangerous?

Fentanyl is often mixed with other drugs like cocaine, methamphetamine, and fake prescription pills. This isn’t an accident; it’s a deliberate move by cartels to make their products more potent and addictive. But it’s incredibly risky because users often don’t know fentanyl is in what they’re taking. This turns every dose into a deadly gamble.


Fentanyl Overdose Deaths

Fentanyl remains the deadliest drug in the United States, and despite a slight drop in 2023, the crisis is far from over. For the first time since 2018, overdose deaths declined, but the numbers are still staggering. Over 100,000 Americans lost their lives to drug overdoses last year, and fentanyl was responsible for about 75,000 of those deaths.

It’s Everywhere and It’s Overwhelming

Fentanyl has flooded the streets, and it’s not just in big cities. It’s in small towns, suburbs, and communities that never thought they’d face a drug crisis like this. It’s cheap to make and easy to transport, which is why it’s turning up all over the country.

The strain on our healthcare system is enormous. Emergency rooms are overwhelmed with overdose cases, and the cost of treating these emergencies is skyrocketing. First responders use drugs like Narcan every day to save lives, but it’s just a Band-Aid on a much bigger wound.

The battle against fentanyl is tough, but it’s one we can’t afford to lose. Let’s take action now to protect our loved ones and build a safer future.


Cartels Are Shipping Thousands of Pounds of Meth Into Texas

The National Drug Intelligence Center reported that Mexican drug cartels have come up with extensive drug distribution and transportation networks along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas. 

According to the intelligence center, the drug trafficking networks extend from Texas to all other states in the US. The cartels have drug suppliers in most, if not all, the states.

Law enforcement officers in Texas have, on several occasions, seized drugs from traffickers in the area. Some of the most common drugs seized in Texas are: methamphetamine, heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, and marijuana.

 Methamphetamine, commonly known as meth, or crystal meth is an addictive stimulant that harms the general health and well-being of those who use it. It is a controlled substance, and its potential for abuse is relatively high.

This article discusses meth abuse in Texas and how cartels are shipping thousands of pounds of meth into Texas.


Meth abuse in Texas

A 2017 survey revealed that approximately 120,000 Texas residents aged over 12 years abuse meth every year. In 2018, there were over 950 deaths involving meth abuse. Additionally, 570 calls to the poison center were related to meth.

The Addiction Research Institute (ARI) also researched meth abuse in Texas. The research revealed that there were 12,385 treatment admissions of Texas residents. Treatment facilities admitted most of them due to meth abuse.

Why is meth abuse prevalent in Texas?

Meth abuse is prevalent in Texas for several reasons. For starters, Texas shares a 1254-mile border with Mexico. The border has proved difficult to fence since it is on an extensive stretch of land. Therefore, there are no physical barriers between Texas and Mexico, making it easy for cartels to transport their merchandise to the United States across the border.

Another reason is that there are thousands of acres of unoccupied land in Texas, specifically in southeast Texas. This gives traffickers ample time and space to ensure their meth supply reaches the intended destinations with no interruptions.

The Gulf of Mexico is also a contributing factor since it allows drug traffickers to use narco submarines, boats, and other crafts for their illegal business.


Recently, according to the Tarrant County Sheriff Office, Texas, seized over 1400 pounds of liquid methamphetamine in five weeks. According to them, the street value of the seized liquid meth is $ 16 million dollars. Although officers made arrests during the drug bust, they declined to reveal further details citing ongoing investigations by undercover officers and surveillance. 

Bill Waybourn, the Tarrant County Sheriff, confirmed that authorities seized the drugs on two different occasions. On the first occasion, police officers pulled over a vehicle whose license plate matched a car someone had reported stolen. The seizure led to further investigations which resulted in a second seizure. 

Special agent Eduardo Chavez, DEA Dallas division, said that the liquid methamphetamine they seized was 99% pure. He also noted they were sure a drug cartel was behind the illegal trade.


Investigator Calvin Bond, who works in Tarrant County, said they suspect the drug cartels targets locations like Dallas-Fort Worth because they are closer to Mexico. Additionally, he said they suspect the meth was produced in meth labs in Mexico, converted to liquid meth, then smuggled to the States through the Texas border. When the liquid meth reaches its intended destination, distributers crystallize it and sell it in the streets.

Police departments, the DEA, and the Sheriff’s office helped in the investigations.

Texas meth penalties

In Texas, meth attracts severe penalties. This is because meth use has become more prevalent in the past few years. To deter Texas residents from using meth, law enforcement officers, judges, and courts put stringent measures in place. If you are found in possession of meth, you will face harsh penalties, including hefty fines and jail time.

The penalties vary depending on the amount of meth the accused person had. The judges also consider the facts of the case and one’s criminal history.

Here is a breakdown of penalties you are likely to face;

Why treatment for meth addiction is difficult

Compared to alcohol and drug abuse, treatment for meth addiction is relatively difficult for several reasons. For starters, there are no medications to help with the rehabilitation and treatment efforts.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) has proved to be very efficient in easing withdrawal effects and preventing relapses. It is an essential tool in most addiction treatment center programs. Unfortunately, there are no FDA-approved medications for meth addiction treatment. This makes detox for meth addiction overwhelming to most patients.

Another major cause for concern is the ease of access. Between the 1990s and 2000s, there was an extensive crackdown on meth labs in the United States, most of which were located in Texas, specifically in the San Antonio and Houston areas. Some were small operations while others were quite big, inside large warehouses. When the government became strict after the crackdown, most labs closed down.


Today, most meth in the United States is supplied by Mexican drug cartels. It is very potent and quite affordable. A report by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) revealed that the current price of meth is the lowest they have ever seen. Therefore, addicts undergoing treatment can easily relapse since meth is easily accessible and affordable.

Rehab options for people addicted to meth

Different treatment centers have a variety of rehab options for meth addicts. Most treatment facilities use behavioral therapies in the treatment of meth addiction.

At More Than Rehab, we have a comprehensive meth rehabilitation program. Our staff is excellently equipped to deal with meth addiction treatment and other underlying mental issues. We focus on ensuring that the patient is healthy both physically and mentally.

Considering that currently, there is no FDA-approved medication to help those in treatment deal with treatment effects, we incorporate a combination of group therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), relapse prevention, and contingency management to make the recovery process more manageable.

If you or your loved one is struggling with addiction, contact us for professional help. We offer meth addiction treatment to all persons regardless of addiction severity. Let us help you turn your life around.


How Mexican Drug Cartels Affect Texas

According to the federal Drug Enforcement Administration reports, Mexican drug cartels are responsible for the majority of drugs smuggled into the country. The far-reaching influence of these well-organized crime groups that ascertain their dominance through fear and violence continues to be astounding.

While Mexican cartels have major influence across the country, the most affected state has been Texas.

Why is Texas a prime spot for drug trafficking?

Texas has for decades been a hot spot for most Mexican drug cartels as the state shares 1254 miles of border with Mexico. This has been made worse as most of the state, especially the South Texas HIDTA region, primarily consists of thousands of acres of unoccupied land.

The presence of the Gulf of Mexico further escalates the problem as the huge water body enables drug traffickers to use small boats, narco submarines, and pleasure crafts for their illegal trade.

What about the border fence and patrols?

Is it possible to have a United States-Mexico border that covers every inch between these countries?


Well, that is a question that still demands a lot of research and billions of dollars in investment. Texas has particularly proven to be extremely challenging to fence as it has huge stretches of land that do not have physical barriers.

The flat desert areas and floodplains also present another challenge, making an end-to-end border fence an idea whose implementation depends on many geographical, economic, and legal aspects. However, recently in a bold move, Texas Governor Greg Abbott unveiled border wall plans as a part of his security action to keep Texans and Americans safer.

On a brighter side, part of the border fence built in strategic areas has helped Border Patrol and law enforcement increase surveillance and capture hundreds of cartel members. But, this has not deterred Mexican drug cartels from coming up with new ways of drug trafficking that allow them to move around, under, or through these barriers.

The growing impacts of drug trade on Texas

The Mexican drug cartel has proven to be the mythical hydra that replaces each head cut by two others. In 2014, after the capture of Joaquin Guzman, popularly known as El Chapo, who was a high-ranking leader of the Sinaloa cartel, it was expected that drug activities would sharply decline.

However, it seems that capturing drug lords is not a long-term solution to breaking down the empires worth hundreds of millions of dollars. With access to so much money, it is always a matter of time before new leaders emerge or new groups are formed.

For example, after El Chapo was extradited to the USA and his cartel operations were greatly affected by the arrests of many cartel members; breakaway members formed a new group. This group is the Jalisco New Generation Cartel that has rapidly grown and is currently attributed to more than 30% of the drugs in the United States.

Since Texas is the epicenter of drug trafficking to the USA, it has not been spared from the wrath of this illegal trade. Law enforcement is now paying more attention to the impacts of Mexican cartels operation in Texas as it is a problem that can no longer be ignored.


The major and pressing problems linked to the influence and operations of Mexican cartels in Texas are:

One of the biggest concerns today is how Mexican drug cartel members use young people, especially teenagers, for drug trafficking. After crossing the Mexican border, these cartels need a way to ensure the passage of drugs discreetly. The perfect bait has been found, and these are young and innocent children who are given an opportunity to make easy money.

It is heartbreaking that teenagers as young as 12 have pleaded guilty to helping cartel members to smuggle drugs, like heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine into the United States. This trend is expected to grow as cartels are now targeting young people using social media, making it harder to control the number of smugglers who could be recruited.

One of the long-term impacts of the drug trade is that it leads to a rise in human and sex trafficking. Texas has not been spared from these illegal activities as Mexican cartels are busy moving people and drugs into the country.

Border communities have been most affected by these activities as they often come face to face with the violent and daring gatekeepers facilitating cross-border smuggling.

There is never a peaceful drug trade as each cartel always aims for supremacy on valuable trade routes and markets. The drug war in Mexico is facilitated by the high number of weapons acquired from the United States and the many local gangs facilitating drug sales.

These local gangs have proven to be quite crafty as they now sell narcotics as prescription drugs or magic mushrooms. Unfortunately, this is a gaping hole that many young people have fallen into, leading to a severe public health pandemic. Yearly, the statistics worsen as more people overdose on these drugs and suffer from a heart attack while countless more become addicts.


Every month millions of dollars are smuggled back into Mexico as proceeds from the drug trade. In turn, money launderers in Texas and across the nation have become an integral part of cartel operations as they ease money flow. This has become such a big concern as, on the one hand, it hurts the local economy, and on the other hand, it makes Mexican cartels stronger.

On a national level, this has necessitated the attorney general and U.S law enforcement agencies to collaborate with Mexico in the fight against drug cartels. However, despite the massive strides that have been made, especially in the seizure of laundered money and property, Mexican cartels still stick out like a sore thumb.

Stay safe in Texas

The overreaching impacts of the Mexican drug cartels in Texas call for great public awareness on the devastating impacts of drugs. At a personal level, it also mandates great self-control to avoid falling victim to the alluring lifestyle that cartels use to recruit more local members.

Luckily, you are not alone, as More Than Rehab is here to help you avoid becoming entrapped in substance abuse or aiding these cartels in drug smuggling or money laundering. In the end, the easy money and flashy lifestyle that cartels portray is short-lived and will cause more pain than good. If you are in immediate danger or need help, call 911. If you need a safe rehab to get clean, call us.
