Motivational Interviewing and CBT: Keys to Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a disease of the brain. That’s because it rewires the parts of the brain responsible for reward, motivation, and memory. That means when you have an addiction, your brain changes in ways that make it hard to stop using even if you want to. And not just that – you may also have a hard time controlling how you act and behave.

For example, you may prioritize getting and using substances over other activities or responsibilities that were once important to you. You may also take legal, financial, relationship, or health risks and engage in certain behaviors despite the negative consequences.

Addiction has little to do with a lack of morals or willpower. In fact, there’s not a lot you can do to pull yourself out of the situation. That’s why it’s often recommended to seek professional help at a reputable treatment center like More Than Rehab. Such facilities offer a range of evidence-based treatments like motivational interviewing and CBT to help you regain control of your life.

Motivational Therapy

Like most people who struggle with addiction, you may have a hard time finding the motivation to change. In such cases, therapies like motivational interviewing (MI) can make a real difference. MI is the only treatment option that emphasizes internal motivation instead of the results of a person’s sobriety.

Your motivation to quit using substances isn’t supposed to base on pressure or guilt from loved ones or health professionals. It needs to come from within you if you are to achieve long-term sobriety and minimize the chances of relapse.


How MI Works

MI supports you in discovering your reasons for change and finding the motivation within yourself, rather than relying on external pressure or guilt. The approach helps build confidence in your ability to make positive changes and stay committed to your addiction recovery journey. Here are the motivational interviewing techniques and principles:

Express empathy

Your therapist will deeply understand and respect your feelings, struggles, and experiences without judging you. They’ll listen attentively to your story and perspectives on addiction, and create a safe space where you feel understood and accepted.

The term "accurate empathy" is the root of this principle and refers to the therapist’s sincere desire to understand your experience and motivation as they relate to the problem. It’s different from sympathy or identifying with the patient.

The therapist also takes on a guide’s role instead of an expert. A guide helps you get to where you need to go. But an expert will tell you what you need to do. While the therapist avoids acting like an expert, they’re still the expert when it comes to human behavior and clinical issues.

Develop discrepancy

MI helps you explore the differences between your current situation and your goals for the future. Your therapist will gently guide you to recognize how addiction may conflict with your values, aspirations, or the life you want to lead. This process helps you see the need for change from within yourself.

Roll with resistance

Your therapist won’t force you into change or confront you about your behavior. Instead, they acknowledge any ambivalence or reluctance you may feel about making changes to your substance use. They work with you collaboratively, respecting your autonomy and pace rather than pushing you toward change before you're ready.

Supporting self-efficacy

MI aims to strengthen your belief in your capability to change and manage your addiction. Your therapist helps you identify your strengths and past successes, encouraging you to trust in your ability to overcome challenges and achieve your goals for sobriety.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is a structured, goal-oriented therapy that helps you identify and change harmful thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to addiction. It's particularly effective because it focuses on two major components:

Cognitive Restructuring

This component of CBT helps you become aware of negative thought patterns and beliefs that fuel addictive behaviors. Your therapist will guide you to identify these thoughts—like cravings, justifications for substance use, or negative self-talk—and challenge their accuracy and validity. Cognitive restructuring has successfully been used to help people change their thoughts. When used for stress management for instance, it replaces the stress-producing thoughts (cognitive distortions) with more balanced thoughts that don’t produce stress. 

Behavioral Interventions

CBT also emphasizes changing behaviors that contribute to addiction. Your therapist will work with you to develop skills and strategies to manage triggers and cravings effectively. This might involve practicing alternative coping mechanisms, developing a daily routine that supports sobriety, or learning assertiveness skills to navigate social situations where substances are present.

How MI and CBT Work Together


Cognitive behavioral and motivational enhancement therapies are evidence-based and effective on their own. However, many therapists combine them so that one complements the other. The MI + CBT integration creates a comprehensive, personalized treatment experience that’s responsive to each patient's needs.

MI is about getting clients excited and ready to change their lives. On the other hand, CBT is about helping them change their behaviors. Think of MI as a way for counselors to connect with clients and understand where they're at in their journey. It helps address any motivational issues they might have.

As some experts put it, a skilled CBT therapist might already be good at this, but MI gives them specific tools and techniques to make the process clearer and more effective. Meanwhile, CBT brings practical steps that help clients change their thoughts and actions.

There's a lot of research showing that this combination works well, especially for issues like substance abuse, addiction, mental health, and dealing with multiple disorders at once. In fact, the latest research shows that the implementation of MI+CBT leads to a significant substance use reduction. Participants who got the treatment had a decline in the number of days of drug use in 3 months of follow-up (more days of abstinence).

After the MICBT therapy sessions, it’s best to take part in continuing care. Addiction is a relapsing disease, and ongoing care can help you stay the course. The good thing is most treatment plans often involve family members and loved ones to ensure that you get the support you need in recovery. But you’ll also need peer support. 12-step programs provide a structured and supportive community where you can share your experiences, learn from others, and continue your journey to sobriety.

At More Than Rehab, we specialize in combining Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to provide you with the best chance at lasting recovery. Don't wait—get help today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier life. With our support and comprehensive care, you'll have the tools and ongoing assistance to stay on course and thrive in your recovery journey.


The Rise of Online Support Groups

Online recovery support groups are virtual communities or platforms where people struggling with mental and substance use disorders come together to seek help, share experiences, and provide mutual support in their journey toward recovery. These groups use various online tools and platforms, like websites, social media, mobile apps, and video conferencing software, to connect people who may be geographically separated but share common goals of sobriety and healing.

Overview of the Rise of Online Support Groups

Online support groups have been a part of the digital landscape for years. This is thanks to the widespread availability of the internet and the proliferation of smartphones. However, it was COVID-19 that truly changed the dynamics and importance of these recovery forums. The pandemic, which made physical gatherings and in-person support meetings risky, prompted a widespread shift towards virtual interactions. People who previously relied on face-to-face support found themselves turning to online platforms as a safe and convenient alternative. 

Digital support groups became the lifeline for those grappling with mental health and substance use disorders. These virtual communities offered a safe and accessible space for people to meet and interact.

Why Are Online Support Groups Popular?

Woman engaged in online support groups discussing substance abuse emphasizing the ease of access while brainstorming on a video call with diverse colleagues

Virtual therapy and support have become so popular in recent years thanks to several key factors, including the following:

They Eliminate Geographical Barriers

One of the most significant advantages of online sobriety support groups is their ability to transcend geographical limitations. Traditional face-to-face support groups often require individuals to travel to specific locations, which can be particularly challenging for those living in rural or remote areas. 

Online support groups eliminate this barrier, ensuring that people from all corners of the world can access the support they need from the comfort of their own homes. This inclusivity not only broadens the reach of recovery resources but also fosters a sense of belonging in a global community of individuals facing similar challenges.

24/7 Availability

Online recovery support groups are available around the clock, making them a lifeline for individuals in crisis or those who require support during non-traditional hours. This ease of access is crucial because addiction does not adhere to a strict schedule; cravings, triggers, and emotional distress can strike at any time. The 24/7 availability of online groups means that help and encouragement are never more than a few clicks away, offering a safety net for those navigating the unpredictable terrain of recovery.

Female employee engaging in online support groups for substance abuse highlighting the ease of access through digital virtual meetings with diverse colleagues

Reduce Stigma

The stigma surrounding substance abuse remains a significant barrier to seeking help for many individuals. Traditional in-person support groups may necessitate revealing one's identity and addiction history to others in the community, which can be intimidating and discouraging. Online recovery support groups offer a level of anonymity in recovery that reduces this stigma. Participants can choose to share as much or as little personal information as they feel comfortable with, enabling them to open up and seek support without the fear of judgment or discrimination.

Offer Privacy and Discretion

Privacy is a crucial concern for individuals in recovery, as they often grapple with feelings of shame and vulnerability. Online support groups provide a private and discreet platform where individuals can discuss their challenges and progress without the risk of their personal information becoming public knowledge. This level of discretion is especially valuable for those who wish to keep their recovery journey confidential from family, friends, or employers while still benefiting from peer support.

Reduced Travel Time and Costs

Attending physical support group meetings often involves significant travel time and associated costs, such as transportation expenses and childcare arrangements. Online support groups alleviate these burdens, allowing individuals to participate from the comfort of their homes. This not only saves time and money but also removes potential barriers that might deter someone from seeking help, making recovery more feasible for a broader range of people.

Normalization of Virtual Interactions

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected through technology, virtual interactions have become a standard part of daily life. The normalization of video calls, online communities, and digital relationships has extended to the field of addiction recovery. Many individuals now view online support groups as legitimate and effective means of seeking help and support, further contributing to their popularity and acceptance.

Integration with Traditional Recovery Methods

Online recovery support groups are not seen as replacements for traditional methods of addiction recovery but as complementary tools that can enhance the overall treatment experience. Many addiction treatment centers and therapists now incorporate online support groups into their treatment plans, recognizing the value of this additional layer of support. This integration demonstrates the growing acceptance and acknowledgment of the positive impact of online recovery communities in the broader context of addiction treatment.

Online Support Group Formats

Male employee engaged in online support groups for substance abuse utilizing the ease of access to have a digital conference with diverse colleagues

Online support groups come in a variety of formats, each catering to different preferences and needs of individuals seeking support and connection. Here are some of the most common formats:

Text-Based Forums (like Reddit's r/StopDrinking and r/redditorsinrecovery)

Text-based forums allow members to post messages, questions, and share their experiences in text form. They’re usually organized into specific topics or categories related to addiction and recovery, allowing users to navigate discussions that align with their interests.

 Video Meetings (like Alcoholics Anonymous, and Narcotics Anonymous)

Video meeting groups replicate the traditional group meeting experience but in a virtual setting. Participants use video conferencing software like webchat, Google Meets, Zoom, etc., to interact in real-time, enabling face-to-face communication. These meetings often have scheduled times and may follow structured formats, such as 12-step programs or therapy sessions.

Chat Groups (like LifeRing, Hello Sunday Morning, Women for Sobriety (WFS))

Chat groups, sometimes referred to as chat rooms or instant messaging platforms, provide real-time text-based communication among members. Users can join specific recovery chat rooms dedicated to various topics related to recovery, providing a dynamic and immediate way to connect and share experiences.

Social Media Support

Social media platforms, like Reddit, Facebook, or Twitter, host dedicated groups and communities focused on recovery. Members can engage in discussions, share resources, and offer support within the context of these platforms, leveraging the reach and familiarity of social media.

Dedicated Recovery Apps  (like Loosid)

Recovery apps are mobile applications specifically designed to support individuals in their journey to sobriety. These apps often include features like progress tracking, goal setting, peer support, and access to recovery-related content. Users can connect with others in the app's community.

These varied formats cater to the diverse preferences, comfort levels, and schedules of individuals seeking recovery support. Whether someone prefers the anonymity of a text-based forum, the face-to-face interaction of video meetings, or the convenience of a mobile app, there are online recovery support options available to meet their specific needs.


The Effectiveness of a Holistic Approach in Addiction Treatment

The impacts of addiction extend beyond physical dependency. It infiltrates the mind and spirit as well. The holistic approach seeks to address the interplay between these three components – mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate comprehensive healing and recovery.

Here's a quick look at the underlying premise of holistic therapy:


The mind is at the forefront of addiction's battles. It's where cravings take root, triggers are recognized, and self-destructive thought patterns emerge. Holistic treatment acknowledges the importance of mental well-being by incorporating practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral therapy. These techniques help individuals gain control over their thoughts, manage stress, and develop healthier coping mechanisms.


Addiction also affects the body, affecting its systems and organs. Holistic treatment strongly emphasizes restoring physical health through nutrition, exercise, and specialized therapies. Nurturing the body fosters resilience and lays the foundation for lasting recovery.


The spiritual aspect of addiction encompasses an individual's sense of purpose, connection, and inner peace. Holistic treatment recognizes that addiction can erode one's spirit, leaving a void that substances attempt to fill. Practices such as yoga, meditation, and art therapy are integrated to support individuals in finding meaning beyond addiction and rebuilding a sense of purpose.

Holistic Treatment Modalities

Young woman in a therapy session exploring holistic treatment options for substance abuse and rehabilitation

Holistic treatment focuses on the whole person rather than the symptoms in isolation. As mentioned earlier, it addresses a person's physical, social, and psychological needs. In addition to 12-Step approaches, many addiction rehab programs provide holistic approaches that may include:

Meditation and Recovery

Meditation is a simple yet powerful technique with many benefits. It involves focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a state of mental clarity and relaxation. There are various forms of meditation, including mindfulness, loving-kindness, and guided meditation. All these forms of meditation aim to synchronize the mind and body for better mental well-being and quality of life. Meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety, regulate emotions, manage cravings, and improve self-esteem, which is beneficial in recovery.


Mindfulness is a specific type of meditation that involves being fully present in the moment observing thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. Mindfulness is an integral aspect of holistic treatment for addiction recovery due to its profound effects on various levels. Clinical trials of mindfulness in recovery have connected the approach to relapse prevention, reduced impulsivity, reduced cravings, and decreased stress and substance use.  


Yoga combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to promote physical and mental well-being. It can help improve flexibility, strength, and balance while reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Yoga can be particularly beneficial for those in recovery as it reduces the physical discomfort associated with withdrawal and fosters a sense of inner peace. Studies also show that yoga reduces substance use and substance-related cravings.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. It is believed to balance the body's energy flow and promote healing. In addiction treatment, acupuncture may help reduce withdrawal symptoms, anxiety, and cravings and improve overall mood.

Behavioral and neurochemical evidence shows that acupuncture helps reduce the effects of negative and positive reinforcement in opiate addiction by modulating mesolimbic dopamine neurons. Acupuncture also promotes a sense of calm and well-being, which is essential during withdrawal.


Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in addiction recovery. Balanced diets rich in essential nutrients can help repair the damage caused by substance abuse and support overall physical and mental health. Nutritional therapy can also help stabilize blood sugar levels, improve mood, and boost energy, reducing the risk of relapse.


Regular physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers. Engaging in exercise can alleviate stress, improve self-esteem, and enhance overall mental health. It also helps individuals rebuild their bodies after the toll of substance abuse and provides a positive outlet for energy and emotions. A review of 43 studies with over 3000 participants found that regular exercise was linked to reduced use in about 75% of the studies on the impact of exercise on substance use.

Art Therapy

Art therapy involves using creative processes such as painting, drawing, sculpture, or music to express and process emotions. It provides non-verbal communication and can be especially helpful for individuals with difficulty expressing their feelings verbally. Artistic activities can promote self-discovery, emotional healing, and stress reduction.

Benefits of Holistic Modalities in Addiction Treatment

Multiracial group celebrating progress in holistic treatment for substance abuse and rehabilitation during a therapy session

Comprehensive Healing

Whole-Person Approach


Long-Term Recovery

Reduces Reliance on Substances

Stress and Anxiety Reduction

Emotional Healing

Improved Physical Health

Enhanced Mindfulness and Self-Awareness

Increased Self-Esteem and Self-Compassion

Spiritual Growth and Meaning-Making

Community and Connection

Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

Integrative Approach

At More Than Rehab, we understand that addiction is a complex issue with deep-rooted causes. Our holistic approach allows us to delve into the underlying factors that contribute to addictive behaviors, helping individuals to heal from the inside out. We offer a range of evidence-based therapies alongside holistic treatment modalities. This integrated approach ensures that each person receives a personalized treatment plan that addresses their unique needs and circumstances for a successful sober life.


The Dual Diagnosis Dilemma in Addiction Recovery

It's not uncommon for people with addiction to experience mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), schizophrenia, or others. In fact, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, about 9 million people have dual diagnosis. Despite this, only 7% of these people get treatment for both conditions, and 60% receive no treatment.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis, also known as co-comorbidity or co-occurring disorders, refers to the simultaneous presence of a substance use disorder (SUD) and a mental health disorder in an individual. In other words, it's when someone simultaneously deals with addiction and a mental health condition.

This can involve various combinations of diseases, such as depression and alcoholism, anxiety and cocaine addiction, bipolar disorder and opioid dependence, and many others. It's essential to understand dual diagnosis because the presence of one condition can often complicate the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of the other.

Signs and Symptoms of Co-Occurring Disorders

Mental and substance use disorders often overlap, making it hard to know if you're dealing with a dual diagnosis. But there are some common signs to watch out for, including:

Why Addiction and Mental Illness Co-Occur

Young girl experiencing hallucinations due to addiction illustrating the co-occurrence of mental health issues and dual diagnosis

SUD and mental health disorders interact in complex ways; each condition can influence and worsen the symptoms of the other. But this does not mean that one necessarily leads to the other, even when one condition appears first. Here are some factors that contribute to the co-occurrence of addiction and mental illness:

Shared Risk Factors

Both addiction and mental health disorders can arise from shared risk factors, such as genetics, family history, childhood trauma, and environmental factors. Evidence shows that about 40-60% of someone's vulnerability can be attributed to genetics. So, a person with a genetic predisposition to depression might also have a genetic susceptibility to addiction. Besides, some drugs trigger symptoms of certain mental illnesses – like how marijuana increases the risk of psychosis.


Some individuals with mental health disorders may turn to drugs or alcohol as a form of self-medication. They might use substances to alleviate distressing symptoms or emotional pain temporarily. For example, someone struggling with social anxiety might use alcohol to feel more comfortable in social situations. They may also use substances to escape from their distressing symptoms.

Neurobiological Interplay

The brain's reward system and neurotransmitter pathways affect addiction and mental health. Changes in brain chemistry due to substance abuse can contribute to the development or exacerbation of mental health symptoms and vice versa.

Cycle of Reinforcement

Addiction and mental health disorders can create a cycle of reinforcement. For instance, someone with depression who finds relief in alcohol might continue using alcohol to manage their mood. However, over time, alcohol dependence can worsen depression, creating a harmful feedback loop.

Impaired Decision-Making

Both addiction and certain mental health disorders can impair decision-making abilities. This can lead to increased risk-taking behavior and difficulty seeking or adhering to treatment.

Challenges and Complexities in Treating Dual Diagnosis

African psychologist supports male in rehab highlighting the complexities of treating addiction and mental health through dual diagnosis

Treating dual diagnosis presents numerous challenges and complexities. The intertwined nature of these conditions can make diagnosis, treatment planning, and recovery more intricate.

Diagnostic Difficulties

One of the biggest treatment challenges is determining which condition came first – whether it's a substance use disorder or the mental health disorder. Substance abuse can sometimes mask or mimic symptoms of mental health disorders, making accurate diagnosis complicated.

Shared Symptoms

Many symptoms of substance abuse and mental health disorders overlap, such as changes in sleep patterns, appetite, energy levels, and mood. This can lead to misdiagnosis or underdiagnosis if clinicians are not well-trained in recognizing co-occurring conditions.

Bidirectional Influence

One condition can exacerbate the other in a bidirectional manner. For example, substance abuse can worsen the symptoms of a mental health disorder, and a mental health disorder can lead to increased substance use as a coping mechanism.

Treatment Resistance

Individuals with dual diagnosis might not respond well to traditional treatment methods due to the interaction between the two conditions. For instance, a mental health disorder might impede an individual's ability to engage fully in addiction treatment and vice versa.

Our Dual Diagnosis Treatment Plans

Dual-diagnosis treatments must be comprehensive, integrated, and tailored to the individual's needs. These plans should address both conditions simultaneously to promote lasting recovery. Here's an overview of the components that are typically included in dual-diagnosis treatment plans:

Comprehensive Assessment

A thorough assessment is conducted by mental health and addiction professionals to accurately diagnose both the mental health disorder and the substance use disorder. The evaluation considers the individual's medical history, substance use patterns, mental health symptoms, and any co-occurring medical conditions.

Integrated Treatment Team

Professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, addiction counselors, and medical doctors, collaborate to create a cohesive treatment plan that addresses mental health and substance use components. These may include:

These medical and therapeutic strategies can be done in an inpatient or outpatient rehab setting, depending on the extent of addiction and patient preference.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment at More Than Rehab

Addressing co-occurring disorders requires a comprehensive and integrated approach to treatment. At More Than Rehab, we understand the intricate relationship between substance use and mental health disorders. That's why we provide an integrated care plan that thoroughly addresses both aspects, providing individuals with the best possible chance for lasting recovery and improved well-being.


Exploring Art Therapy in Substance Abuse Recovery

Recovery comes with its fair share of challenges. Obstacles like difficult emotions, cravings, relationship issues, money problems, loneliness, boredom, mental health issues, relapse, etc., can take a toll on even the strongest person. That's why people in addiction recovery go through therapy, among other supportive measures, to help them overcome these challenges.

But not everyone in recovery can or wants to express their experiences and emotions verbally. Some prefer to use other means, like art. They want to paint, draw, sculpt, or dance to externalize and process their emotions, anxieties, and trauma. The creative process becomes a language that transcends words, allowing them to communicate and dive into their innermost thoughts and feelings. It allows them to:

What is Art Therapy?

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses the creative art-making process to promote healing, personal growth, and well-being. It combines psychological principles with artistic techniques to support individuals in exploring their emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Art therapy is facilitated by trained professional art therapists with expertise in art and psychology.

Art therapy can be used with traditional therapies like Dialectical Behavior therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), offering a more creative outlet for experiences and emotions. It can also be used in group therapy sessions to foster trust and bonding, as it offers a non-threatening way for members to share their feelings openly.

How Art Therapy Works

During art therapy sessions, you will be encouraged to engage in various creative outlets like collage making, painting, drawing and sketching, movement, or dance. But the focus won't be on creating artistic or aesthetically pleasing works. Instead, it will be on the creation process and the emerging emotional expression.

You do not need any skills to participate in art therapy. For example, you don't have to know painting to practice painting therapy. However, it's important to note that some approaches, like drama and dance, for instance, can be more overwhelming than journaling when you're new to therapy. But that shouldn't worry you, as your therapist will determine the most appropriate form of expression based on their understanding of your needs, tolerance level, sensitivity, and general readiness.

Creative Arts Therapy Vs. Expressive Arts Therapy

Both creative and expressive arts therapy are umbrella terms encompassing various therapeutic approaches that use the arts as a means of expression and healing. However, there are slight differences in their focus and scope:

Creative arts therapy is a broader term encompassing different therapy modalities, including art therapy, music therapy, dance/movement therapy, drama therapy, and poetry therapy. Each modality focuses on a specific art form and uses it as a therapeutic medium. Creative arts therapy recognizes and uses the unique qualities of each art form to support healing and personal growth.

In contrast, expressive art therapy is a more integrative approach that blends multiple art forms within a single therapeutic session or process. It encourages those in recovery to engage in various creative expressions, such as visual art, music, movement, drama, and writing, often in a spontaneous and fluid manner. Expressive arts therapy emphasizes the integration and interplay between different art forms to facilitate exploration, expression, active participation, and mind-body connection.

How Art Therapy Helps in Addiction Substance Abuse Recovery

a paint pallet with used brushes on a messy canvas

Art therapy can provide valuable support and healing benefits to individuals in addiction recovery. Here's how art therapy can help you in your recovery journey:

Emotional Expression and Release

Art therapy allows you to express and release intense emotions that are often difficult to put into words. You can visually represent your emotions, experiences, and struggles through the creative process. This provides a safe outlet for pent-up feelings and allows you to release and process them healthily and constructively.

Self-Exploration and Insight

Art therapy encourages you to explore your inner world and gain deeper insights into yourself. It lets you tap into your subconscious thoughts, emotions, and memories and uncover underlying issues and patterns that may have contributed to your addiction. Art therapy provides an opportunity for self-reflection, understanding, and personal growth.

Coping Skills Development

Art therapy helps you develop new coping skills and strategies for managing triggers and cravings. The creative process allows you to experiment with different approaches, problem-solving techniques, and alternative ways of expressing yourself. As you engage in art therapy, you can discover healthy outlets for stress, anxiety, and negative emotions, empowering you to navigate challenging situations in recovery.

Self-Esteem and Empowerment

Art therapy can boost your self-esteem and empower you in your recovery journey. As you create art and witness your progress, you gain a sense of achievement and confidence in your abilities. Artistic expression provides tangible evidence of your growth, reminding you of your strengths, resilience, and capacity for change.

Building a Positive Identity

Art therapy helps you explore and develop a positive and authentic identity beyond addiction. You can discover or reconnect with your interests, passions, and values and redefine yourself to focus on aspects of your life that bring joy, purpose, and fulfillment. Art therapy supports you in building a new and meaningful identity rooted in your strengths and aspirations.

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction

Engaging in art therapy promotes mindfulness and helps you stay present in the moment. As you immerse yourself in mindfulness practices, you become more attuned to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Art-making can serve as a meditative practice, reducing stress, anxiety, and cravings. It allows you to find moments of calm, focus, and inner peace amidst recovery challenges.

Connection and Support

Participating in art therapy groups or workshops offers you a sense of connection and support. Sharing your artwork and experiences with others who have gone through similar struggles creates a supportive community. Art therapy sessions provide a safe space for empathy, understanding, and validation, reducing feelings of isolation and fostering a sense of belonging.

Art therapy can help you navigate recovery. If you've been going through a rough patch, contact More Than Rehab today. We can help you explore the benefits of art therapy in your addiction recovery journey. Our dedicated team of professionals is experienced in utilizing art therapy as a powerful tool for self-expression, healing, and personal growth.


The Role of Family Therapy in Successful Addiction Recovery

Addiction does not just affect the person struggling with substance abuse but their loved ones as well. When a person abuses drugs or alcohol, their family and friends often experience a ripple effect of negative consequences. The communication breakdown, betrayal, neglected responsibilities, financial strain, and emotional & physical turmoil can strain relationships, erode trust, and create a significant rift between family and their loved ones. Family therapy is an important component of addiction treatment for these reasons.

Sadly, these effects can linger even in addiction recovery. Family members may continue to carry the emotional wounds and resentments caused by addiction. Trust may be fragile, and they may struggle with ongoing communication challenges and unresolved conflicts. They might not assume healthy roles and behavior to encourage and support recovery in this state. That's why family therapy is important. 

What is Family Therapy? 

Family therapy, also known as family counseling or systemic therapy, is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on improving the functioning and well-being of a family unit. It addresses the interpersonal dynamics, communication issues, and relationships among family members, with the aim of healing relationships, enhancing understanding, and promoting positive change. The therapy process involves all or most family members attending sessions together, although sometimes individual sessions may also be included.


Practices in Family Therapy

Family group therapy rebuilds rifts between loved ones. A therapist may use different therapy models, including:

Why is Family Therapy Important in Recovery?

Family therapy plays a significant role in recovery by providing support, education, and intervention for individuals and families facing various challenges.

Education and Awareness

Therapy can play a vital role in addressing misconceptions surrounding addiction. One common misconception is the belief that addiction is solely a moral failing or a result of weak willpower. Family members may harbor judgment or blame towards their loved one, perceiving their addiction or relapse as a character flaw rather than a disease.

Education and awareness about addiction as a disease help family members overcome stigma and judgment. They come to recognize that addiction is not a choice but a medical condition that requires treatment and support. This understanding promotes empathy, compassion, and patience within the family system.


Addresses Co-Occurring Issues

Co-occurring issues are mental disorders that often co-exist with substance use disorders. According to studies, 53% of drug and 37% of alcohol users also have at least one serious mental illness. And family plays a big role in mental health and addiction, so this type of therapy becomes crucial in addressing these co-occurring issues.

Utilizing this type of therapy can help family members understand the impact of family dynamics on mental health and addiction. This can, in turn, encourage families to create a nurturing and empowering environment for their loved ones to recover and thrive.

Encourages Family Involvement 

One of the key principles of family therapy is the encouragement of family involvement, which means involving all family unit members in the therapeutic strategies. This approach recognizes that issues within a family are often influenced by the dynamics and relationships among its members, and therefore, involving everyone is crucial for effective intervention and healing. These therapy sessions will encourage family involvement through family sessions, active participation, collaborative problem-solving, psychoeducation, and homework assignments. 

Improved treatment retention

Family group therapy helps create a supportive environment where family members actively engage in treatment. Their involvement and support can significantly enhance an individual's motivation to stay in addiction treatment and work toward recovery. Knowing that their family members are invested in their well-being and actively participating in therapy can give the individual a sense of purpose and support, increasing their commitment to the treatment program. Besides, family members can provide ongoing encouragement and reinforcement, positively impacting the individual's commitment to treatment and overall recovery.

Creates a Supportive Environment

Therapy with family present can also emphasize the importance of their support in the recovery process. It helps family members recognize their role in supporting their loved ones, providing them with tools and resources to create a nurturing and conducive environment for healing. This supportive atmosphere helps individuals feel understood, validated, and less alone in their recovery.

Improves Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills

Addiction or mental health issues can strain relationships, create misunderstandings, and lead to unhealthy communication patterns. Therapy provides a structured and supportive environment to address these challenges effectively.

During therapy sessions, family members learn valuable communication skills that foster understanding, empathy, and active listening. They also learn how to constructively express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. This allows them to express their support better, establish boundaries, and navigate sensitive topics related to their loved one's recovery. 


Safe Space for Family Members

This type of therapy provides a safe and supportive space where family members can express their emotions, concerns, and experiences related to addiction. It allows them to openly discuss the impact of addiction without fear of judgment or repercussions. Family members can share their struggles, frustrations, and fears and gain insight into their loved one's experiences and challenges. This safe space encourages open and honest communication, fostering understanding, empathy, and emotional healing within the family unit.

Preventing Relapse and Sustaining Recovery

Family support and involvement are crucial for preventing relapse and supporting sustained recovery. In family therapy, family members can learn about addiction, its triggers, and warning signs of relapse. They can also develop skills and strategies to support their loved one's recovery, such as creating a structured and supportive home environment, understanding relapse as part of the process, and encouraging healthy coping mechanisms. Family group therapy helps families become active in the recovery journey, increasing the chances of long-term success.

Family therapy is widely recognized as a valuable component of rehabilitation services and recovery. It acknowledges the impact that addiction has on the entire family system and emphasizes the importance of family support in the healing process. At More Than Rehab, we understand this importance and offer family group therapy as part of our services. 

Family group therapy provides a supportive and inclusive environment where family members can actively participate in the treatment and healing journey. By involving the family, More Than Rehab acknowledges the vital role that family support plays in promoting lasting recovery. If you are interested in learning more about our specific approach to family group therapy and the comprehensive services we provide, contact us today.


Examining Holistic Approaches to Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a complex and multifaceted disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It impacts the individual's physical health and mental, emotional, and social well-being. Traditional approaches to addiction recovery focus on treating the physical symptoms of addiction. But they often neglect the underlying psychological and emotional factors contributing to addiction. That's why many rehab centers now integrate holistic approaches to addiction recovery.

Holistic therapy recognizes that addiction is not just a physical disease but a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. It seeks to address the underlying causes of addiction by taking a comprehensive and integrated approach to treatment. This includes managing the individual's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and any underlying mental health issues or trauma.

This article will explore some of the most common holistic approaches to addiction recovery. We will also discuss the benefits of a holistic approach and how it can complement traditional addiction treatment methods.


Understanding Holistic Approach to Addiction Recovery 

Holistic therapy is an approach to treating addiction that addresses the whole person, including their physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual well-being. It focuses on one's overall well-being while treating symptoms of substance use disorders, including withdrawal symptoms and health conditions that develop while using drugs or alcohol. 

Holistic addiction therapy can involve various techniques and practices, including mindfulness meditation, yoga, acupuncture, massage therapy, nutritional counseling, and other alternative therapies. These techniques aim to help the individual in recovery to heal their body, mind, and spirit.

Traditional approaches to addiction treatment typically focus on detoxification and abstinence. But holistic therapy seeks to help individuals in recovery develop a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. This may involve learning coping skills to manage stress and emotional triggers, improving nutrition and exercise habits, and building a support system for friends and family members. 

Holistic therapy can work in conjunction with traditional approaches to addiction treatment, such as medication-assisted treatment, behavioral therapy, and 12-step programs. By combining traditional techniques with holistic therapies, individuals in recovery may achieve greater success in overcoming addiction.

Holistic Approaches to Addiction Recovery

Alternative therapies such as acupuncture, yoga, Tai Chi, and mindfulness meditation have recently gained popularity as complementary treatments for addiction recovery. These holistic approaches aim to address the whole person's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and support their long-term recovery from addiction. Here are some examples of holistic practices and their potential role in supporting long-term recovery from alcohol and drug addiction:

Massage and Acupuncture

These holistic therapies focus on using touch and pressure on specific points in the body to promote relaxation and alleviate physical and emotional tension. Massage can help reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into specific points of the body to stimulate the nervous system and release natural painkillers. Both these therapies have been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress, which are common triggers for relapse in addiction.

Nutritional Therapy


Nutritional therapy involves using specific diets, supplements, and lifestyle changes to support the body's natural healing processes. Many individuals struggling with addiction may have poor diets, nutritional deficiencies, or imbalances that can contribute to physical and emotional instability. Nutritional therapy can help address these imbalances, improve overall health, and support long-term recovery.

Exercise and Recreational Therapy

Exercise and recreational therapy involve physical fitness and activity, such as individual and team sports, tai chi, dance, or other forms of movement that can help improve mood, relieve stress, and promote physical health. Regular exercise effectively reduces cravings, improves sleep, and reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, which can contribute to relapse.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a type of meditation that involves focusing attention on the present moment without judgment. It can help individuals develop self-awareness, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve emotional regulation. Mindfulness meditation has been shown to effectively reduce substance use and cravings and improve your overall mental health.

These holistic therapies and others, like spiritual work, art, and animal-assisted therapy, can support long-term recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol. By addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, these therapies can help individuals develop the skills and resources needed to manage cravings, cope with stress, and maintain sobriety over time. 

Traditional Vs. Holistic Methods

Traditional medical treatment methods are essential components of addiction treatment. These methods provide a scientifically proven and evidence-based approach to addressing addiction and its associated physical and mental health conditions. On the other hand, holistic approaches provide additional complementary therapies that address individuals' emotional, spiritual, and mental health needs in recovery.

Combining traditional and holistic methods offers a more comprehensive and integrated approach to addiction treatment, addressing the whole person and promoting overall health and well-being. For example, medication-assisted treatment can help manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings, while acupuncture and meditation can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Other techniques paired with holistic methods include group therapy, MAT, one-on-one counseling, and support groups like AA and NA.

Therefore, the most effective approach to addiction treatment combines traditional medical treatment methods with holistic practices. 


Benefits of Holistic Therapy

After treatment, you'll need to learn how to replace your old, dangerous coping skills with new, healthier ones. The holistic approach sets the groundwork for new behaviors to help you stay sober. Here are some other benefits of holistic therapy: 

Holistic therapy offers many benefits for individuals seeking addiction treatment, such as treating the whole person, reducing stress, promoting self-healing, and improving the overall quality of life. When used with traditional medical treatment methods, holistic therapy can provide a more comprehensive and integrated approach to addiction recovery.

At More Than Rehab, we believe in the power of a holistic approach to addiction treatment. We offer a range of evidence-based traditional medical treatment methods and complementary, holistic therapies to provide a comprehensive and individualized treatment plan that addresses all aspects of your health and well-being. 


Does Counseling Work for Drug Addiction?

Millions of Americans struggle every day with an alcohol or drug addiction. Unfortunately, many of them never end up getting the help they so desperately need in order to get clean and sober. Battling a substance use disorder, or  addiction is extremely difficult, and many individuals require outside help in order to stop using drugs or alcohol. Professionals consider drug or alcohol addiction to be a disease of the brain. It is something that takes rigorous, and often constant, maintenance in order to manage and keep under control. Many times, it is difficult to see the warning signs. Much like how someone needs to take insulin every day for their diabetes. For drug or alcohol addiction, however, treatment comes often in the form of counseling combined with complete abstinence from the use of drugs or drinking alcohol. But, does counseling work for drug addiction?

Getting clean and sober is a huge achievement, but few will deny that the road to success is a difficult path to take and often requires help. There are many reasons why people begin using drugs or alcohol in the first place, but a large share of addicts have likely suffered many different forms of trauma in their life. This trauma and environmental factors can lead to people trying drugs or alcohol for the first time. Also, the abuse of drugs or alcohol can serve as a coping mechanism for the trauma experienced by the individual. Either way, there are many reasons why counseling and therapy are a much-needed service to treat the underlying contributors to the disease. Here are several reasons how counseling can help an individual to recover from alcohol abuse or drug addiction.

How Does Counseling Work For Drug Addiction Treatment?

Helps Develop Coping Strategies

Drugs or alcohol eventually become a coping mechanism after people begin abusing either of these substances. Struggling to cope with the hassles of their day-to-day life, an individual will often return to the drug of their choice. This builds tolerance and makes abuse more prevalent. When a person gets clean and sober, that urge to use drugs or alcohol doesn’t simply go away. The person feels an intense need to use in order to cope, sometimes even for the most common struggles in life. Counseling can teach the individual new and healthy coping strategies. This makes counseling very effective on their path to recovery. Drug and alcohol addiction counselors teach addicts how to deal with stress in a healthier way, which proves much more effective in the long term.

Creates A Strong Support System

Having a strong support system is extremely important to someone who is recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction. A lot of times, people in need of drug and alcohol treatment feel as though they have no one to talk to when times get tough--even if they are lucky enough to have a meaningful relationship left in their life. Having a drug and alcohol addiction counselor allows the individual to feel like there is someone in their life who cares about them, especially someone that isn’t going to judge them or overreact to something they might say.

Be Aware of Co-Occurring Disorders

There can be underlying reasons why someone turns to drugs or alcohol. Self-medication for dissociative disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, and other forms of mental health issues are extremely common. Drug abuse from illicit drugs can sometimes be a coping mechanism, which can prevent common forms of addiction treatment from working.

Gaining A New Perspective

Drug and alcohol addiction counseling is perfect for helping someone gain a new perspective on life. This shift in focus can be crucial to a person’s recovery from mental health disorders. Many addicts will often avoid admitting certain key facts – even to themselves. Something as simple as the fact that they are unable to stop using drugs on there is often avoided. Going to drug and alcohol counseling can help people identify behaviors that are self-destructive. Identifying behaviors that have led them to abusing drugs and alcohol in the first place ultimately teaches healthier and happier behaviors that won't be destructive in their future.

Building A Relapse Prevention Plan

Anyone who has ever gotten clean and sober after an addiction to drugs or alcohol knows that relapse is often part of the process. Many people who are new to recovery will end up using drugs or alcohol again. That’s just a fact. So, if you do relapse, just know that you are not alone. Understand that it is even more important during a relapse to reach out for help as there is always hope for recovery. If you have a drug and alcohol counselor, they will work with you in building a relapse prevention plan. This means helping to identify triggers, creating a plan to help you deal with them, and then providing the support necessary to help you get through those relapse triggers if needed.

Access to Additional Resources

Drug and alcohol addiction counselors are a great tool for helping someone to access additional resources. Aside from the emotional support, helping to learn new and effective coping strategies, and teaching how to manage triggers, a lot of people may not be aware of some of the additional resources available. Creating access to their local community services or even nationwide resources is part of the job descriptions for drug and alcohol addiction counselors. Not to mention, drug and alcohol addiction counselors often have access to resources that aren’t available to the general public.

Helping Repair Relationships

A major consequence for someone actively struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction is the major damage inflicted to many of their close, personal relationships. Sometimes even total loss of these relationships. When people fall prey to drug and alcohol addiction, they regularly alienate themselves from their loved ones and they often lie, steal, and cheat in order to continue abusing drugs or alcohol. These actions can cause a lot of damage to relationships in that person's life. Another benefit of working with a drug and alcohol addiction counselor is that they can offer advice on how to repair and maintain these relationships during recovery. And a counselor can offer advice and guidance on how to create new and healthy relationships as well!

These are just a few reasons why counseling for alcohol and drug addiction works. However, sometimes counseling alone is simply not enough. Thankfully, there are many different levels of treatment available in order to help manage drug and alcohol addiction. That is why it is important to reach out to an addiction specialist as soon as possible to get a proper assessment.

If you or a loved one are suffering from a substance use disorder, please reach out to our highly trained staff at More Than Rehab. We have a wide range of treatment levels and can provide the most specific and tailored treatment necessary, depending on the individual’s specific needs. The majority of our treatment programs offer drug and alcohol counseling so you can be sure to get the best treatment possible.


Relapse Prevention: The Basics Everyone in Recovery Should Know

For those in recovery, focusing on maintaining sobriety is an often difficult task. Most people who go through an alcohol or drug rehabilitation program will end up relapsing. Some will go through rehab over ten different times, before sobriety sticks. While it is important to acknowledge that relapse is a normal part of most people’s recovery, it is crucial to avoid relapsing with every ounce of your strength and willpower. If relapsing wasn’t a problem, drug rehab would be easy. While quality rehabilitation centers attempt to make recovery from addiction as easy as possible, it will be difficult. You will face many challenges. The temptation to relapse and start using again will be one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome in your recovery from addiction.

Everyone has their own unique relapse triggers. Avoiding these are essential in early addiction recovery.

Understanding your own unique, personal relapse triggers are important to avoid a potentially life-threatening relapse. We say life-threatening because many people die from a drug overdose the first time they relapse. Too often an addict in recovery will use the same amount of a drug they may be familiar with, thinking they can do as much as they used to before they quit using. This is dangerous because when your body had built-up a tolerance to the drug, you gradually begin using larger and larger doses. Once you’ve had a chance to go through detox and had weeks, months or even years of sobriety, your body’s tolerance is gone. This can easily result in an overdose death so it is important to avoid relapsing with all means necessary.


The easiest way to stop a potential relapse is to simply avoid relapse triggers. These are situations, experiences, places, even people who bring out your inner urges to use drugs or alcohol. Sometimes it’s a holiday or special day when maybe you lost someone close to you. Or it could be a club or place you used to hang out when you were using that makes you romanticize your past substance abuse. It could even be a family member or friend who you previously used with that makes you want to do it again. For others, it could be a trigger of solitude or loneliness that will give you the urge to get high or drunk again. This varies, wildly from person to person. It is important for you to identify your top relapse triggers while in recovery from addiction at a drug rehab.

Most effective addiction treatment programs will have a class or group therapy focused on relapse prevention. More Than Rehab, located just outside of Houston, Texas is no different. We see our relapse prevention group therapy session as one of the most important components of our addiction treatment program. This class helps you identify your personal relapse triggers and hear others’ that you might not have thought of as a trigger before. Simply acknowledging them and making a plan to avoid the triggers and what to do when you cannot avoid them is the key to maintaining your long-term sobriety. Heck, that’s the ultimate goal of a great drug rehabilitation program.

Focus on creating and achieving goals in sobriety.


The main goal of drug rehab is to quit using drugs, recover from your addiction and maintain your sobriety. Most people feel great after first stopping their use of drugs or alcohol, but this feeling fades and many people report a feeling of “emptiness” once they’ve been out of rehab for a little while. Loneliness, restlessness and depression can start to sink in because the addict doesn’t know what to do anymore. This is why it is important to set goals in recovery, beyond just staying sober. Making small, achievable goals is important because each success will be a cause for you to celebrate. Goals help you move closer and closer to your dreams and will help create the foundations for positive outcomes in recovery.

Setting realistic goals is of utmost importance here, because you certainly don’t want to fail. Failure to reach your goals can be a source of depression which could become a strong trigger for relapse. Setting smaller, achievable goals is a great way to begin. Once you accomplish them you can celebrate yourself and your recovery, finding a way to really create a new life for yourself, one small step at a time.


When is the Time For Drug Rehab?

Maybe you’ve just come to realize that things have gotten bad, but are things really bad enough to check yourself into rehab? It is important to be aware that you are not alone. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that an estimated 22.7 million Americans need treatment for a problem with drugs or alcohol. But how do you know when is the time for drug rehab for yourself, or even for a loved one? Having a substance abuse problem does not always mean the person is addicted to drugs.  Often times it will get to the point of addiction, before a person decides they want to stop.

It is important for you to know that a substance abuse disorder, or developing an addiction to drugs or alcohol does not mean that you are a bad person. Becoming dependent on alcohol or drugs is not a moral failing. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, (SAMHSA) “addiction is a health issue, not a moral issue”. Many people fear judgment they may receive because of the negative stigma that has been associated with drug and alcohol abuse. Please realize that there are millions of others just like you. You just need to know when it is the right time to ask someone for help. Addiction is a disease and much like any other disease, addiction is a treatable one.


Addiction or dependence on substances can be both mental and physical:

You don’t have to develop a dependence, or be addicted to drugs or alcohol to attend rehab. If your substance abuse is causing any negative impacts on your life, it is never too early to ask someone for help. Sometimes it’s easier to see the changes in your life from the outside. Confiding in your close friends or family members is an important indicator to take into consideration when making the decision to attend a rehabilitation facility. If your family and friends are concerned about you, then you probably should be too.

A lot of people who struggle with an addiction to drugs or alcohol will try to quit on their own, without the help of a structured substance abuse treatment program. In most all cases, it is very difficult to break free from substance abuse on your own, especially once a physical or mental dependence on the drug has developed. Getting help from a structured drug rehabilitation program is the most likely way for someone to achieve sobriety.


Denial can become a huge factor and coping mechanism for someone who is struggling with substance abuse. A lot of people who become addicted deny the facts surrounding them, in order to further justify using alcohol and drugs. You may have yourself convinced that you have things under control, or that you can stop at anytime. If your substance use becomes more important than other areas of your life, you likely have a problem. If you find yourself using more and more often or justifying the financial losses, turmoil in your personal relationships or if you’re facing legal troubles, it is likely a good time to consider checking yourself into a drug rehab facility.

Making the decision to seek professional help from a drug rehabilitation center:

It is usually not one earth-shattering, destructive event that may have pushed you to seek rehabilitation from drug or alcohol abuse. For most people who struggle with an addiction, it’s just the day-to-day routine of being constantly under the influence, struggling to find the money to get your next fix, all while trying to hide your problem from your friends and family.  Your routine of getting high becomes so exhausting that you finally begin to understand the fact that you need some professional help.

Many will feel trapped by their addiction.  They want to change, but don’t know how or they’re too afraid to ask for help. Perhaps they fear that they would become a burden to others, or they’re simply afraid to admit that things have gotten out of control. Most people do not want to admit their weaknesses to others. That is an essential part of our innate human nature. We constantly strive to appear strong, being able to take care of ourselves, even when, deep-down we know we can’t. It’s understandable and honestly, committing to go to a drug rehab is a huge decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Many people who are struggling with addiction fear the painful withdrawal symptoms.

If you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you stop using, this is a sign you’ve developed a dependence to alcohol or drugs. Perhaps you experience nausea, headaches, insomnia, paranoia or a multitude of other ills when you stop using. This is how addiction holds on to you with a tremendous amount of power and control. A lot of addicts who want to stop using, simply don’t because the withdrawal symptoms can be too painful. These symptoms will only get worse with continued use.

A full medical detox is the first step of the most effective alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs. This can be intimidating and even scary for someone who is a struggling addict. A variety of evidence based, medication assisted treatments are available to help people who struggle with certain types of substance abuse. These medications can assist by easing the withdrawal symptoms during the early stages of a patient’s recovery. Some withdrawal symptoms can turn deadly, especially for people who become addicted to opiates like heroin, prescription drugs like Oxycontin or other opioids. A professional, medical environment is strongly recommended for the initial detox phase.

The best time for drug rehab is right now.


Getting help with substance abuse is never easy for someone to admit, but the problems will only get worse over time. Addiction is a progressive disease, the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to finally quit. Addiction can lead you to some dark places in life. Countless people do things they would have never even imagined before they started using. A continued addiction can also bear deadly consequences. In 2017, more than 72,000 people died from a drug overdose in the United States. Your family members and loved ones would be devastated if you left this planet because of your addiction. Get help today, pick up the phone and call our treatment center. We are available 24/7, and we want to help you right away.
