The War on Drugs: More Harm than Good?

Drug offenses are the number one reason for arrest in the US. According to sources, over 1.16 million arrests are made for drug law violations each year. Sadly, these arrests disproportionately affect Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people.

Five decades after President Richard Nixon declared drug abuse "public enemy number one" and allocated significant resources to combat it, about 83% of Americans believe that the policy has been a failure. In one poll:

The campaign led to the creation of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), a US federal law enforcement agency responsible for enforcing controlled substances laws and regulations. The drug enforcement agency works to prevent the diversion of prescription medications, combat drug-related crime, and regulate the legal production and distribution of controlled substances.

More Harm than Good?

Illegal drug production depicting the consequences of the war on drugs including mass incarceration and drug related violence

The question of whether the War on Drugs initiative has done more harm than good is a subject of ongoing debate. The perspectives on this issue can vary widely, and the assessment of its impact depends on one's viewpoint and the specific aspects being considered.

Proponents argue that:

However, a majority of Americans believe that it’s a failed initiative. If one considers the historical beginnings, the things that were supposed improve – people stopping using drugs, communities getting back together, getting drugs off the street, and everyone being safe – didn’t happen.

Although there was a sharp decline in illicit drug use in the earlier years, the drug problem is increasing in the country and at an alarming rate. According to SAMHSA, the number of people 12 years or older using illicit drugs shot to 13% in 2019, almost reaching its peak from four decades ago. If the initiative was meant to reduce drug use and prevent drug-related deaths, it has not made much progress. If anything, it has played a part in:

Increased Incarceration Rates

The massive increase in incarceration rates, particularly for non-violent drug offenses, is one of the most compelling arguments against the War on Drugs. While proponents argue that incarcerating drug offenders serves as a deterrent, the reality is that it has led to an unprecedented surge in the US prison population.

This has placed a considerable burden on the criminal justice system and fueled concerns about fairness and racial disparities. Incarceration also harms people. It blocks them from support and can even get in the way of finding a place to live, a job, or an education.

More Drug Overdose Deaths

Again, there’s the issue of overdose cases rising. The latest federal data shows that there were over 107,081 reported drug deaths in 2022, up from 106,699 in 2021. Opioids like fentanyl were the biggest contributor to these surging overdose cases.

The opioid epidemic is mostly a public health crisis and not of criminality. The cost of incarcerating people abusing these drugs instead of getting them help outweighs the potential deterrent impacts of criminalization.

Drug-Related Violence

Mexican armed forces in northeast Mexico illustrating the war on drugs mass incarceration and drug related violence issues

Paradoxically, the War on Drugs has contributed to an increase in drug-related violence. The prohibitionist approach, which makes drugs illegal, has created a lucrative black market for illegal drugs. This, in turn, has led to competition among drug cartels and gangs, resulting in violent conflicts over control of the drug trade.

Moreover, the "tough on crime" stance has often led to confrontations between law enforcement and drug offenders, which can turn violent. Overall, the policy has not succeeded in reducing the violence associated with the drug trade.

Societal Impact

The War on Drugs has had profound societal and domestic consequences. Families have been torn apart by the incarceration of loved ones, especially in cases of non-violent drug offenses. It has led to the stigmatization of individuals with addiction issues, making it harder for them to seek treatment and reintegrate into society.

The focus on punitive measures has overshadowed efforts to address the root causes of drug addiction, such as poverty, lack of education, and lack of access to healthcare. As a result, it has not effectively reduced drug addiction rates.

Expenditure and Resource Allocation

The federal government’s budget for drug use prevention and control was a little over $ 1 billion in 1981. But this number increased to $34 billion by 2020. When adjusted to inflation, that translates to $1,090%, and the number keeps increasing by the year.

The allocation of significant resources to the War on Drugs has raised concerns about whether this is the most cost-effective approach to addressing drug-related issues. Some argue that these resources could be better spent on prevention, treatment, and harm reduction strategies that address the public health aspects of drug use rather than a purely punitive approach.

Other Impacts

But the policy impact is not just limited to mass incarceration, deaths, and violence. Those from low-income are denied public assistance and food stamps for past drug convictions. States like Florida and Texas suspend driver’s licenses for drug offenses that are not related to driving, and many other policies deny voting rights, child custody, loans, employment, and financial help to people with criminal records. In 2019, drug offenses came second as the most common reason for deportation, only after illegal entry.

As drug use becomes increasingly problematic in the US, we must rethink our approach and admit that mass incarceration isn’t working. We need to invest in alternative approaches like support services for those who want or need them.

This includes providing access to addiction treatment, harm reduction strategies, peer support, and recovery programs. Instead of criminalizing drug users, this approach aims to address the root causes of addiction and help individuals overcome their substance abuse issues. More Than Rehab offers addiction rehabilitation services to help those struggling to regain control of their lives.


Celebrity Relapses in a World That Never Stops Watching

Celebrities have always been in the public eye. But in the era of 24/7 news cycles, social media scrutiny, and insatiable public appetite for the lives of the rich and famous, celebrities find themselves navigating a treacherous landscape. Every aspect of their lives – including triumphs, missteps, and personal struggles – is exposed to a global audience that never stops watching.

We’ve seen celebrities like Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Kelly Obsourne, Dax Shepard, Demi Lovato, etc., battle addiction and relapse while dealing with limelight pressures. It is not an easy journey. When a celebrity relapses, the consequences are often more severe than for the average person. Their relapse becomes headline news, and the public watches their every move, analyzing their actions and choices.

Again, they’re under immense pressure to bounce back quickly after a relapse. There's an expectation that they should swiftly return to work and continue to entertain their audience. This pressure can be detrimental to their recovery process, as it may not allow for the necessary time and focus on healing.

We've all heard of the "27 Club" - referencing celebrities who have overdosed and succumbed to their addiction. While it has been a tragedy to lose so many stars at such a young age, recovery is a long, often difficult path to take.

Relapse is a normal part of the recovery journey.

Man with dark circles holding a bottle highlighting the challenges of maintaining sobriety and the public perception during the recovery journey

More than 80% of people relapse within the first year of leaving an addiction treatment center. Celebrities are no different. Take Dax, for instance. He stayed sober for 16 years but went back to misusing Vicodin after being involved in a motorcycle accident.

He was scared and lonely but kept it a secret. Dax admitted to being sober while celebrating his 16-year sober activity. “I was high at the meeting having people tell me they admire my sobriety.” He said during an Armchair Expert episode. According to Dax, that was the worst thing in the world. But by the time the podcast aired, he was already 11 days sober.

Dax Shepard's honesty about his relapse serves as a powerful reminder that addiction is a lifelong battle, and even those with years of sobriety can face setbacks. His journey highlights the isolation and fear that can come with relapse, even when surrounded by admirers who look up to his sobriety.

Demi Lovato has also had a fair share of media attention. In June 2018, they released a song that hinted at a relapse, which immediately drew the attention of fans and the media. Just a month later, they were hospitalized due to a drug overdose, a harrowing incident that further thrust their struggles into the public spotlight.

Demi later embarked on a unique path to recovery that they coined as being California sober. The term typically refers to a state of sobriety that allows for the occasional use of marijuana and alcohol while abstaining from other drugs. Later on, they disavowed their California sober ways and approach and embraced being sober sober.

The Allure and Pitfalls of Celebrity Status

Being a celebrity carries an undeniable allure. It offers fame, fortune, and the adoration of fans, which can be incredibly rewarding. However, the pitfalls of celebrity status are equally significant. Celebrities often find themselves trapped in a gilded cage, where the perks of success come at a steep cost.

Public Expectations

One of the primary challenges celebrities face is the lofty expectations of the public. Celebrities are often held to impossibly high standards. They are expected to be role models and maintain a facade of perfection, whether it's in their appearance, behavior, or personal lives.

The pressure to conform to these expectations can lead to a profound sense of isolation and anxiety. In attempting to meet these unrealistic standards, some celebrities may turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms or seek solace in substances, exacerbating their problems.

Relentless Scrutiny

Celebs are also under constant scrutiny. Their every move, decision, and appearance is scrutinized by fans, paparazzi, and the media. This continuous monitoring means that there is often nowhere to hide, and even the most private moments can become public fodder. This level of scrutiny can make it incredibly difficult for celebrities to access treatment or therapy discreetly, which is essential for those dealing with addiction or mental health issues.

Performance Anxiety

For many celebrities, their livelihoods depend on their ability to perform. Whether it's on the stage, screen, or sports field, the fear of failure can be crippling. The constant pressure to excel can lead to extreme stress and anxiety, which, in turn, may drive some individuals toward self-destructive behavior or addiction as a means of coping.

Fear of Public Backlash

The fear of public backlash and humiliation is a real concern for celebrities facing relapses. In a world where even the smallest misstep can become a scandal, the shame associated with relapse can be overwhelming. This fear of judgment may discourage some individuals from seeking the help they desperately need, as they worry about the impact on their careers and public image.

Isolation and Loneliness

Surrounded by fans, hangers-on, and industry professionals, celebrities can paradoxically feel intensely isolated. Genuine friendships can be hard to come by, as it's challenging to discern who is sincere and who is merely seeking proximity to fame. This isolation can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and contribute to the struggles celebrities face.

How Constant Scrutiny Makes it Hard to Maintain Sobriety

Celebrity relapses often highlighted by media scrutiny depicting a sad celebrity couple in a car emphasizing the challenges of maintaining sobriety

Constant scrutiny can significantly compound the challenges of maintaining sobriety for celebrities, and its ripple effect can extend beyond their struggles to impact their fans and public perception. Here's a closer look at how this happens:

Increased Stress and Triggers

The relentless media attention and public scrutiny can create an environment of constant stress for celebrities. This stress, combined with the triggers associated with their fame, can make it exceedingly difficult to stay sober. High-pressure situations, performance anxiety, and the expectations of fans can all act as triggers for substance abuse or other unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Public Humiliation and Shame

When a celebrity does experience a relapse or struggles with addiction, the public nature of their downfall can be intensely humiliating. The media's sensationalized reporting and the judgmental comments from the public can exacerbate feelings of shame and failure, potentially driving the individual further into destructive behavior.

Recovery under the Spotlight

When celebrities embark on a path to recovery, their journey is often closely monitored by the media and the public. While this can serve as a source of support and encouragement, it can also be overwhelming and stressful. Relapses during the recovery process may be perceived as failures, even though recovery is rarely a linear path.

Importance of Empathy in Recovery

In the world of constant celebrity scrutiny and relapses, it's crucial to remember that addiction knows no boundaries—it is a universal struggle that can touch anyone, regardless of their fame or fortune. The challenges celebrities face under the relentless public eye serve as a stark reminder of the human side of these individuals and the complexity of their journeys toward recovery.

Empathy is the key to navigating this sensitive terrain. Recognizing that celebrities are not immune to the trials of addiction and mental health issues can help break down the barriers of stigma and judgment. Instead of sensationalizing their struggles, we should offer support and understanding, promoting the message that it's okay to ask for help and to seek treatment.

Above all, it's essential to remember that recovery is a journey, not a destination. Celebrities, like anyone else, may face setbacks along the way. These relapses are not failures but rather part of the healing process. The path to sobriety and mental well-being is not linear, and it requires time, effort, and a strong support system.

In our collective efforts to foster empathy and support those in need, we can create an environment where individuals, whether celebrities or not, feel safe and encouraged to seek the help they deserve. Addiction and mental health struggles are universal experiences and it's through empathy, understanding, and a commitment to treating each other with kindness that we can all contribute to the healing process, recognizing that recovery is indeed a journey, and every step forward is a significant achievement. 

More Than Rehab, a Texas rehab center, offers a range of treatment options for people dealing with sobriety challenges. We understand the importance of empathy in the recovery process and acknowledge that true healing goes beyond clinical protocols; it hinges on the ability to connect with individuals on a personal and emotional level, providing them with the support and understanding they deserve.


The Rise of Online Support Groups

Online recovery support groups are virtual communities or platforms where people struggling with mental and substance use disorders come together to seek help, share experiences, and provide mutual support in their journey toward recovery. These groups use various online tools and platforms, like websites, social media, mobile apps, and video conferencing software, to connect people who may be geographically separated but share common goals of sobriety and healing.

Overview of the Rise of Online Support Groups

Online support groups have been a part of the digital landscape for years. This is thanks to the widespread availability of the internet and the proliferation of smartphones. However, it was COVID-19 that truly changed the dynamics and importance of these recovery forums. The pandemic, which made physical gatherings and in-person support meetings risky, prompted a widespread shift towards virtual interactions. People who previously relied on face-to-face support found themselves turning to online platforms as a safe and convenient alternative. 

Digital support groups became the lifeline for those grappling with mental health and substance use disorders. These virtual communities offered a safe and accessible space for people to meet and interact.

Why Are Online Support Groups Popular?

Woman engaged in online support groups discussing substance abuse emphasizing the ease of access while brainstorming on a video call with diverse colleagues

Virtual therapy and support have become so popular in recent years thanks to several key factors, including the following:

They Eliminate Geographical Barriers

One of the most significant advantages of online sobriety support groups is their ability to transcend geographical limitations. Traditional face-to-face support groups often require individuals to travel to specific locations, which can be particularly challenging for those living in rural or remote areas. 

Online support groups eliminate this barrier, ensuring that people from all corners of the world can access the support they need from the comfort of their own homes. This inclusivity not only broadens the reach of recovery resources but also fosters a sense of belonging in a global community of individuals facing similar challenges.

24/7 Availability

Online recovery support groups are available around the clock, making them a lifeline for individuals in crisis or those who require support during non-traditional hours. This ease of access is crucial because addiction does not adhere to a strict schedule; cravings, triggers, and emotional distress can strike at any time. The 24/7 availability of online groups means that help and encouragement are never more than a few clicks away, offering a safety net for those navigating the unpredictable terrain of recovery.

Female employee engaging in online support groups for substance abuse highlighting the ease of access through digital virtual meetings with diverse colleagues

Reduce Stigma

The stigma surrounding substance abuse remains a significant barrier to seeking help for many individuals. Traditional in-person support groups may necessitate revealing one's identity and addiction history to others in the community, which can be intimidating and discouraging. Online recovery support groups offer a level of anonymity in recovery that reduces this stigma. Participants can choose to share as much or as little personal information as they feel comfortable with, enabling them to open up and seek support without the fear of judgment or discrimination.

Offer Privacy and Discretion

Privacy is a crucial concern for individuals in recovery, as they often grapple with feelings of shame and vulnerability. Online support groups provide a private and discreet platform where individuals can discuss their challenges and progress without the risk of their personal information becoming public knowledge. This level of discretion is especially valuable for those who wish to keep their recovery journey confidential from family, friends, or employers while still benefiting from peer support.

Reduced Travel Time and Costs

Attending physical support group meetings often involves significant travel time and associated costs, such as transportation expenses and childcare arrangements. Online support groups alleviate these burdens, allowing individuals to participate from the comfort of their homes. This not only saves time and money but also removes potential barriers that might deter someone from seeking help, making recovery more feasible for a broader range of people.

Normalization of Virtual Interactions

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected through technology, virtual interactions have become a standard part of daily life. The normalization of video calls, online communities, and digital relationships has extended to the field of addiction recovery. Many individuals now view online support groups as legitimate and effective means of seeking help and support, further contributing to their popularity and acceptance.

Integration with Traditional Recovery Methods

Online recovery support groups are not seen as replacements for traditional methods of addiction recovery but as complementary tools that can enhance the overall treatment experience. Many addiction treatment centers and therapists now incorporate online support groups into their treatment plans, recognizing the value of this additional layer of support. This integration demonstrates the growing acceptance and acknowledgment of the positive impact of online recovery communities in the broader context of addiction treatment.

Online Support Group Formats

Male employee engaged in online support groups for substance abuse utilizing the ease of access to have a digital conference with diverse colleagues

Online support groups come in a variety of formats, each catering to different preferences and needs of individuals seeking support and connection. Here are some of the most common formats:

Text-Based Forums (like Reddit's r/StopDrinking and r/redditorsinrecovery)

Text-based forums allow members to post messages, questions, and share their experiences in text form. They’re usually organized into specific topics or categories related to addiction and recovery, allowing users to navigate discussions that align with their interests.

 Video Meetings (like Alcoholics Anonymous, and Narcotics Anonymous)

Video meeting groups replicate the traditional group meeting experience but in a virtual setting. Participants use video conferencing software like webchat, Google Meets, Zoom, etc., to interact in real-time, enabling face-to-face communication. These meetings often have scheduled times and may follow structured formats, such as 12-step programs or therapy sessions.

Chat Groups (like LifeRing, Hello Sunday Morning, Women for Sobriety (WFS))

Chat groups, sometimes referred to as chat rooms or instant messaging platforms, provide real-time text-based communication among members. Users can join specific recovery chat rooms dedicated to various topics related to recovery, providing a dynamic and immediate way to connect and share experiences.

Social Media Support

Social media platforms, like Reddit, Facebook, or Twitter, host dedicated groups and communities focused on recovery. Members can engage in discussions, share resources, and offer support within the context of these platforms, leveraging the reach and familiarity of social media.

Dedicated Recovery Apps  (like Loosid)

Recovery apps are mobile applications specifically designed to support individuals in their journey to sobriety. These apps often include features like progress tracking, goal setting, peer support, and access to recovery-related content. Users can connect with others in the app's community.

These varied formats cater to the diverse preferences, comfort levels, and schedules of individuals seeking recovery support. Whether someone prefers the anonymity of a text-based forum, the face-to-face interaction of video meetings, or the convenience of a mobile app, there are online recovery support options available to meet their specific needs.


The Effectiveness of a Holistic Approach in Addiction Treatment

The impacts of addiction extend beyond physical dependency. It infiltrates the mind and spirit as well. The holistic approach seeks to address the interplay between these three components – mind, body, and spirit - to facilitate comprehensive healing and recovery.

Here's a quick look at the underlying premise of holistic therapy:


The mind is at the forefront of addiction's battles. It's where cravings take root, triggers are recognized, and self-destructive thought patterns emerge. Holistic treatment acknowledges the importance of mental well-being by incorporating practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral therapy. These techniques help individuals gain control over their thoughts, manage stress, and develop healthier coping mechanisms.


Addiction also affects the body, affecting its systems and organs. Holistic treatment strongly emphasizes restoring physical health through nutrition, exercise, and specialized therapies. Nurturing the body fosters resilience and lays the foundation for lasting recovery.


The spiritual aspect of addiction encompasses an individual's sense of purpose, connection, and inner peace. Holistic treatment recognizes that addiction can erode one's spirit, leaving a void that substances attempt to fill. Practices such as yoga, meditation, and art therapy are integrated to support individuals in finding meaning beyond addiction and rebuilding a sense of purpose.

Holistic Treatment Modalities

Young woman in a therapy session exploring holistic treatment options for substance abuse and rehabilitation

Holistic treatment focuses on the whole person rather than the symptoms in isolation. As mentioned earlier, it addresses a person's physical, social, and psychological needs. In addition to 12-Step approaches, many addiction rehab programs provide holistic approaches that may include:

Meditation and Recovery

Meditation is a simple yet powerful technique with many benefits. It involves focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a state of mental clarity and relaxation. There are various forms of meditation, including mindfulness, loving-kindness, and guided meditation. All these forms of meditation aim to synchronize the mind and body for better mental well-being and quality of life. Meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety, regulate emotions, manage cravings, and improve self-esteem, which is beneficial in recovery.


Mindfulness is a specific type of meditation that involves being fully present in the moment observing thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. Mindfulness is an integral aspect of holistic treatment for addiction recovery due to its profound effects on various levels. Clinical trials of mindfulness in recovery have connected the approach to relapse prevention, reduced impulsivity, reduced cravings, and decreased stress and substance use.  


Yoga combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to promote physical and mental well-being. It can help improve flexibility, strength, and balance while reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Yoga can be particularly beneficial for those in recovery as it reduces the physical discomfort associated with withdrawal and fosters a sense of inner peace. Studies also show that yoga reduces substance use and substance-related cravings.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. It is believed to balance the body's energy flow and promote healing. In addiction treatment, acupuncture may help reduce withdrawal symptoms, anxiety, and cravings and improve overall mood.

Behavioral and neurochemical evidence shows that acupuncture helps reduce the effects of negative and positive reinforcement in opiate addiction by modulating mesolimbic dopamine neurons. Acupuncture also promotes a sense of calm and well-being, which is essential during withdrawal.


Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in addiction recovery. Balanced diets rich in essential nutrients can help repair the damage caused by substance abuse and support overall physical and mental health. Nutritional therapy can also help stabilize blood sugar levels, improve mood, and boost energy, reducing the risk of relapse.


Regular physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers. Engaging in exercise can alleviate stress, improve self-esteem, and enhance overall mental health. It also helps individuals rebuild their bodies after the toll of substance abuse and provides a positive outlet for energy and emotions. A review of 43 studies with over 3000 participants found that regular exercise was linked to reduced use in about 75% of the studies on the impact of exercise on substance use.

Art Therapy

Art therapy involves using creative processes such as painting, drawing, sculpture, or music to express and process emotions. It provides non-verbal communication and can be especially helpful for individuals with difficulty expressing their feelings verbally. Artistic activities can promote self-discovery, emotional healing, and stress reduction.

Benefits of Holistic Modalities in Addiction Treatment

Multiracial group celebrating progress in holistic treatment for substance abuse and rehabilitation during a therapy session

Comprehensive Healing

Whole-Person Approach


Long-Term Recovery

Reduces Reliance on Substances

Stress and Anxiety Reduction

Emotional Healing

Improved Physical Health

Enhanced Mindfulness and Self-Awareness

Increased Self-Esteem and Self-Compassion

Spiritual Growth and Meaning-Making

Community and Connection

Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

Integrative Approach

At More Than Rehab, we understand that addiction is a complex issue with deep-rooted causes. Our holistic approach allows us to delve into the underlying factors that contribute to addictive behaviors, helping individuals to heal from the inside out. We offer a range of evidence-based therapies alongside holistic treatment modalities. This integrated approach ensures that each person receives a personalized treatment plan that addresses their unique needs and circumstances for a successful sober life.


High on Drugs, High on Risk: The Impulsive Gambler

Gambling is common in the US and worldwide. People gamble on everything from card games to sports and even casino games. For some, gambling is a harmless pastime; for others, it's quick cash. In moderation, gambling can be a fun activity. However, some people lose control of their gambling and end up being an impulsive gambler (or participating in problem gambling). And the thrill of gambling can be a much greater issue when substances are involved.

What is Impulsive Gambling?

Gambling involves risking something of value to get something of even greater value. As mentioned, people participate in sports betting, card games, etc., for entertainment. However, if a person cannot control their gambling to the level that it negatively affects their lives, they're said to have a gambling problem or impulsive gambling.

Impulsive gambling is a condition where a person cannot control their gambling behavior, despite its negative consequences. As Mayo Clinic puts it, this impulse control disorder is characterized by a persistent and uncontrollable urge to gamble and a preoccupation with gambling even when it interferes with daily life activities.

Gambling, like drugs or alcohol, stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter often associated with feelings of pleasure and reward. This can create a cycle where the brain seeks out more of that reward, leading to a desire to gamble more frequently or at higher stakes. When one has a problem gambling, they may continually chase bets that lead to losses. Eventually, they'll use up all their savings and go into debt, trying to pursue a win. They will make the extra effort to conceal their actions and even turn to fraud or theft to support their addiction.

Gambling Addiction and Substance Abuse


Gambling and mental health issues can reinforce each other. This means that a person with a mental health issue may gamble to escape or cope with the signs and symptoms. At the same time, a person with a gambling problem might develop mental health issues due to loss, feelings of shame, etc.

Similarly, gambling addiction and substance abuse have a high co-existence rate. In fact, those addicted to substances or gambling are already predisposed to thrill-seeking behaviors. 

According to one study, people diagnosed with impulsive gambling also end up having substance use disorder. This could be due to:

Besides, most casinos in the US offer free drinks for those who spend their money at slots or tables. This is a much bigger problem because, like drug abuse, problem gambling is considered a compulsive behavior.

The Effects of Being High While Gambling

Being high while gambling can have significant effects on a person's behavior and decision-making in the following ways:


Drugs that Exacerbate Gambling Addiction

While no specific drug causes gambling addiction, certain substances may increase the risk of developing a gambling addiction. Research shows that individuals with gambling addiction commonly abuse substances like alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and stimulants.

Alcohol and other substances can lower inhibitions and impair judgment, making it more likely for a person to engage in behavioral addictions like gambling. Data from a large study in the US found alcohol addiction to be the most common co-occurring disorder among those with pathological gambling. More than 73% of participants diagnosed with problem gambling had an alcohol use disorder.

Stimulants, such as cocaine and amphetamines, tend to increase feelings of excitement and pleasure, which may make gambling more appealing.

How to Help Cure a Gambling Addict

It can be tough to see a loved one struggle with gambling addiction. But the good news is that with help and treatment, they can go back to leading a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few tips to consider:

Remember that many people who develop problem gambling also develop substance use disorders. Neither addiction is easy to manage without professional help, so it's essential to encourage the person to seek help for both issues. At More Than Rehab, we offer treatment for gambling addiction and dual diagnosis, which means addressing both gambling addiction and any co-occurring substance use disorders. We utilize evidence-based therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help individuals understand the underlying reasons for their addiction and develop healthy coping mechanisms.


The Price of Pills: The Hidden Costs of Drug Use

Pills have become integral to modern medicine, helping individuals manage pain, treat illnesses, and improve overall health. They are a vital component of health care – with over 131 million people (66%) of all adults in the US using prescription pills. However, the use of prescription drugs can also come at a high cost. This is the real price of pills.

Statistics show Americans spend more on prescription drugs, averaging about $1,300 per person yearly. And with almost half of the prescription medicines being paid out-of-pocket, the financial burden can be overwhelming.

But the true cost of prescription drug abuse extends beyond the price tag. The financial cost of prescription drugs can negatively impact physical and mental health, social relationships, career prospects, and personal safety.

This article will explore how drug use can impact an individual's life and why it's essential to be aware of the hidden costs. We'll also discuss the difference between drug misuse and drug abuse, the risk factors, and how to uncover the signs of prescription drug abuse.


Prescription Pills and Addiction

Prescription pills are highly effective in treating various medical conditions. When taken as directed by a healthcare provider, they can provide significant relief. However, the misuse and abuse of prescription medications can lead to addiction and other negative consequences. Sadly, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reveals that prescription drug use is the fastest-growing drug problem in the United States, especially among young people.

Prescription pill addiction happens when individuals take medications beyond the prescribed dose or for reasons other than their intended use. This behavior can lead to physical dependence, where the body relies on the substance to function normally. Those addicted to prescription pills may experience withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop taking the drug.

The difference between prescription pill misuse and abuse lies in the severity and frequency of the behavior.

Misuse refers to using the drug in a manner other than prescribed, such as:

Misuse can be dangerous and potentially lead to addiction. But it does not necessarily indicate a substance use disorder.

On the other hand, prescription pill abuse refers to using the drug in a manner that is harmful, dangerous, or compulsive. Abuse can lead to physical and psychological dependence and negative consequences like health problems, self-harm, legal issues, and strained relationships. Abuse of prescription pills is a serious concern and requires professional help to overcome.

Some risk factors that increase the likelihood of prescription drug abuse are:

With that in mind, let's look at some hidden costs of drug use.


The Cost of Prescription Drug Abuse on Relationships

Prescription drug abuse can have a profound impact on all types of relationships. But the biggest casualty of addiction is intimacy between partners. Substance use disorders can create a rift between partners as the person using drugs shifts their attention to obtaining and using drugs than to maintaining the relationship. The trust that was once there can be lost, and the relationship can become strained or even completely shattered.

Beyond that, the financial impact of prescription drug abuse can cause a significant strain on relationships. The cost of addiction can quickly become overwhelming, leading to financial instability and debt.

The partner abusing pills may spend considerable money on obtaining drugs. This may translate to missed bill payments, unpaid debts, and bankruptcy. Such financial stress can further strain the relationship and lead to resentment and mistrust.

In extreme cases, partners abusing pills may turn to illegal activities, like theft or fraud, to support their addiction. This behavior can have legal consequences and can further damage the relationship, leading to feelings of betrayal and anger. There are also legal costs that may come to play.

The Cost of Prescription Drug Abuse on Career

Prescription drug abuse can also significantly impact an individual's career. Those who abuse prescription drugs may struggle to maintain a job or perform their duties at work. They may be absent or late for work due to drug use or perform poorly due to the effects of the drugs. This can lead to job loss, difficulty finding new employment, and financial instability.

Drug abuse can also lead to legal and disciplinary actions at work. For example, if an employee is found to be using prescription drugs without a valid prescription or is caught using drugs while on the job, they may face legal consequences or disciplinary actions from their employer. This can result in a tarnished reputation and limited career prospects in the future.

There's also the comorbidity issue, where mental and addiction problems co-occur. According to studies, those struggling with addiction are likely to struggle with mental problems, as one issue often leads to another. Comorbidity can further impact career – as depression and anxiety may affect one's ability to work.


The Cost of Prescription Drug Abuse on Health

Prescription drug abuse can have severe health consequences, ranging from short-term side effects like dizziness, nausea, high blood pressure, and confusion to long-term impacts such as heart and liver damage, respiratory problems, and increased risk of overdose. Some prescription drugs, such as opioids and benzodiazepines, can lead to physical dependence and addiction, further worsening health outcomes and severe withdrawal symptoms.

Beyond the direct health impacts, prescription drug abuse can increase the risk of accidents and injuries, including falls, car accidents, and other types of trauma. They can also exacerbate existing health problems, like mental health conditions, and interfere with medical treatments for other illnesses.

Most notable is the cost of addiction treatment. Treatment options such as detoxification, inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient therapy, and medication-assisted treatment can be expensive and may not be covered by insurance. The cost of addiction treatment can further exacerbate financial instability and debt, leading to additional stress on relationships and careers.

Cost of Prescription Drug Abuse on Education

Prescription drug abuse can hurt academic performance and educational outcomes, particularly for young people. Substance use can interfere with learning and memory, making it difficult for students to retain information and perform well on exams. Drug use can also lead to absenteeism, tardiness, and difficulty concentrating in class, leading to lower grades and an increased risk of dropping out.

As with other mind-altering drugs, prescription pill abuse can impair judgment and inhibition, putting young adults at heightened risk for HIV and other STIs, misusing different types of drugs, and engaging in other risky behaviors. According to SAMHSA, most adolescents who misuse pain pills get them from friends and family, including their home's medicine cabinet.

Prescription drug abuse is a serious issue that requires prompt attention and intervention. If you or someone you know is struggling with prescription drug abuse, you must seek help from an addiction specialist. With the proper treatment and support, it is possible to overcome prescription drug abuse and lead a healthy, fulfilling life.


Where to Buy Fentanyl Testing Strips in Texas

If you're concerned about the presence of fentanyl in drugs you or someone you know may be using, fentanyl testing strips (FTS) can be an essential tool to help ensure your safety. These testing strips detect the presence of fentanyl in a sample of drugs, allowing you to make informed decisions about your drug use and potentially avoid overdose.

This article will outline where to buy fentanyl testing strips in Texas and provide information on their availability. But first, let's look at the fentanyl crisis in Texas and what the state is doing to combat the spread of fentanyl and save lives


What are Fentanyl Testing Strips?

Fentanyl testing strips are small pieces of paper coated with a chemical reagent that reacts to the presence of fentanyl. They work by detecting the presence of fentanyl in different drugs (heroin, meth, cocaine, etc.) and drug forms (powder, injectables, and pills). These drug testing technologies serve as harm reduction strategies, providing essential information about fentanyl in the illicit drug supply so they can take steps to reduce the risk of overdose. 

Image courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

 How to Use Fentanyl Test Strips:

  1. Prepare a small amount (at least 10mg) of the substance you want to test and place it in a clean, dry container.
  2. Add water to the container and mix the substance and water. For most drugs, you need ½ teaspoon of water. However, if you are testing methamphetamines, use one full teaspoon.
  3. Take the fentanyl test strip out of its packaging and hold it by the end without the wavy lines.
  4. Dip the wavy end of the test strip down into the mixture, ensuring the end is fully submerged in the liquid.
  5. Hold the strip in the liquid for about 15 seconds, allowing it to absorb the mixture fully.
  6. Remove it from the liquid and put it on a flat surface.
  7. Wait 2 to 5 minutes for the test results to appear.
  8. A single pink line indicates the presence of fentanyl or fentanyl analog in the drugs.
  9. Two pink lines indicate the absence of fentanyl or a fentanyl analog in the drugs. 

Fentanyl Crisis in Texas

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. When used for medical reasons, prescription opioids, including fentanyl, are safe and effective for pain relief. However, illicitly produced and distributed fentanyl is life-threatening and has contributed to the ongoing opioid crisis in Texas and the US. 

In recent years, fentanyl has been increasingly found in other illicit drugs such as counterfeit pills, heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. And considering the potency of fentanyl, even a small amount can be deadly. This has led to a sharp increase in overdose deaths related to fentanyl use, as many people may not realize they are consuming the drug.

The opioid crisis is a public health crisis in Texas. According to the CDC, there were over 5,000 drug overdose cases in Texas between October 2021 and October 2022. Fatalities involving fentanyl in Texas increased 399%, from 333 deaths in 2019 to 1,662 deaths in 2021. And as mentioned earlier, most people who ingested "their substance of choice" had no idea it was laced with the synthetic opioid.

Drug dealers and suppliers often cut illicit drugs with substances like fentanyl to increase potency and profit margins. This has created a dangerous and unpredictable drug market in Texas, where individuals unknowingly risk their lives every time they use drugs.


What's Being Done to Combat the Fentanyl Crisis?

The recent push for the legalization of fentanyl testing strips in Texas is part of a larger effort to combat the ongoing opioid crisis in the state. Like many other states, Texas has seen a surge in fentanyl-related deaths in recent years, and lawmakers are looking for solutions to this crisis. 

In response to the opioid epidemic, the state launched the "Texas Fights Fentanyl" campaign in 2021 to raise awareness about the dangers of fentanyl and promote prevention efforts. Furthermore, on April 11th, 2023, the Texas House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to legalize fentanyl testing strips, with the bill now heading to the Senate for approval.  

The bill, authored by Rep. Tom Oliverson, R-Harris County, would allow the sale and distribution of fentanyl testing strips to the public, which can help individuals test their drugs for the presence of fentanyl. 

If the bill is passed, it would mean that drug users could test their drugs for fentanyl before consuming them, potentially saving countless lives. Employers could also use fentanyl testing strips to test their employees for drug use, particularly in industries where safety is a concern. 

Are Fentanyl Testing Strips Banned in Texas?

Unfortunately, at the moment, these strips are classified as paraphernalia and are, therefore, illegal for people to perform tests for recreational use. This legal classification has limited the availability and accessibility of these life-saving testing strips, leaving many individuals at risk of accidental fentanyl poisoning.

Accessing Fentanyl Test Strips in TX

Currently, fentanyl test strips are banned in Texas, and carrying them is a crime. However, if you are a healthcare professional or a law enforcement agency looking to purchase fentanyl test strips for legitimate purposes, you may be able to obtain them from your local health department, needle exchange program, community-based organization, or online retailers that specialize in drug testing products. Some reputable companies that sell fentanyl test strips include, amazon, and 


More Drug Overdose Prevention Strategies

Fentanyl testing strips is just one tool in the toolbox of effective drug overdose prevention strategies. Other strategies include the following:

As the fentanyl crisis continues to devastate communities in Texas and across the United States, it's essential to take action to protect yourself and your loved ones. A critical tool in this fight is fentanyl testing strips, which can help identify the presence of this dangerous drug in other substances.

However, these strips are not foolproof and should be used with other harm reduction strategies, such as seeking professional addiction treatment.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, we highly recommend seeking the help of a reputable treatment center like More Than Rehab. Our experienced and compassionate team can provide the support and guidance needed to overcome addiction and start on the path to recovery. We offer various services, including detox, inpatient and outpatient, and mental health services. Remember, addiction is a disease, but it is treatable.


Misdiagnosis of Withdrawal Symptoms as Mental Health Issues

Withdrawal symptoms are a natural and expected part of quitting addictive substances. They occur because the body and brain have become accustomed to the presence of the substance and have adapted to its effects. When the substance is removed, the body and brain need time to readjust, which can result in emotional, psychological, and social symptoms. The misdiagnosis of withdrawal symptoms, which include sweating, nausea, tremors, seizures, anxiety, depression, irritability, and hallucinations, can often mimic symptoms of mental health disorders.

For example, withdrawal from meth can cause extreme paranoia, anxiety, and hallucinations, which might be mistaken for symptoms of schizophrenia or other mental health conditions. Meth use can also cause long-term changes in the brain, which might lead to signs and symptoms that resemble mental health disorders even after the drug use has stopped.

Similarly, withdrawal from opioids such as heroin or prescription painkillers can cause anxiety, depression, and irritability, which can be misdiagnosed as generalized anxiety disorder or major depressive disorder.


These symptoms may persist for weeks or even months after the drug use has stopped, making it difficult to distinguish between withdrawal symptoms and underlying mental health conditions. In such cases, a doctor might prescribe an antidepressant to treat symptoms. But this only worsens the situation since depression isn't the primary issue. Eventually, the patient might end up with issues like emotional blunting after stopping antidepressants.

The Negative Impact of Misdiagnosed Mental Illness

Misdiagnosing withdrawal symptoms as mental health can lead to psychological and physical health issues. It can:

Exacerbate the underlying condition

If a person is misdiagnosed with a mental health disorder and prescribed medication to treat that disorder, the medicine may not address the underlying issue of withdrawal, and the person's symptoms may persist or worsen. Moreover, when misdiagnosed with a mental health disorder, they may be prescribed medications that can worsen their withdrawal symptoms or cause new ones.

For example, benzodiazepines, often used to treat anxiety, are addictive and can worsen withdrawal symptoms if a person is already experiencing them. Misdiagnosis can also delay or prevent patients from receiving appropriate attention for their withdrawal, leading to worsening the underlying condition.

Potentially life-threatening consequences

Some withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures, delirium tremens, and respiratory depression, can be life-threatening if left untreated. But when these symptoms are misdiagnosed, and appropriate treatment is delayed or not given, the patient may end up with potentially life-threatening complications, including coma or even death.

Increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and self-harm scenarios

Withdrawal symptoms can lead to intense emotional distress and increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and self-harm scenarios. And the risk is even higher when healthcare providers misdiagnose the symptoms as mental health issues and offer inappropriate medication.

Psychological consequences

Misdiagnosis can also have psychological consequences, leading to a feeling of hopelessness and frustration for the individual. Patients with misdiagnosed mental conditions can end up feeling deflated, confused, and frustrated when they notice that the treatment prescribed is not working. Sometimes, they might feel hopeless or like failures and turn to drugs or alcohol to self-medicate. In extreme cases, they may self-harm or even commit suicide.

Increased risk to self-medicate


Mental health issues often co-occur with substance use disorders. In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, people with Drug abuse issues may also struggle with mental health issues like bipolar disorder, ADHD, schizophrenia, and personality disorders. This is mainly because these co-occurring disorders share the same contributing factors, including environmental and biological factors. 

A misdiagnosis, coupled with a lack of access to the proper psychiatric treatment can further drive one to addiction as they self-medicate to mask the symptoms, trying to make themselves feel better. Conditions like marijuana, cocaine, and opioid use disorder are common because they bring euphoria and escape from the reality of an undiagnosed mental issue.

Causes of Misdiagnosis of Withdrawal Symptoms

There are several potential causes of misdiagnosis of withdrawal symptoms, including:

Prevention and Treatment

Misdiagnosing withdrawal symptoms as mental health issues can significantly affect a patient's health and well-being. However, there are steps that healthcare professionals can take to prevent misdiagnosis and provide appropriate treatment.

  1. One of the most critical steps to prevent misdiagnosis of withdrawal symptoms is to increase education and awareness among healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals should receive education and training on the common symptoms of withdrawal to improve their understanding and ability to recognize them. This education can help reduce the number of misdiagnosed cases.
  2. Open communication between healthcare professionals and patients is also essential. Patients should disclose their history of substance abuse and the extent of their withdrawal symptoms. This information can help healthcare professionals make a proper diagnosis.
  3. Proper assessment and diagnosis of withdrawal symptoms are crucial to providing the correct treatment. Healthcare professionals should assess and diagnose withdrawal symptoms properly. This assessment can help identify the root cause of the symptoms, leading to proper treatment.

Once a patient is correctly diagnosed, the appropriate treatment can be administered. Treatment for withdrawal symptoms may include medications to manage physical symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and seizures. Behavioral therapies may also address psychological symptoms and help individuals manage their cravings and triggers. Patients can also try out natural remedies for antidepressant withdrawal.

At More Than Rehab, we offer comprehensive, evidence-based treatments to address withdrawal symptoms and support long-term recovery. Our treatment plans are personalized to meet each individual's unique needs and may include a combination of medications, behavioral therapies, and other supportive services. Therapies are especially critical in managing withdrawal as it helps patients handle stress better.

We offer a comprehensive assessment and evaluation process for misdiagnosed clients to determine the underlying causes of their addiction or related issues. This process involves gathering information about the individual's medical and psychiatric history, as well as their substance use, related behaviors and known side effects. If a client has been misdiagnosed, we work with them to re-evaluate their diagnosis and develop an appropriate treatment plan that addresses the underlying causes of their addiction or related issues.

We aim to provide personalized, compassionate care to help individuals achieve and maintain recovery. We are committed to providing the best substance abuse treatment and ongoing support and care to promote long-term success. Call us today. We are available to help 24/7.


How Prescription Drugs Helped Fuel the Drug Overdose Epidemic

The opioid epidemic is a serious public health crisis that has been ravaging communities in the United States for years. While many of us may associate illicit drugs such as heroin with causing drug overdoses, prescription drugs have also played a significant role in this devastating trend. The widespread availability and ease of obtaining these medications, combined with their powerful strength and addictive properties, have resulted in an alarming rise in overdose deaths due to prescription drug misuse.

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's statistics indicate about 107,622 drug overdose deaths in the US during 2021. Synthetic opioids like fentanyl were responsible for a large portion of the deaths, accounting for 71,238 deaths. But prescription opioids (such as oxycodone and hydrocodone) were also major contributors to the crisis. According to the CDC, natural or semi-synthetic drugs accounted for 13,722 overdose deaths in 2020 and 13,503 in 2021.

These deaths were attributed mainly to over-prescribing opioid painkillers like OxyContin, which has led to numerous cases of physical dependence and addiction. In 2016, the CDC issued a national guideline on pain management to help improve appropriate opioid prescribing and minimize opioid-related risks. The guideline got a lot of support from Americans, especially in two key elements: advising physicians to issue less than a three-day supply of opioid painkillers for acute pain and trying other treatment options before considering opioids for chronic pain.


Understanding Prescription Drugs Misuse

Prescription drugs are obtained with a doctor's prescription. They treat medical conditions, including pain, anxiety, and depression. However, they can also be abused due to their powerful effects.

Prescription drugs, like any other drug, can lead to substance use disorders as an unintended consequence. It is well-documented that these medications can be highly addictive and are major risk factors for people developing opioid use disorder.

The false sense of safety that comes with obtaining these medications from a doctor or pharmacy can lead some people to take them in ways they weren't prescribed. For example, they will:

Besides, since many people store these drugs in the medicine cabinet, they can be easily accessible to others, including young people. This increases the risk of them being taken and abused without the supervision of a healthcare professional. Taking someone else's medication can lead to dangerous side effects and death.

How Prescription Drug Abuse Contributes to the Overdose Crisis

Prescription painkiller abuse has become a major contributor to the overdose crisis in the United States. These drugs are often prescribed for legitimate medical conditions, such as pain management or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, when used improperly or for non-medical reasons, they can lead to substance use disorders, addiction, and even overdose deaths.

There are several ways in which prescription drugs like Oxycontin, Adderall, etc., contribute to the overdose crisis:

One of the ways is through the development of opioid dependence. People prescribed opioids for an injury or chronic pain may start to rely on them for relief, leading to a physical dependence on the drug. As their tolerance builds, they may need to take higher doses to achieve the same level of pain relief, increasing their risk of overdose.

Another way is through the use of street drugs. When people become dependent on prescription opioids and cannot obtain them, they may turn to street drugs like heroin to manage their withdrawal symptoms. Heroin is often cheaper and more readily available than prescription opioids, making it an attractive option for those struggling with addiction. However, street drugs are often more potent and can lead to a higher risk of overdose.

Polydrug use is also an issue, particularly when people combine opioids with alcohol or other sedatives. This practice often increases the risk of overdose and can be deadly.


Who is to Blame for the Opioid Crisis?

It's important to note that the misuse of prescription drugs is not solely the patient's fault. Physicians have been criticized for overprescribing opioids, with some labeled as "pill mill doctors." They were seen as contributors to the crisis due to their over-reliance on opioid prescriptions to manage pain rather than exploring alternative treatments.

Pharmaceutical companies such as Purdue Pharmaceuticals have also been blamed for the crisis. Purdue, the real co-conspirator, was accused of downplaying the risks of addiction and exaggerating the benefits of OxyContin. It was also blamed for aggressively marketing the drug to physicians and misleading the public about the safety of its products.

The third guilty party is the American Pain Society, with its "pain as the 5th vital sign" campaign. This campaign promoted the idea that pain should be treated as a vital sign, like temperature, pulse, etc. However, it didn't come with any device to objectively measure pain as the previous vital signs, pulse temperature, respiratory rate, and blood pressure.

The 5th vital sign campaign was the first and only subjective vital sign. It led to a significant increase in opioid prescriptions, as doctors were pressured to treat patients' pain more aggressively.

Fourth on the list of blame is the Joint Commission. In 2001, it issued a mandate that required hospitals to use pain scales to evaluate patients' pain.

The commission also published a pain management guide that downplayed doctors' concerns about opioid addiction, tolerance, and risk of death. Additionally, it framed pain management as a patient's rights issue, increasing the pressure to prescribe opioids. Purdue Pharma sponsored this guide. 

Press Ganey is the fifth guilty party on the list. This company helped develop patient satisfaction surveys. The results of these surveys were then used to rank hospitals.

Then enters, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a mandate to hospitals in 2002. The mandate threatened their Medicare reimbursement if patient satisfaction scores didn't meet specific standards. Patient satisfaction was based on surveys that included them scoring their satisfaction with pain control.

Inevitably, hospital administrators made it to the blame list. With CMS' mandate, hospital administrators felt pressure to increase patient satisfaction scores by any means necessary. So they started to pressure doctors to prescribe more opioids for pain management and patient satisfaction. This eventually led to overprescribing and misuse of opioids.

prescription-painkiller -substance-abuse-medicine-cabinet-side-effects-long-term-public-health-Purdue-Pharma-Sackler-Family-state-court-cases

Prescription Drugs Lawsuits

Numerous lawsuits have been filed against major pharmaceutical companies and high-profile figures concerning the opioid epidemic. One notable example is the lawsuit against Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin. The company and members of the Sackler family, who owned Purdue, have been accused of aggressively marketing OxyContin while downplaying the risks of addiction, leading to the widespread abuse of the drug and the opioid epidemic.

In 2019, Purdue Pharma pleaded guilty to federal criminal charges and settled with the Department of Justice. The company and the Sackler family agreed to pay $8 billion in fines and penalties.

States and municipalities have also sued Johnson & Johnson, Teva, and Endo International over their role in the opioid epidemic. In 2021, Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay $572 million in a landmark opioid trial in Oklahoma and is currently facing lawsuits in several other states.

Teva has settled with New York for $523 million and is working to finalize a nationwide settlement valued at more than $4.2 billion. And Endo which has now filed for bankruptcy has agreed to pay $450 million to support the treatment and prevention of opioid abuse. 

Opioid Abuse Treatment

More Than Rehab offers a range of treatment options to help those struggling with opioid addiction and substance abuse break the cycle and achieve long-term sobriety. The treatment center provides an array of evidence-based therapies, including individual and group counseling, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), relapse prevention training, and more.


Why Are Older Adults Abusing Drugs More Than Ever?

Substance abuse among older adults is a significant issue that can have severe consequences for the health and well-being of older adults and those around them. Despite this, drug abuse rates among older adults are increasing faster than any other age group. A 2018 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration survey found that approximately one million seniors above 65 (or 2% of the senior population) had a substance use disorder in the past year. Some 3% use marijuana, and 1 in 10 engage in binge drinking.

The pandemic didn't help either, as lockdowns disrupted routines, isolation, and fear spread. 2020 reports from the National Center for Health Statistics showed a shocking 53% increase in opioid-related deaths among the baby boomers over the previous year. Alcohol-related deaths, which had already been rising for a decade in this age group, rose by 18%.

All these numbers lead us to the question, why are more older adults in the United States abusing drugs than ever before? This article will explore potential causes of this trend, including loneliness, boredom, mental health problems, and lack of access to appropriate healthcare.


Prescription Medication

One of the key factors behind increasing substance abuse among older adults is the use of prescription medications. Older adults may face an increased risk of chronic pain, heart disease, and other health conditions as they age.

As part of quality health care, prescription medications can help relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life. However, if the medication is misused, it could lead to abuse. Sadly, many senior citizens abuse prescription medications for reasons like:

Social Isolation

Social isolation, or the lack of social connections and relationships, can be a risk factor for substance abuse in adults of all ages. That's because it can lead to negative emotions such as loneliness, boredom, and stress.


Older adults may be more vulnerable to social isolation due to retirement, losing a spouse or other loved ones, or limited mobility. They may turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with these negative emotions. Social isolation can also increase the risk of mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, which can increase the risk of substance abuse.

Mental Health Issues

Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairments can increase the risk of substance abuse in older adults. These mental health issues may be due to various factors, including the natural aging process, physical health problems, social isolation, or other stressors.

Older adults with mental health issues may turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with their emotions or self-medicate for their mental health problems. Substance abuse can temporarily relieve negative emotions but can also lead to addiction and other negative consequences. Substance abuse can also exacerbate mental health problems and create a cycle of substance abuse and mental health issues.

Other Common Causes of Drug Abuse Among the Elderly

Impacts of Drug Abuse Among Older Adults

Substance abuse among older adults can seriously impact physical and mental health and the overall quality of life. Some of the potential impacts of drug abuse among older adults include:

Challenges in Identifying Addiction in the Elderly

Age-related changes can make it difficult for caregivers and healthcare providers to recognize and diagnose substance abuse in older adults. These age-related changes include changes in metabolism, which can affect how quickly and effectively a person's body processes drugs. In addition, older adults may be less likely to report symptoms of substance abuse, as they may feel embarrassed or ashamed to admit that they are having a problem with drugs or alcohol.

These age-related changes can make it difficult for healthcare providers to identify addiction in an older adult accurately. For this reason, it is essential for caregivers and healthcare providers to be aware of the risk factors and warning signs of substance abuse among older adults.


Some Warning Signs of Drug Abuse in Older Adults

Some common signs that may indicate an older adult is abusing drugs or alcohol include:

Treating Substance Abuse in Older Adults

Addiction treatment in older adults should be tailored to the individual's age and health status. Treatment options include medication-assisted treatment, behavioral health therapies, counseling, and support groups. In some cases, long-term residential care may be necessary to ensure the individual gets the treatment they need to successfully manage addiction and live a healthy life.

It is also important to remember that addiction in older adults can be caused by underlying medical or mental health conditions. Therefore, it is essential to address any underlying issues to ensure that the individual receives comprehensive care and support.
