Navigating the Winter Blues in Addiction Recovery

Around 14% of the adult population in the US experience the winter blues every year. According to experts at the National Institute of Mental Health, the condition is fairly common and is often marked by irritability, lethargy, overeating, feeling down and unsociable and sleep problems. A small percentage of people also experience a more severe medical disorder called seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during the winter months.

Winter blues can be tough on anyone, but they are particularly difficult for those in addiction recovery. The cold weather, coupled with shorter days and lack of sunlight can exacerbate feelings of isolation, depression, and cravings, as well as negative thoughts. Luckily, there are many strategies to help you stay strong and navigate this challenging season. We’ll discuss these in the article, but first, let’s explore the unique challenges that winter poses to individuals in recovery.

Unique Challenges of Winter for Individuals in Recovery

Scientists believe that shorter days and less sunlight can trigger chemical changes in the brain. This explains, in part, why people have winter blues or feel down when days get shorter in winter and fall and feel better in the spring when longer daylight hours return. In some cases, these changes in mood are serious and affect how one thinks, acts or feels.


With that said, here are some challenges that those in recovery face during winter:

Disrupted Circadian Rhythm

The shorter days and reduced sunlight of winter disrupt the body's natural sleep-wake cycle, known as the circadian rhythm. This throws off the production of hormones like melatonin and cortisol, which regulate sleep, mood, and energy levels. As a result, you may experience difficulty falling or staying asleep, mood disorders, and difficulty concentrating and staying motivated.

Increased Social Isolation

Winter weather often keeps people indoors and discourages outdoor activities, leading to increased social isolation. This can exacerbate feelings of depression and loneliness, which are common triggers for relapse. Limited access to support groups and activities also means difficulty connecting with others and may lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse.

Social Challenges

The holiday season, while festive, can be a double-edged sword for those in recovery. On the one hand, it provides opportunities for connection and joy, but on the other, the social aspect that involves drinking alcohol or using drugs can trigger cravings and relapse risks. The holidays can also bring stress due to increased social obligations, financial pressures, and expectations.

Family Dynamics and Holiday Pressures

For some, the holiday season may bring back memories of past family conflicts or unresolved issues. Such situations are emotionally challenging and can impact one’s mental state. Besides, there are the expectations and pressures surrounding family dynamics. The weight of maintaining certain traditions or meeting perceived standards may cause stress and anxiety, potentially becoming triggers for relapse.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

SAD is a more severe form of winter-related mood disturbance. It starts and ends at about the same time each year, with symptoms peaking in the fall and continuing all the way into the winter months. SAD saps energy, triggers seasonal depression and leaves one feeling moody and tired – all which can pose additional challenges in recovery.


Strategies for Coping With the Winter Blues

Light therapy can be a great solution for SAD. However, there are several other strategies you can consider for coping with winter challenge:

Regular Exercise

Exercise is the easiest way to deal with winter challenges. Many studies have linked it to improved mood, energy and, most importantly, SAD symptoms. And it doesn’t have to be intense or structured – just find something you enjoy doing, whether it's walking, jogging or even winter sports like ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding. 

Connect With Your Support Group

Regular meetings or calls with your recovery group can help you weather the storm. Group members understand what you're going through and can encourage and support you through it. It’s also great to surround yourself with loved ones who understand your journey and offer encouragement.  

Seek Out Sunlight

Maximize your exposure to natural light, even if it's just for a short period. Open curtains, spend time outdoors when possible, or use a light therapy box to help regulate your circadian rhythm and improve mood.


Engage in Enjoyable Activities

Make time for hobbies and activities you find relaxing and fulfilling. Listening to music, reading, spending time in nature, or pursuing creative endeavors can boost your mood and overall well-being.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness exercises help you stay present in the moment and avoid dwelling on negative thoughts or worries. Focusing on your breath, bodily sensations, or surrounding environment can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Additional Tips

Reach Out to Your Therapist

Consider seeking professional guidance from your therapist. They can provide personalized support, teach coping mechanisms, and adjust your addiction treatment plan as needed to address winter-specific challenges.

If you’re still having a hard time staying off substances or are dealing with mental health issues like bipolar disorder, stress, anxiety, etc., experts at More Than Rehab can help. We know how tough a dual diagnosis can be, so we are ready to provide integrated treatment to address the substance use disorder and the underlying behavioral health conditions together at the same time.

With the right support, winter blues can become a fleeting chill, a mere blip in your journey towards lasting recovery. Embrace the light within you, and know that spring is just around the corner, ready to bathe you in its warmth once again. Together, we can navigate the winter blues and step into a brighter future.


Why High Lumen Lights Help Fight Relapse During Winter

Being in recovery from a substance abuse disorder can often be hard enough, especially in the first year of sobriety. Unfortunately, relapse rates for those who are new to recovery can sometimes be as high as 85%. Recent statistics taken from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) indicate 19.7 million people suffered from a substance abuse disorder of some kind in our country. Further research shows that just in 2019, 9.2 million people aged 18-25 were diagnosed with at least one other co-occurring mental health disorder alongside having a substance abuse disorder. Additionally, at least 50 percent of people with mental health disorders will also suffer from an addiction as well. With the winter season in full swing, we thought we would talk about the use of high lumen lights during the winter to help reduce the likelihood of a relapse.

Co-occurring mental health disorders and dual diagnosis

There has long been a strong link between mental health and rates of addiction. Suffering from a co-occurring mental health disorder or dual diagnosis, while also trying to lead a new, healthy life of sobriety can sometimes present its own set of challenges. With each seasonal change, different weather patterns affect our bodies and mind. The most difficult seasonal change seems to occur during the winter months where long, cold days affect over half of America. The colder temperatures and less exposure to sunlight have a massive, direct impact on the serotonin and melatonin production in our brains and our bodies.

Melatonin and Serotonin are both neurotransmitters that play a role in many aspects of our lives. For example, melatonin helps you get to sleep while serotonin helps you get up and feel awake the next day. Sometimes referred to as the “winter blues”, some common symptoms people may experience during cold, winter days are:

While many people will experience some symptoms during cold weather, for others, the seasonal changes affect them more dramatically.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and addiction

It is estimated that roughly 10% of the population in our country will suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, while at least 20% of people who suffer from SAD also have a substance abuse disorder. SAD is a form of major depression that affects people during seasonal changes, affecting some people nearly half the year, but most commonly it occurs during the winter months. Many people who struggle with this often do not seek treatment, attempting to self-medicate instead. Some common signs that someone may be struggling with SAD, or major depression with seasonal pattern, include:

These are just a few of the symptoms someone may experience with major depression or SAD. Oftentimes, the symptoms associated with the winter blues or SAD are overlooked because people do not understand what the person is going through. Seasonal depression and other mental health issues need to be taken seriously as they can severely impact the state of someone's sobriety and recovery from an addiction.


As you can see, there are many reasons why someone may relapse during the winter months. Fortunately, there are many ways to relieve the symptoms associated with the biochemical changes that occur to our brains and bodies during the changing of seasons. Even with the joys of the holiday season, this most commonly occurs due to less sunlight, colder temperatures, and shorter days.

Therapeutic benefits of high lumen lights

One of the best ways to help combat these symptoms is by using high lumen light therapy, and seeking treatment from a medical health professional if needed of course!

Lumens are a measure of how bright a light is, so it would make sense that lamps with high lumen are some of the best for light therapy for treating symptoms associated with the winter blues or SAD, helping to fight relapse among those in recovery. High lumen lights used for the treatment of SAD are specialized lights that are very bright and they essentially mimic the effects of the sun. This makes high lumen light therapy a great natural option that helps restore the biochemical balance of our brain and bodies which in turn helps to alleviate the symptoms associated with not getting enough sunlight. In a way, it helps to trick our bodies into thinking the days are longer again.

Before trying high lumen lights as a form of therapy, patients are recommended to get a checkup from your eye doctor before trying treatment. One of the best things about light therapy is that it can practically be done from anywhere, as long as you have enough time set aside to reap the full benefits. Here are some tips to get the most out of light therapy:


These are just a few tips that can help increase the impact of light therapy. Keep in mind it may take around 30 days to notice any effects from using the lightbox. If you are experiencing severe symptoms of SAD then please reach out to a medical health professional right away. The staff and family at More Than Rehab are more than happy to help those who are struggling with a co-occurring disorder and feel as though they are at risk of relapse because of the symptoms of SAD or the winter time blues. Please give us a call today.
