Innovative Approaches: Using Ultrasound Technology for Addiction Recovery

In recent years, the health industry has embraced ultrasound technology. It's typically used for medical imaging to examine the inside of specific body parts. However, most health facilities are also using it to treat various psychiatric conditions like drug addiction. 

This innovative use of high-frequency sound waves sheds new light on how we approach mental health and addiction recovery. From treating Alzheimer's disease to supporting those battling a substance use disorder, ultrasound technology is opening doors to new possibilities. Let's dive into the science behind this approach, its benefits, and the latest research highlighting its potential.

Before we discuss these therapeutic applications in depth, let's first understand what ultrasound technology is.

What Is Ultrasound Technology?

Traditionally, ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that creates images of the inside of the body using high-frequency sound waves. It's commonly used to monitor pregnancies, examine internal organs, and evaluate blood flow through blood vessels.

An ultrasound transducer sends sound waves into the body, bouncing back to create an image of soft tissue structures. Unlike CT scans and X-rays, ultrasound is minimally invasive and does not involve radiation, making it a safer option for most people.


How Ultrasound Works

So, how does ultrasound work in treating addiction and other mental health conditions? It works almost the same way as its imaging counterpart but with slight differences. 

Therapeutic ultrasound uses focused sound waves to stimulate specific areas of the brain. This stimulation can bring about temporary changes in the brain without harm and has been found to boost neuroplasticity, which is basically the brain's ability to rewire itself. This development is important because it can help researchers discover new treatments for different disorders.

Potential Benefits of Ultrasound Therapy to Patients

The potential benefits of using ultrasound technology in addiction include:

The Effectiveness of Ultrasound in Improving Mental Health

One of the coolest things about this technology is how it can treat psychiatric ailments. Research has shown that ultrasound can help regulate the neural circuits in our brains that get all messed up when we're dealing with things like depression and anxiety. 

By specifically targeting these circuits, ultrasound therapy can help restore our brains to normal and give hope to patients who haven't had much luck with traditional treatments. 


Ultrasound and Alzheimer's Disease

Regarding Alzheimer's disease, researchers are exploring the use of ultrasound technology to boost the delivery of medication straight to the brain. You see, the blood-brain barrier can be a real pain when it comes to treating neurological disorders because it blocks drugs from getting through to the brain. 

But ultrasound can temporarily open up this barrier, allowing drugs to pass through. And guess what? Some early studies have shown really promising results! Patients have experienced improved cognitive function after receiving this treatment. So, it looks like ultrasound might be a game-changer in the fight against Alzheimer's.

Breakthrough Research in Addiction Recovery

Now, let's turn our attention to substance use disorder and addiction recovery. Addiction is a complex condition that affects the brain's reward system, making it extremely challenging to treat. Traditional methods like therapy and medication have varying success rates, and relapse is common. This is where ultrasound technology comes in as a new treatment option.

Clinical Trials and Case Studies

Recent breakthrough research has demonstrated the potential of ultrasound in addiction treatment. In one clinical trial, participants with a history of narcotic addiction underwent ultrasound therapy targeting specific brain regions associated with craving and withdrawal symptoms. The results were promising, showing a significant reduction in cravings and improved overall mental health.

Case studies further illustrate the effectiveness of this approach. One patient, who had struggled with addiction for over a decade, reported feeling less anxious and more in control after just a few sessions of ultrasound therapy. Their family members noticed a marked improvement in their behavior and mood, underscoring the treatment's potential to bring about positive change.

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Recent Advances and Future Directions

As with any new treatment, continued research and clinical trials are crucial. The landscape of ultrasound technology in addiction recovery is rapidly evolving, with ongoing studies aimed at refining and optimizing this approach.

Hope in an Times of Addiction

In an era riddled with high addiction and mental health issues, the development of effective, non-invasive treatments is more important than ever. Ultrasound technology offers hope in era of tragedy, promising to transform how we approach these challenges.

Bridging the Gap

Organizations and healthcare providers are beginning to integrate ultrasound therapy into comprehensive treatment plans. Combining this innovative approach with traditional therapies allows patients to receive holistic care addressing the physical and psychological aspects of addiction.

Ultrasound and the Future

The journey of overcoming addiction is undoubtedly arduous, but advancements in ultrasound technology provide a glimmer of hope for those in need. As research progresses, it's exciting to imagine a future where ultrasound therapy becomes a standard part of addiction treatment protocols, potentially offering relief and recovery to millions.

Empowering Patients and Families

For those struggling with addiction and their families, the promise of new, effective treatments brings immense relief. Staying informed and hopeful is crucial, knowing that cutting-edge technology paves the way for better, more effective care.

The innovative use of ultrasound technology in addiction recovery is a testament to the power of scientific advancement. By harnessing the potential of high-frequency sound waves, we are not only improving mental health but also offering new avenues for those battling substance use disorders. As more research unfolds, ultrasound therapy is poised to become a mainstream treatment, transforming lives and providing a brighter future for many.


The Connection of Substance Abuse & Mental Health

Substance abuse and mental health issues often co-occur. According to reports, about 50% of people with severe mental problems also grapple with substance use disorders (SUD), and vice versa.  When SUD and mental illness coexist, it's often referred to as a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorder. 

Substance abuse and mental health issues are both complex challenges that affect millions of people in the United States. SUD involves a compulsive pattern of drug or alcohol use despite negative consequences.

Mental health issues encompass a range of conditions like anxiety, schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, etc. Each of these conditions can be hard to deal with on its own. However, when they co-occur, it creates a particularly challenging situation for those affected.

Understanding the Link between SUD and Mental Health: 

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People with mental illness are at risk for SUD and vice versa than those who don’t have these conditions. While one condition doesn’t necessarily directly lead to the other, studies have established a strong correlation between the two. The 2022 NSDUH report found that about 21.5 million adults in the US have co-occurring disorders. This happens due to a range of reasons, including: 

Trying to Self-Medicate the Symptoms of Mental Health Issues

Sometimes, when people are experiencing mental health issues like depression, anxiety, or PTSD, they might turn to alcohol or drugs as a way to cope with their emotions. It's like trying to ease the pain they're feeling. So, if they’re down because of depression, they might drink alcohol to try to feel better temporarily.

However, while it might seem like it helps at the moment, it tends to make things worse in the long run because substances mess with the brain and make mental health problems even harder to manage.  A study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that people with anxiety disorders are about twice as likely to have SUD compared to the general population.

Substances Can Increase the Underlying Risk for Mental Disorders

Alcohol and drugs have been shown to interfere with the way brain cells work. They alter the way neurons process and transmit information. So when someone uses alcohol or illegal drugs excessively over time, their behavior, thought process, perceptions, and feelings change. As a result, they may become more vulnerable to mental disorders

Substances Can Worsen the Symptoms of Mental Health Issues

Even if someone already has a mental health problem, using alcohol or drugs can make their symptoms even worse. For example, if someone is struggling with anxiety and starts using drugs, it can make them feel even more anxious and paranoid. Likewise, if someone is dealing with depression and they drink alcohol, it can make them feel even more down and hopeless. So, instead of helping with the mental health problem, alcohol and drug abuse can make things much harder to handle.


Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Dual diagnosis treatment is all about recognizing that when a person is struggling with both a substance use disorder (SUD) and a mental health issue, you can't just focus on treating one while ignoring the other. That’s because each condition can exacerbate the other, leading to a vicious cycle of symptoms and challenges.

Treatments for dual diagnosis typically lead to the best outcomes because they address both substance use disorders and mental health conditions concurrently. Usually, the healthcare provider works closely with the patient to understand how the SUD or mental disorder affects the other. They will then determine the proper treatment. Treatment usually involves:

How to Help a Loved One Struggling with Dual Diagnosis

There’s still so much stigma around addiction and mental health issues. People assume that these disorders are a sign of personal weakness or moral failing, which is never the case. Both these conditions rewire the brain and make it hard for people in recovery (or active addiction) to function or manage their lives as they normally would. 

If your friend or loved one is struggling with a dual diagnosis of addiction and mental health issues, supporting them requires understanding, patience, and active engagement. Here are several ways you can help:

  1. Learn about the nature of addiction and mental health disorders. This will help you understand the nature of these conditions and how they affect the brain. You will also be able to recognize symptoms and understand the challenges your loved one faces.
  2. Approach your loved one with compassion and empathy. Let them know you are there for them without judgment. 
  3. Help your loved one find and access effective treatment programs specializing in dual diagnosis. These programs are better equipped to handle the complexities of treating both mental health issues and substance abuse and often include a range of therapies that can be tailored to individual needs.
  4. If appropriate, join your loved one in therapy sessions and participate in family programs offered by treatment centers. Understanding the recovery process and what your loved one is learning can help you provide better support and create a home environment conducive to recovery.
  5. Social media can be a powerful tool to connect with support groups and resources for people in recovery and their families. However, be mindful of the privacy and sensitivity surrounding your loved one’s condition. Use these platforms to promote positive support and to educate others, helping to reduce stigma.
  6. Help them keep track of medications and appointments
  7. Understand that relapse is part of the process. Just like heart disease or diabetes, addiction is a chronic illness, and up to 60% of people relapse within a year of leaving treatment. Educate yourself about preventing relapse and recognize the early signs. This way, you are better prepared to support your loved one through these challenges.
  8. Help create a stable, stress-free environment that reduces triggers for substance use and mental health symptoms. 

How to Ask for Help from Your Loved Ones

Like most people in recovery, you might feel as though asking for help is a sign of weakness. But that’s not true. Asking for help is a sign of strength. Besides, support from your friends and family members can go a long way in helping you manage and overcome the challenges associated with recovery from a dual diagnosis.

With that said, here’s how you can ask for help: 

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable setting to talk without interruptions. Ensure you and the person you are talking to are not rushed or distracted.
  2. Start the conversation with honesty and openness. Express your feelings, struggles, and the specific areas where you need support. For example, you might say something like, “I’m finding it really challenging to manage my recovery on my own, and I could really use your support.
  3. Sometimes, friends and family want to help but don’t know how. Provide them with information about your condition, what you’re experiencing, and what kind of support would be most helpful.
  4. Be clear about the type of support you need. Whether it’s accompanying you to appointments, helping with medication schedules, or listening when you need to talk.
  5. Give them a chance to respond and share their feelings. They may have their concerns or suggestions that could be helpful. Communication should be a two-way street.
  6. Acknowledge their willingness to help and express gratitude for their support.
  7. After your initial conversation, keep the lines of communication open. Update them on your progress and continue to express your needs as they evolve.

As we observe Mental Health Awareness Month this May, let’s commit to action, understanding, and empathy. Addiction and mental health issues are complex issues that affect millions of people worldwide. But with the right support, recovery is possible.


Overcoming Cocaine Addiction: Effective Treatment Strategies

Cocaine addiction is a chronic and relapsing condition that can affect anyone. Today, millions of Americans have a cocaine use disorder, and millions of others have lost their lives due to cocaine-related complications. If you or a loved one is struggling with cocaine addiction, you should know that treatment is available and recovery is possible. Cocaine addiction treatment can help return you to productive functioning in your home, workplace and community.

What Does Cocaine Addiction Look Like?

Cocaine has a reputation for being extremely addictive. In fact, in cases of crack cocaine, users can become addicted after first use. Cocaine use produces intense yet short-lived effects, which can lead you to take more to re-experience the high.


Repeated use causes the mind and body to become so used to the drug that you build tolerance to it. At this point, subsequent episodes of drug use will produce decreased levels of pleasure. So, you'll need to take more cocaine often to achieve the desired effects. You may also:

Side Effects of Cocaine Use

While cocaine use produces pleasure, feelings of intense wellbeing and even heightened sexual arousal, increasing the doses raises the risk of experiencing adverse effects. Some common side effects of cocaine include:

If you notice any of these signs of cocaine addiction in yourself or someone you care about, it is best to seek help. Cocaine addiction is a severe medical condition that needs professional intervention and support.

Quitting cold turkey is not a good idea. You may experience extreme anxiety, depression, seizures, feelings of hopelessness or even suicidal thoughts during withdrawal. There's also the issue with cravings that make you prone to relapse.

That's why it is always a good idea to seek professional help for detox. Professional addiction treatment can make all the difference in reducing these risks.

Effective Treatment Strategies


Treatment for cocaine addiction can be effective, and many individuals achieve successful recovery with the proper support and interventions. It's essential to recognize that addiction is a complex and chronic condition, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treatment. However, the following evidence-based treatments and comprehensive strategies are successful in helping individuals overcome cocaine addiction.

Supervised Detox

This is the initial phase of treatment that focuses on safely managing the withdrawal symptoms associated with discontinuing cocaine use. The goal of supervised detox is to help individuals transition through the acute withdrawal phase safely and prepare for the next stages of addiction treatment.

During detox, trained medical professionals closely monitor the patient's physical and mental health. They may give medications to ease withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings. They will also offer emotional support to help one cope with anxiety, depression, and other emotional aspects of withdrawal.

Behavioral Therapies

Behavioral therapies help address the psychological aspects of addiction. They empower patients to understand the root causes of their addiction, develop coping mechanisms, and build a foundation for long-term recovery. Examples of behavioral health therapies include:


Counseling is an integral component of cocaine addiction treatment. It provides a supportive and therapeutic space for one to explore their behaviors, emotions and thoughts related to substance use. There are different counseling settings:

Support Systems

The support system is instrumental for sustained recovery. It can come from family, friends, or even peers. A robust support system helps individuals navigate the challenges of recovery, encourages them during difficult times, and reinforces the commitment to a drug-free life.


Treatment for Comorbid Cocaine Use and Mental Health Conditions

Dual diagnosis treatment helps address co-occuring cocaine use and mental health disorders simultaneously. Many individuals with cocaine addiction may experience underlying mental health issues that contribute to or result from their substance abuse. So, treating one condition without addressing the other may lead to incomplete recovery or an increased risk of relapse.

Holistic Approach

Some treatment centers like More Than Rehab also use holistic approaches to treat cocaine use disorders. These approaches involve a combination of medical interventions, behavioral therapies, support groups, stress management techniques, nutritional counseling, exercise, and other complementary therapies to address the individual's physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment at More Than Rehab

At More Than Rehab, our goal is not just to help individuals overcome cocaine addiction but to empower them with the tools and support needed for sustained recovery and an improved quality of life. If you or someone you know is seeking help for cocaine addiction, we are here to provide compassionate and comprehensive care.


Navigating the Winter Blues in Addiction Recovery

Around 14% of the adult population in the US experience the winter blues every year. According to experts at the National Institute of Mental Health, the condition is fairly common and is often marked by irritability, lethargy, overeating, feeling down and unsociable and sleep problems. A small percentage of people also experience a more severe medical disorder called seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during the winter months.

Winter blues can be tough on anyone, but they are particularly difficult for those in addiction recovery. The cold weather, coupled with shorter days and lack of sunlight can exacerbate feelings of isolation, depression, and cravings, as well as negative thoughts. Luckily, there are many strategies to help you stay strong and navigate this challenging season. We’ll discuss these in the article, but first, let’s explore the unique challenges that winter poses to individuals in recovery.

Unique Challenges of Winter for Individuals in Recovery

Scientists believe that shorter days and less sunlight can trigger chemical changes in the brain. This explains, in part, why people have winter blues or feel down when days get shorter in winter and fall and feel better in the spring when longer daylight hours return. In some cases, these changes in mood are serious and affect how one thinks, acts or feels.


With that said, here are some challenges that those in recovery face during winter:

Disrupted Circadian Rhythm

The shorter days and reduced sunlight of winter disrupt the body's natural sleep-wake cycle, known as the circadian rhythm. This throws off the production of hormones like melatonin and cortisol, which regulate sleep, mood, and energy levels. As a result, you may experience difficulty falling or staying asleep, mood disorders, and difficulty concentrating and staying motivated.

Increased Social Isolation

Winter weather often keeps people indoors and discourages outdoor activities, leading to increased social isolation. This can exacerbate feelings of depression and loneliness, which are common triggers for relapse. Limited access to support groups and activities also means difficulty connecting with others and may lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse.

Social Challenges

The holiday season, while festive, can be a double-edged sword for those in recovery. On the one hand, it provides opportunities for connection and joy, but on the other, the social aspect that involves drinking alcohol or using drugs can trigger cravings and relapse risks. The holidays can also bring stress due to increased social obligations, financial pressures, and expectations.

Family Dynamics and Holiday Pressures

For some, the holiday season may bring back memories of past family conflicts or unresolved issues. Such situations are emotionally challenging and can impact one’s mental state. Besides, there are the expectations and pressures surrounding family dynamics. The weight of maintaining certain traditions or meeting perceived standards may cause stress and anxiety, potentially becoming triggers for relapse.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

SAD is a more severe form of winter-related mood disturbance. It starts and ends at about the same time each year, with symptoms peaking in the fall and continuing all the way into the winter months. SAD saps energy, triggers seasonal depression and leaves one feeling moody and tired – all which can pose additional challenges in recovery.


Strategies for Coping With the Winter Blues

Light therapy can be a great solution for SAD. However, there are several other strategies you can consider for coping with winter challenge:

Regular Exercise

Exercise is the easiest way to deal with winter challenges. Many studies have linked it to improved mood, energy and, most importantly, SAD symptoms. And it doesn’t have to be intense or structured – just find something you enjoy doing, whether it's walking, jogging or even winter sports like ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding. 

Connect With Your Support Group

Regular meetings or calls with your recovery group can help you weather the storm. Group members understand what you're going through and can encourage and support you through it. It’s also great to surround yourself with loved ones who understand your journey and offer encouragement.  

Seek Out Sunlight

Maximize your exposure to natural light, even if it's just for a short period. Open curtains, spend time outdoors when possible, or use a light therapy box to help regulate your circadian rhythm and improve mood.


Engage in Enjoyable Activities

Make time for hobbies and activities you find relaxing and fulfilling. Listening to music, reading, spending time in nature, or pursuing creative endeavors can boost your mood and overall well-being.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness exercises help you stay present in the moment and avoid dwelling on negative thoughts or worries. Focusing on your breath, bodily sensations, or surrounding environment can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Additional Tips

Reach Out to Your Therapist

Consider seeking professional guidance from your therapist. They can provide personalized support, teach coping mechanisms, and adjust your addiction treatment plan as needed to address winter-specific challenges.

If you’re still having a hard time staying off substances or are dealing with mental health issues like bipolar disorder, stress, anxiety, etc., experts at More Than Rehab can help. We know how tough a dual diagnosis can be, so we are ready to provide integrated treatment to address the substance use disorder and the underlying behavioral health conditions together at the same time.

With the right support, winter blues can become a fleeting chill, a mere blip in your journey towards lasting recovery. Embrace the light within you, and know that spring is just around the corner, ready to bathe you in its warmth once again. Together, we can navigate the winter blues and step into a brighter future.


How Naltrexone Implants Work for Alcohol & Opioid Addiction

Opioid and alcohol use disorders are a growing concern in the United States, especially with the rise in overdose deaths. In 2021 alone, 107,622 drug-involved overdose deaths were reported in the country, and opioids accounted for 80,816. In the same year, there were over 52,000 alcohol-induced deaths in the US. 

The increase in substance abuse and overdose cases indicates the need for addiction maintenance treatments. While traditional treatments for opioid and alcohol use disorder do a great job of helping people get off of drugs, they do little to prevent overdose cases. Once a recovering addict leaves the treatment facility, they may face triggers that can result in relapse and overdose. 

That's why many medical institutes worldwide are still trying to find innovative ways to enhance the convenience and chances of long-term sobriety. Naltrexone implants are one such innovative treatment option. These implants provide long-term maintenance from alcohol and opioids by reducing the risk of cravings and relapse.

What are Naltrexone Implants? 

Naltrexone implants are small pellets that contain the medication naltrexone. Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist medication that blocks the effects of opioids and alcohol on the brain, thus helping manage cravings. 


The principle behind this medication-assisted treatment is that if someone can't feel the desired effect of drugs, they won't be motivated to use them. Over time, the positive association with opioids or alcohol will fade, and temptations won't be present.

When the implant is inserted under the skin, it slowly releases Naltrexone into the body over several weeks to months. This extended release can help reduce cravings for opioids or alcohol and prevent relapse. In some cases, it can also help curb opioid overdose cases.

Naltrexone implants have shown promising results in treating alcohol and opioid addiction, mainly when used in conjunction with other forms of evidence-based treatment, like medication, counseling, and support groups. This holistic approach addresses substance use disorders and the mental health aspect. 

How Naltrexone Implants Work for Alcohol and Opioid Addiction

Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist medication that works by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain. The implants provide a constant level of medication in the body, which can help to keep the opioid receptors blocked and reduce the risk of relapse.

Naltrexone implants have several advantages as they:

Weakness of Naltrexone Treatment

Despite the advantages of Naltrexone, there are some downsides as well. These include:


How Are Naltrexone Implants Administered?

Naltrexone implants are small, sterile pellets implanted under the skin in a minor surgical procedure. The procedure is usually done in an outpatient setting, meaning you won't need to stay overnight in a hospital.

First, a healthcare professional will clean and numb the area where the implant will be inserted. This is done with a local anesthetic, so you'll be awake during the procedure but won't feel any pain.

Next, the healthcare professional will make a small incision in your lower abdomen skin. They'll then insert the naltrexone implant into the pocket they've created under the skin and close the incision using stitches or adhesive strips. They will also apply a sterile dressing to the area to protect it as it heals. 

The procedure usually takes about 20 minutes or less you can go home the same day. 

Side Effects of Naltrexone Implants

Naltrexone is generally safe. But like any medication, it can cause side effects. Here are some of the potential side effects of naltrexone implant:

  1. Pain, swelling, or redness at the implant site
  2. Infection at the implant site
  3. Bleeding or bruising at the implant site
  4. Itching or rash at the implant site
  5. Nausea or vomiting, headache or dizziness
  6. Diarrhea
  7. Anxiety or nervousness
  8. Fatigue or weakness
  9. Liver problems
  10. Allergic reactions

It's important to note that these side effects are usually mild and temporary, and most people tolerate the medication well. However, if you experience severe or persistent side effects, you should contact your healthcare provider immediately. 

If you have any medical conditions or take other medications, inform your healthcare provider before starting a naltrexone implant to ensure it's safe and effective for you.


Starting Naltrexone Treatment

Before starting Naltrexone, you must undergo an assessment to ensure you're suited for treatment. A good candidate for Naltrexone treatment would typically meet the following criteria:

Naltrexone implants are a cutting-edge treatment for addiction to opioids, heroin, and alcohol. But the FDA has not approved the implantable version of Naltrexone for use in America. The treatment is only available in Europe and Australia. Still, many centers offer other forms of Naltrexone, which also offer long-term maintenance.

For more details about Naltrexone, reach out to More Than Rehab today.


Does Alcohol & Drug Use Make COVID Symptoms Worse?

Drug addiction is a serious medical condition that can profoundly impact every aspect of an individual's life. It can damage relationships, cause financial problems, and lead to various health care problems. Left untreated, addiction can be deadly. Amid the unprecedented global pandemic, drug addiction presents an even greater danger to public health as it can make COVID symptoms much worse than they already are.

People who use drugs are more likely to contract the virus and experience severe symptoms if they become infected. Additionally, those who are addicted to drugs are more likely to engage in risky behaviors that can spread the virus to others. For example, they may share injection needles or fail to observe the safety measures like wearing masks, washing hands, avoiding crowded areas, or coughing to the elbow, thereby increasing the risk of transmission.


The Relationship between Addiction and Severe COVID-19 Symptoms

Recent studies suggest that alcohol and drug abuse may make COVID symptoms worse. This is a significant discovery, as it could mean that people already struggling with addiction may be at an increased risk of developing more severe symptoms if they contract the virus.

One cross-sectional study compared the hospitalization rate for COVID in 2020 in those diagnosed with substance use disorders vs. those without these disorders. The findings were that those with alcohol or drug use disorders had a greater chance of being hospitalized for COVID-19 infection than the general population. This suggests that they suffer worse conditions or physical symptoms than the non-using population. The study also noticed higher mortality rates among hospitalized SUD patients than in the general population.

The Centers for Disease Control also notes that people with underlying conditions like substance use disorders, chronic heart, liver or lung disease, etc., are likely to get severely ill from COVID-19. Severe illness from COVID-19 can also increase the sense of hopelessness that makes it so difficult for suicide prevention strategies. 

These studies underscore the importance of seeking addiction treatment. If you are worried about how COVID might impact your addiction, please consult your doctor or therapist for guidance.

Why Do Drugs Make COVID Symptoms Worse?

Drugs make COVID-19 worse by weakening your immune system, making you more likely to get other infections, interfering with treatment, and increasing risk factors where you are more likely to spread the disease to others.

·      Weakened immune system: Some drugs, such as steroids, can weaken your immune system, making it harder for your body to fight the virus. 

·      Making you more likely to get other infections: Drugs that suppress your immune system can also make you more likely to get infections and autoimmune diseases like HIV/AIDS. These infections can be serious and even life-threatening. 

·      Interfering with treatment: Some drugs can interfere with how your body responds to treatment for COVID-19. This can make the disease worse and increase the chances of death. 


Besides, drugs also affect the body in a range of other ways. For example:

·      Opioids cause slow breathing, reduce oxygen in the blood, and result in brain damage or death. 

·      Stimulants like cocaine, meth, and amphetamine increase heart rate and blood pressure, making it harder for the heart to pump blood and can lead to a heart attack or stroke. These drugs can also cause acute respiratory failure.

·      Smoking or vaping crack cocaine, heroin, or marijuana can increase lung damage risk and make breathing harder. It can also worsen COPD, asthma, and other lung conditions.

·      The effects of alcohol on the immune system are also well-documented. Alcohol abuse can increase the risk of developing various infectious diseases, including pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Should I Get a COVID-19 Vaccine if I'm on Drugs?

Yes, you should get a COVID-19 vaccine if you're on drugs. The CDC recommends that everyone vaccinate against COVID-19, regardless of their drug use status. You don't even need to have health insurance to get the vaccine. When considering the adverse effects that COVID-19 has on addiction patients, vaccination can be your best line of defense. It might even save your life.

On the bright side, 12.46 billion doses have been administered globally today, and there haven't been any documented cases of a person having adverse health effects due to drug use.

However, people with certain medical conditions should talk to their doctor before getting the vaccine. These conditions include:

·      A history of severe allergic reaction to a vaccine or ingredient in the vaccine

·      A weakened immune system due to cancer, HIV/AIDS, steroid use, or other conditions

·      If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, you should also talk to your doctor before getting the vaccine.


Do Addictive Drugs Affect the COVID-19 Vaccine?

There is currently no evidence that alcohol or drugs affect the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine. If you are taking medications to treat an addiction, it is important to speak to your doctor about whether or not the vaccine is right for you. You might also want to err on the side of caution and abstain from use before and after receiving the vaccine.

Harm Reduction Strategies for Those Unable to Stop Abusing Drugs or Alcohol

Among the many challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, those who struggle with substance abuse face unique risks. In addition to the dangers posed by the virus itself, the COVID restrictions made it difficult for many to access treatment and support services. As a result, harm reduction strategies have become even more important for those unable to stop using drugs or alcohol. These strategies include:

·      Create a safe space for drug use. This can be done by ensuring that all surfaces are clean and disinfected and that ventilation is adequate. Not sharing drug-use equipment like needles, vapes, cigars, bongs, etc. 

·      It is also important to have a supply of clean needles and other supplies on hand and a first-aid kit in case of accidental injuries.

·      Observe COVID-19 restrictions to curb the spread of the virus-like washing hands, avoiding crowded spaces, and social distancing. 

·      Additionally, it is crucial to know your limits and always use drugs under the supervision of someone who can assist if necessary.


By following these harm reduction strategies, those unable to stop using drugs or alcohol can help protect themselves and others from the potentially deadly effects of COVID-19. In addition, these strategies can also help to reduce the spread of the virus among those who are most vulnerable.

Protect Your Health with Addiction Treatment

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, it's important to seek professional help. There are a variety of human resources and treatment options available, and the right one for you will depend on your individual needs.

If you're struggling with addiction, don't wait to get help. Treatment can help you to overcome addiction and achieve recovery. It can also provide vital support and resources during difficult times. Seek treatment today and begin your journey to a healthier, happier life.


My Roommate is an Addict, How Do I Help Them?

It can be tough to deal with a roommate with drug abuse problems. You may feel like you are constantly walking on eggshells and may not know what to do or how to help. This guide will give you some tips on how to support your roommate and help them get the treatment they need.

Challenges of sharing a room with an addict

It's hard to live with a roommate who struggles with drug abuse for several reasons:

1. It can be dangerous. If your roommate is using drugs, there's a risk that they could overdose or have an accident.

2. It can be disruptive. You might not have a good night's sleep if your roommate is up all night using drugs or attempts to stop using and end up with signs and symptoms of withdrawal. 

3. It can be expensive. If your roommate is constantly buying drugs, they may not have enough money to pay their share of the rent.

4. Addiction can also lead to erratic behavior, making it difficult to predict what might happen next. And if there are children in the home, they may be exposed to things that no child should have to see.

5. Finally, it can be emotionally draining. It's hard watching someone you care about spiral out of control, and there's always the worry that they could relapse.


What to do when your roommate is an addict

Living with a person who has a physical dependence on drugs or alcohol can be difficult. However, it is possible to make it work if both parties are committed to making it happen. Here are some things you can do to make it work.

Have an Honest Discussion

First, try to honest discussion with your roommate about the situation. It can be difficult to bring up the topic, but remember that you're doing this because you care about the person and their wellbeing. Explain how their addiction affects you and see if there is anything they are willing to do to change the situation. Here are some tips for how to approach the conversation:

If your roommate is unwilling to change, you may need to consider finding a new place to live. However, if they are willing to seek help for their addiction, you can support them in ways we'll discuss in this article.

Set expectations and boundaries

Setting expectations and boundaries with your addicted roommate is key to maintaining a healthy relationship and living environment. It is important to be upfront about your expectations, such as cleanliness, guests, noise levels, etc. This will help to avoid conflict later on.

It is also important to set boundaries, such as not allowing your roommate to borrow money or use your belongings without permission. Addicts can be manipulative, and it is important to protect yourself. Also, don't be afraid to seek help from a professional if you feel like you are struggling to cope with your roommate's addiction. Addiction is a serious disease, and it is important to get help if you feel overwhelmed.

Build trust

People with substance use disorders often have a hard time trusting those around them, making it hard to provide the support they need. However, building trust is essential if you want to be able to help an addict through recovery. Showing that you are there for them, listening to them, and respecting their boundaries will go a long way towards building trust. Once you have established trust, you will be better positioned to provide the support and assistance that addicts need to recover.


Communicate honestly

Remember that your roommate is not a bad person, and they are likely struggling with a lot of pain and confusion. Try to communicate honestly with them. Let them know that you are concerned about their health and wellbeing, and offer to help them get the resources they need to get better.

Be prepared to listen to them, and try to understand their point of view. Remember that this is a difficult situation for both of you, but honest communication can help to resolve it.

Reach out for help

Trying to help a friend or family member struggling with addiction can be challenging, emotional, and exhausting. It's important to remember that you can't do it alone.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction is a chronic disease, and professional help is essential for recovery. Reaching out for support from friends, family, and mental health professionals can give you the strength and guidance you need to weather this difficult journey.

Additionally, there are many resources available to help you better understand addiction and how to best support your loved one. Don't be afraid to ask for help – it could make all the difference in the world.

Convince your roommate to seek treatment

The hardest part of dealing with someone struggling with substance abuse is getting them to admit to using. This is because most of them are in denial about their addiction. Once that is out of their way, it's easier to convince them to seek treatment by letting them know that there are people who care about them and want to help them recover.

Explain that while treatment can be difficult, it is going to be worth it. You should also offer your support and tell them that you will be there for them every step of the way. With patience and understanding, you can convince a drug addict to seek treatment and begin the journey to recovery.

Understand the treatment process

Addiction is a serious medical condition that requires professional treatment. By understanding the treatment process, you can be a valuable source of support for your roommate as they begin their journey to recovery. Addiction treatment typically includes:


As your roommate goes through treatment, it's important to be understanding and supportive. Remember that addiction is a disease affecting over 23 million people in the United States. But recovery is possible with time and effort.

Addiction treatment works

Addiction is a serious disease that can profoundly affect every aspect of a person's life. If your roommate is abusing alcohol, illicit drugs, or prescription drugs, it's important to know that there are treatment options available. Recovery is possible, but it often takes time and effort.

There are many different treatment programs, and the best option for each individual will vary depending on the severity of the addiction and other factors. Common treatment options include inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient therapy, behavioral therapy, 12-step programs, and medication-assisted treatment. No matter what type of treatment is right for you, the most important thing is to reach out for help. With the support of professionals and loved ones, you can begin the journey to recovery.


Can Creativity Be Harmed By Drugs?

The idea that drugs and alcohol are necessary for the creative process is popular, but it is also controversial. On the one hand, many notable figures in history were heavy drinkers or drug users and produced great works of art while under the influence. Also, there is no real evidence to suggest that drugs and alcohol improve creativity. 

Many people find that they are less creative when under the influence of drugs or alcohol. So while it may be true that some great artists have used drugs or alcohol, it is also true that many great artists have not. 

There is no clear answer to whether drugs and alcohol are necessary for the creative process. However, what is certain is that drug and alcohol abuse can harm creativity and prevent you from reaching your full potential as an artist.

This article will explore the myth about creativity and drug use and show that you don't need to use drugs to be creative.

Are Drugs and Alcohol Necessary for Creativity?

To explore this topic, let's look at some of history's most famous creative minds. Did they use drugs to get their great ideas?


Take, for example, the writer Oscar Wilde. He was known for his heavy use of absinthe. But was it absinthe that helped him create his masterpieces? Or did it simply provide him with an escape from the banality of everyday life? We may never know for sure. 

Another notable figure is the painter Vincent van Gogh. Many have speculated about whether he may have used drugs to enhance his creativity or not. Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer, as van Gogh's letters offer conflicting accounts. In some instances, he appears to be quite critical of those who use drugs, while in others, he seems to experiment with them himself. 

While some cases might be unclear, the reality is that drugs and alcohol do little or nothing to boost creativity. In fact, they can have a negative impact as they make it hard to focus or may lead to impulsive decisions that can ruin a work of art. Drugs can also cause mood swings that make it hard to maintain the consistency necessary for a successful creative project. 

Scientists have been able to objectively assess the effects of drugs on measures of creativity, and here are some results.


Researchers from Okinawa Institute used functional neuroimaging methods to assess the effects of LSD on creativity. The findings revealed that LSD: 

·     Reduces the capability to appreciate cause and effect  

·     Induces decreased restraint in the brain

·     Inhibits the ability to categorize, organize and tell apart the components of conscious experience

According to the findings, brain activity may trigger novel perceptions, but the capacity to apply these perceptions to come up with new concepts is impaired.


Researchers from Leiden University assessed the effects of cannabis on creativity. They administered 22mg of THC to participants and tested creativity by applying convergent (Remote Associate Task) and divergent (Alternate Uses Task) tests to the volunteers. They noted that the placebo and lower dose groups didn't experience any effect on their divergent thinking or creativity. On the other hand, the high-dose groups experienced a decrease in divergent thinking.


study in Sweden found that the consumption of alcohol lowered the fluency of idea generation when matched to that of a control group. Another study indicated that creative writers had less idea flexibility but increased the number of non-obvious original ideas. Yet another study showed that alcohol had no clear effect on divergent thinking. However, the study participants said their performance was more creative when they believed they had received alcohol.

Why do Creatives Resort to Drugs and Alcohol?


The constant pressure to churn out new ideas can place high stress on artists and lead to burnout. There's an ever-growing need for fresh content, and creative minds are working extra hard to keep up with the demand. 

In most cases, they feel overwhelmed and turn to drugs to improve their creative output. They do so to try to curb symptoms of burnout like:

·       Fatigue

·       Bad mood

·       Physical and mental exhaustion 

·       Losing interest in creative work

·       Confusion and overwhelm

·       Mind fog

The problem is that drugs can hurt creativity. Long-term use can lead to health complications too. For example, one may develop a tolerance, drug dependence, or even substance use disorders. Attempts to quit may end with withdrawal symptoms, etc. Higher doses may also cause life-threatening symptoms or even death. 

How Drugs Can Harm Creativity - Research Findings

Drugs and alcohol can have a profound effect on your creativity. Substance abuse can:

·       Cause mental health problems like anxiety and depression, which can, in turn, make it difficult to be creative. In some cases, mental health issues can drive creatives to abuse substances.

·       Hamper creativity by impairing cognitive function and disrupting normal brain activity. They affect the parts of the brain that are responsible for creativity, making it more difficult to come up with new ideas. 

·       Make it difficult to focus and concentrate, both of which are essential for being creative. 

·       Cause tolerance and dependence, which can lead to life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.

·       Lead to addiction, which can destroy relationships, damage careers, and lead to financial ruin. 


Drug abuse is a dangerous habit that can have devastating consequences for creative people. So if you're looking to tap into your creative side, it's important to be mindful of how drugs and alcohol might be affecting you.

How to Maintain Your Creativity without Resorting To Drugs

To maintain your creativity without resorting to drugs, you need to find a healthy outlet for your ideas and impulses. 

1.    A good place to start is by journaling. Taking the time to write down your thoughts can help you sort through them and figure out which ones are worth pursuing. 

2.    You can also try brainstorming with friends or colleagues. Brainstorming can help you get feedback on your ideas, and it can also give you a chance to explore new ideas. 

3.    Additionally, it's important to make time for creative activities that you enjoy, such as painting, photography, or writing. Doing things that you love will help to keep your creative juices flowing. 

4.    Finally, don't be afraid to take risks with your ideas. Trying new things can take your imagination to a whole new level.

While it might be true that drugs and alcohol temporarily boost creativity, the long-term effects are often disastrous. In fact, many studies have shown that drug abuse harms creativity more than it helps. If you're struggling with drug addiction and want to maintain your creative output, please reach out for help. MoreThanRehab can plug you into the right addiction treatment so you can get the care you need and start rebuilding your life.

Healthy Foods to Help With Drug Cravings

Proper nutrition is essential for everyone, but it plays an especially important role in recovering from alcohol and drug addiction. The physical and mental stress of addiction can take a toll on the body, depleting nutrients and damaging cells. The resulting deficiencies can contribute to mental illness and issues like fatigue, anxiety, and depression. This is where healthy foods come in.

Eating a nutritious diet helps replenish the lost nutrients during addiction and provides the energy needed to participate in treatment and rebuild a sober life. It can also help to restore the body's natural rhythms, improve mood, and reduce cravings. As a result, an individualized nutrition plan is an essential part of comprehensive treatment programs.

The specific nutrients that a patient needs will vary depending on the type of addiction, the severity, and the individual's unique physiology. However, the foods that help with addiction and substance use disorders have one thing in common: they focus on whole, unprocessed foods. They often include plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, and whole grains. A detox diet can speed up the detoxification process and promote healing from the damaging effects of substance abuse.

Why Diet Matters During and After a Drug Detox


Substance use disorders often promote poor eating choices. Besides, many drugs limit the uptake of nutrients from foods. This is why detox with diet is critical to full recovery. However, detoxing from drugs or alcohol can be difficult and dangerous, especially when considering issues like drug or alcohol withdrawal.

You'll need a combination of diet and medication-assisted detox programs to overcome addiction and gain long-term sobriety. These programs provide medical supervision and support throughout the detox process, helping to ensure that you're safe and comfortable.

Inpatient detox programs can also be very helpful for those who have tried to quit cold turkey but have been unsuccessful. It can also help manage withdrawal symptoms. By providing a structured and supportive environment, these programs can increase the chances of success for those seeking to overcome addiction.

Unhealthy Eating Trap after Addiction Treatment

When people think about addiction, they often imagine someone hooked on drugs or alcohol. However, it's important to remember that addiction can take many different forms. The unhealthy eating trap after addiction treatment can be just as difficult to overcome for some people.

It's not uncommon for people to switch their dependence from drugs or alcohol to food after treatment. This is because the same areas of the brain affected by substance abuse are also involved in regulating eating habits. As a result, people who are struggling with addiction may turn to food to cope with their feelings of anxiety and stress.

Unfortunately, this can quickly lead to unhealthy eating habits and even full-blown food addiction. But the good news is there are healthy foods that can help prevent cravings and potential eating disorders.


Nutrition to Help Your With Drug Cravings

Cravings for foods can be just as intense as drugs or alcohol. Some foods can help you combat cravings that could lead to addiction on your journey to recovery. Here are some examples to get you started:

Eat Plenty of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a good place to start. These foods are nutritious and can also help regulate blood sugar levels. Stabilizing blood sugar can help reduce cravings, mood swings, and irritability, which are often triggers for relapse. In addition, fruits and vegetables are packed with fiber, which helps to keep you feeling full and satisfied.

By including these fruits and vegetables in your diet, you will be helping your body to heal and recover from addiction.

Eat Healthy Foods to Help your Body Feel Good

Addiction recovery can be a challenging time. It is important to eat foods that will support your body and help you feel your best during this period. Foods like tofu, fish, poultry, and yogurt are all excellent sources of protein and nutrients, which can help to boost energy levels and promote healing.

In addition, all of these foods are low in sugar and unhealthy fats, making them a good choice for people trying to avoid addiction triggers. By including these healthy foods in your diet, you can help to set yourself up for success in recovery.


Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking lots of water can help to flush impurities from the body and reduce inflammation. As a result, it keeps you healthy and hydrated, which can help reduce cravings. Water also helps curb appetite and can be used as a distraction from cravings.

Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks

Part of recovering from addiction is learning to make healthy choices regarding food. Eating processed foods and sugary drinks can contribute to cravings and trigger a relapse, so it's important to avoid them when healing from addiction.

Instead, focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods rich in nutrients. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains are good options. In addition, staying hydrated is important for recovery, so make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Once you've completed substance abuse treatment, it's important to do everything you can to prevent relapse. Most rehab centers offer ongoing support, but you might benefit more by joining support groups.

Let More Than Rehab Help You Deal With Drug Cravings

If you're struggling to overcome addiction, it may be helpful to consider making some changes to your diet and getting regular exercise. Eating healthy foods can help reduce cravings for drugs and other unhealthy substances.

There are plenty of resources to help you get started on a healthy diet, so don't hesitate to reach out for support. We are available 24/7. With time and effort, you can overcome addiction and create healthier habits that will benefit you physically and mentally.


Teens In Texas Are Abusing ADHD Medications To Get Ahead

Doctors prescribe stimulant medications like Adderall and Ritalin to approximately 2.5 million Americans every year to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). These ADHD medications can help some patients, but they can also be easily abused.

When used as a treatment for ADHD, Adderall and Ritalin reduce symptoms, making it easier for patients to concentrate and control impulsive behaviors. Unfortunately, most people, especially teens, use ADHD medications to get ahead. Most don’t have prescriptions, so they will buy them from friends who have prescriptions.

A Monitoring the Future survey revealed that prescription drug abuse is rising among teens. Approximately 7.5% of 12th graders admitted using Adderall as a study aid.

Most teens downplay the danger of Adderall, while some are simply unaware. By virtue of it being a prescription drug, they assume that Adderall is not dangerous, yet it has harmful side effects, including addiction and substance use disorders.

This article discusses what Adderall is, the Adderall high, its relationship with academic performance, side effects, effects on mental health, and signs of addiction.


What is Adderall?

Adderall is a drug that contains two stimulants: dextroamphetamine and amphetamine. It comes in two forms, Adderall and Adderall XR.

Medical practitioners designed the drug to improve the attention span and focus of ADHD patients. Sometimes, they prescribe it to patients who need to suppress daytime sleepiness.

Adderall also tends to suppress appetite. Consequently, some people abuse it in the hope of losing weight.

Adderall is classified as a Schedule II drug. This means that its potential for dependence and abuse is extremely high.

The Adderall high

As mentioned above, teen pill abuse is on the rise in Texas, and Adderall happens to be one of the pills teens abuse most. So how exactly does Adderall make you feel?

Adderall increases dopamine levels, giving you a feeling of euphoria. It also stimulates the brain by activating the body’s fight-or-flight responses.

Most teens use Adderall to get high. They often mix it with other drugs and alcohol, which is extremely dangerous and life-threatening.

Since Adderall makes teens feel alert, they are more alcohol-tolerant since they can’t tell how drunk they are. Consequently, it increases the risk of alcohol poisoning.

Why do teens in Texas abuse Adderall? 

Most Texan teens abuse Adderall because they believe it; gives them the necessary energy to focus and get high grades in school, improves their mental focus, enables them to complete their homework on time, and makes studying much more effortless.


It is noteworthy that most teens often feel overwhelmed and find it hard to balance out their academic work, social activities, and securing internships.

The relationship between Adderall and academic performance

Most high school and college students believe that Adderall is a harmless study aid since it improves attention and alertness. They use it to think clearly and focus, especially when writing papers or studying for exams.

Contrary to their belief, research shows Ritalin and Adderall don’t improve thinking or learning ability in people who aren’t diagnosed with ADHD. There is no evidence that Adderall can help teens improve their academic performance.

Students who abuse Adderall in the hope that it will improve their academic performance may:

Adderall side effects

Adderall use has several short-term and long-term side effects. They are divided into two types: physiological effects and psychological effects.

Physiological effects

They include:

Psychological effects

They include:

How Adderall affects your mental health


Since Adderall affects dopamine production, you will experience depressive episodes when you don’t use the drug. Additionally, it will be difficult for you to experience pleasure without it.

An NCBI study revealed that using Adderall for a long time may also result in psychosis. You will have schizophrenia-like symptoms, including hallucinations, delusions, and mood disturbances. Additionally, you may experience panic attacks and anxiety.

The effects of Adderall are reportedly worse in individuals with underlying mental health conditions or a history of mental illness.

Adderall and heart problems

Adderall strains the heart and cardiovascular system. Even when you use it short-term, you may experience cardiac problems, including high blood pressure, palpitations, irregular heartbeat, and heart failure.

When you use it long-term, you are at risk of cardiac arrhythmias and a pounding heartbeat.

Adderall is just one type of ADHD medications that is also known to cause sudden death in teens. The risk with these is higher in those who have heart problems or heart defects.

Signs of addiction

If you repeatedly use Adderall without a prescription, medical monitoring, or care, you may get addicted. Signs of Adderall addiction include:

Withdrawal symptoms

When you abuse Adderall for some time but stop, you will experience withdrawal symptoms. The most prevalent withdrawal symptoms are:

Withdrawal symptoms for Adderall addiction may be dangerous and overwhelming. Therefore, it would be best to have the assistance of medical practitioners and recovery professionals when you decide to stop using the drug.

Get help today


According to scientific studies, Adderall addiction and mental health disorders go hand in hand. Most Texans teens who abuse Adderall try to commit suicide. Therefore, treatment programs need to address mental health issues in treatment for Adderall addiction.

More Than Rehab offers an evidence-based, scientific treatment approach to ADHD medication addiction treatment. We also treat underlying mental health conditions like depression to give you the best chance at recovery.

We offer individual programs based on your needs. We have inpatient programs, outpatient programs, and partial in and outpatient programs. Our experts will guide and support you during the withdrawal process and teach you to focus and be productive without Adderall.

Contact us today to start your recovery journey and take control of your life. We are open 24/7. We are here to help.
