The Emerging Trend of Synthetic Drugs & Designer Substances

Synthetic drugs and designer substances are increasingly easy to come by. With the rise of online markets and illicit distribution networks, people can easily obtain these substances with just a few clicks or a quick exchange on the street corner. This accessibility presents a significant challenge to public health and safety, as it increases the chances of people experimenting with and becoming addicted to these dangerous substances.

Adding to the challenge is the fact that synthetic drugs are often marketed deceptively. They are branded as "legal highs" or "safe alternatives" to traditional drugs, luring unsuspecting individuals into a false sense of security. Many people underestimate the dangers posed by these substances, believing them to be harmless or less risky than “illegal drugs.”

This misinformation exacerbates the problem, as young adults are more likely to experiment with synthetic drugs without fully understanding the potential consequences. Synthetic drugs and designer substances can have unpredictable effects on the body and mind, leading to a range of health complications, addiction, and even death.


What are Synthetic Drugs and Designer Substances?

Synthetic drugs and designer substances are human-made chemicals that mimic the effects of natural or legal substances like marijuana, cocaine, or fentanyl. They are sometimes sold under fancy names research chemical or safe alternatives, but they can be just as dangerous, if not more so, than the drugs they're imitating. And just because they are made in a lab doesn't mean they’re safe.

In fact, it's often quite the opposite. They can cause all sorts of problems, like heart issues, seizures, hallucinations, and paranoia. Plus, because they're so strong, it's easy to overdose and end up in serious trouble, or even worse, you could lose your life.

Research Chemical Laws

The National Institute on Drug Abuse outlines chemicals that can be used for medical reasons. But, illicit drug manufacturers mostly copy publicly published research and replicate the chemical structures. They only use labels like “research chemicals” to mislead users and downplay how dangerous these illicit substances can be.

On top of that, they package the products with warnings like “not for human consumption” to bypass drug enforcement laws and regulatory scrutiny. And since most of these drugs have legal analogs under the Controlled Substances Act, manufacturers are able to circumvent existing laws that target specific chemical formulations.

Despite the clear intent of users to consume these substances for recreational purposes, the inclusion of such disclaimers creates ambiguity regarding the manufacturer's liability and the intended use of the product.


Common Types of Synthetic and Designer Drugs

There are literally hundreds of synthetic and designer drugs on the market. Here are some common types:

Synthetic Cannabinoids

Examples: Spice, K2, 2C-B, Bliss, Blaze, Skunk and Yucatan Fire

Synthetic cannabinoids are designed to mimic the effects of THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana. They are potentially 100 times stronger than plant-based marijuana and can produce effects such as euphoria, altered perception, relaxation, and heightened sensory experiences.

Synthetic Cathinones

Examples: Bath salts, MDPV, Alpha-PVP, Flaka, Gravel

Synthetic cathinones mimic the effects of stimulant drugs like MDMA or cocaine, producing feelings of euphoria, increased energy, alertness, and sociability. According to research, a single dose of bath salts is equivalent to 10 lines of cocaine. Bath salt causes agitation, anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, chest pain, high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and, in extreme cases, aggression and self-harm.

Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS)

Examples: 5-MeO-DMT (5-Methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine), NBOMe (N-Benzylmethoxy), synthetic opioids, dissociatives, and hallucinogens.

NPS encompasses a wide range of synthetic drugs with diverse effects, including hallucinogenic, stimulant, sedative, and dissociative properties. Effects vary depending on the specific substance and dosage. For example, hallucinogens like 2C-I-NBOMe and 2C-C-NBOMe work similarly to LSD, and even a few salt-sized grains can cause a deadly high.


Molly, short for molecular, or molecule, is a street name for MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), also known as ecstasy. The drug produces feelings of euphoria, empathy, emotional openness, and increased sensory perception. Users may experience enhanced sociability, reduced anxiety, and heightened sensory experiences. But molly is often cut with other chemicals like MDPV and methylone.

DMT, AMT, Foxy, Nexus, and Blue Mystic:

These hallucinogens produce profound alterations in perception, consciousness, and mood. They are often used in clubs, music festivals, and rave scenes and cause users to experience visual and auditory hallucinations, distorted time perception, and spiritual or mystical experiences.


Mental and Physical Effects of Designer and Synthetic Drugs

Synthetic drugs can have a range of adverse side effects due to their unpredictable nature and chemical composition. Some common side effects include:

Physical Health Effects

Psychological Effects

Long-Term Consequences

The exact side effects can vary depending on the specific synthetic drug, its potency, dosage, and individual factors such as age, health status, and any co-occurring mental health conditions. Due to the unpredictable nature of synthetic substances, there is also a risk of experiencing adverse reactions or overdose, which can be life-threatening.

What Needs to Be Done?

While drug manufacturers and dealers are adept at exploiting legal loopholes and evading 5-MeO-DMT measures, concerted efforts are needed to counter their activities. This includes strengthening regulatory frameworks to close existing gaps that enable the production and distribution of synthetic drugs.

Enhanced public education campaigns are also needed to raise awareness about the risks associated with these substances. These campaigns should mostly target the high-risk groups, which include young adults, mainly males in their mid- to late 20s, as well as college students who are likely to use due to peer pressure. The campaigns should provide accurate information about the deceptive marketing tactics used by manufacturers and emphasize the potential dangers of experimentation.

Lastly, healthcare professionals must be equipped to provide drug testing, support, and treatment to those struggling with addiction to synthetic drugs.

If you or someone you know experiences severe side effects or overdose symptoms after taking any drug, seeking immediate medical attention is crucial. At More Than Rehab, we understand the urgency of addressing substance abuse issues and are here to provide support and guidance.


The Role of Trauma in Addiction: Healing the Wounds

Trauma refers to deeply distressing events that can leave lasting scars on our minds and hearts. These events can range from childhood struggles to life-threatening situations like natural disasters, accidents, or even military combat. When people face such distress, they often turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with the overwhelming emotions. This explains the strong link between substance abuse and trauma.

The link between Addiction and Trauma

Trauma and addiction are closely intertwined, with trauma often serving as a catalyst for the development of substance use disorders. Numerous studies have shown that traumatic experiences, especially during childhood, can raise the risk of people turning to substances as a way to cope with their emotional pain and distress.


One notable study is the original study of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Researchers discovered that the risk of drug and alcohol abuse was higher among adults who had more ACEs. ACEs are traumatic experiences within the first 18 years of life and include:

So basically, someone who has four or more ACEs is 3x more likely to experience substance use problems later on in life. This can happen due to a blend of factors like: 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Addiction

When a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event, they may develop a mental health condition referred to as PTSD. PTSD can occur in response to different traumatic experiences, including but not limited to physical or sexual assault, combat exposure, natural disasters, accidents, or childhood abuse.

Research has documented a high incidence of comorbid PTSD and substance abuse. In fact, people with PTSD are 14 times more likely to be diagnosed with SUD. And as mentioned earlier, self-medication is a huge driving factor. On the flip side, substance use can worsen PTSD symptoms and interfere with the effectiveness of treatment.

For example, drugs or alcohol can impair judgment, increase impulsivity, and interfere with the processing of traumatic memories in therapy. This can make it difficult for individuals with PTSD to engage fully in treatment and make progress towards recovery.


Types of Trauma

Trauma can be physical or emotional. Physical trauma is a bodily injury or harm caused by an external event or force. On the other hand, emotional trauma is the psychological and emotional impact of distressing events or experiences. It can either be acute or chronic, depending on the duration and intensity of the distressing events.

Signs and Symptoms of Trauma

The signs of trauma can be physical or emotional. The emotional aspect can cause intense feelings that affect one's functioning, behavior, attitude, and view of the world. They may also experience adjustment disorder or PTSD after a traumatic event.

Signs of emotional trauma in adults include:

Signs of physical trauma in adults include:

Trauma-Informed Care in Addiction Treatment

The good news is help is available. Effective treatment approaches like trauma-informed care address both the underlying trauma and the addictive behaviors, providing a path toward healing and long-term sobriety.


As the name suggests, trauma-informed care considers the impact of trauma on a person's life and integrates this understanding into every aspect of their care. It's not just about addressing the symptoms of addiction; it's about recognizing that the patient has experienced trauma in the past and that trauma plays a significant role in their addictive behaviors.

Trauma-informed care is important because it:

  1. Creates a safe and supportive space where you feel respected, heard, and empowered to share your experiences without fear of judgment or re-traumatization.
  2. Helps you recognize that your addiction is not just about the substance itself but about the underlying pain and trauma you're trying to cope with. Your mental health professional helps you understand how trauma has shaped your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and works with you to develop healthier coping strategies.
  3. It means treating you as a whole person, addressing both your mental health needs and your substance use issues. This might involve behavioral health therapy techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) to help you process trauma and develop new ways of thinking and behaving.
  4. It emphasizes empowerment and collaboration. You are not just a passive recipient of treatment but an active participant in your healing journey. Your therapist will help you set goals, identify strengths, and overcome challenges as you work towards lasting sobriety and emotional well-being.

Trauma-informed care isn't just about treating the symptoms of addiction; it's about recognizing the whole person and honoring their experiences. It's about creating a safe space where people feel empowered to explore their past or childhood traumas and work toward recovery.

At More than Rehab, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to heal and rebuild their lives. With trauma-informed care, we can help you break free from the cycle of addiction and create a brighter future for yourself and those you love.


Supporting Loved Ones: A Guide for Families of Those in Recovery

Addiction rewires the brain and makes it hard for one to control their substance use despite harmful consequences. This means they may struggle to prioritize relationships, responsibilities, and their well-being. Over time, the shift in priorities can create profound strain within families and challenge even the strongest of bonds. In these moments, supporting loved ones is as important as ever.

And the good news is, all hope is not lost. Addiction is treatable, and recovery is possible. With the right support and resources in place, your loved one can reclaim their lives and mend fractured relationships. This guide is designed to arm you with resources and strategies to navigate the complexities of supporting a loved one in addiction recovery.

Understanding the Impact of Drug and Alcohol Dependency

Addiction is often described as a family disease because its effects extend far beyond the person using the substance. When a loved one abuses drugs and alcohol, the entire family unit feels the effect.

Your loved one's addiction:

All these effects can create a toxic and challenging environment for families, making it difficult to maintain healthy relationships and support one another effectively. But as a family member, it's important to know that those with addiction problems may not fully comprehend the impact that their actions have on the people around them.


When someone is in the grip of addiction, their brain becomes wired to prioritize the pursuit and consumption of substances above all else. This can result in behaviors that are harmful to themselves and others, including neglecting responsibilities, lying, and withdrawing from social interactions. As a result, you may feel isolated, frustrated, and helpless as you witness your loved one's decline.

On the other hand, your loved one may experience feelings of guilt, shame, and self-loathing due to their inability to control their substance use despite knowing the negative consequences. This internal turmoil can further drive a wedge between them and their loved ones, deepening their sense of isolation and hopelessness on both sides.

That's why it's helpful for you to learn more about addiction and explore ways to improve your interactions with your loved one.

How to Support Your Loved One In Recovery

Friends and families of those in recovery play an important part in their recovery. Without proper support and encouragement from home, it's hard for patients to apply the positive steps they learn at addiction rehab centers. Here are a few tips to help you provide support to your loved one while also caring for yourself.

Learn About Substance use disorders

Supporting a loved one in recovery begins with educating yourself about substance use disorders. Without knowledge, you might assume that your loved one lacks the willpower, is doing it by choice, or that their character is flawed.

But the reality is that addiction is a brain disease that affects judgment and decision-making. It can affect anyone regardless of their upbringing or background. When you learn about substance use and chemical dependency, you're able to understand the challenges that your loved one is facing and the strategies that can help them overcome addiction and rebuild their lives.

Set Boundaries

Boundaries are an important part of the recovery process. They protect you and your loved ones as you heal and move forward. Establish clear and consistent boundaries about what's acceptable and what's not and expectations for treatment adherence. Communicate these boundaries respectfully but firmly, and be prepared to enforce them if necessary.


Boundaries help create a sense of structure and accountability within the family dynamic, which is essential for supporting their long-term recovery.

Take Care of Yourself

It's okay to feel worried about your loved one. But remember, you could be suffering just as much. Supporting a loved one in recovery can be emotionally and physically draining, so it's essential to prioritize your self-care.

Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as exercise, hobbies, or spending time with friends. Practice meditation or deep breathing exercises to help manage any feelings of anxiety or overwhelm. Remember that taking care of yourself allows you to be a more effective source of support for your loved one.

Talk to a Professional

Seek guidance from a qualified professional for valuable support and advice for both you and your loved one. Consider scheduling therapy sessions with a counselor or therapist who specializes in addiction and family dynamics. A professional can offer insights, coping strategies, and personalized guidance tailored to your specific situation. Family therapy can also provide a safe space to process your feelings and concerns about your loved one's recovery journey.

Join a Support Group for Family Members

You might also want to consider joining a support group specifically for family members of individuals in recovery from addiction, such as Al-Anon or Nar-Anon. These groups offer a supportive community where you can share experiences, gain perspective, and learn from others who have been in your shoes. Knowing that you're not alone can be incredibly empowering and reassuring.


Foster a Supportive Environment for Lasting Sobriety

A nurturing environment at home can help promote your loved one's long-term recovery. Remember, stress, anxiety, trauma, depression, and other mental health disorders are relapse triggers. So, you might want to avoid judgment or criticism. Instead, focus on expressing empathy, understanding, and unconditional love.

Encourage healthy habits like nutritious eating, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. A supportive environment creates the conditions for your loved one to thrive in their recovery journey.

Addiction Support and Treatment at More Than Rehab

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction and mental health conditions, don't hesitate to reach out to More Than Rehab. As a leading drug addiction treatment center, we offer various inpatient and outpatient treatment programs personalized for every person's unique needs of each individual. Our evidence-based therapies, combined with personalized treatment plans, address the underlying factors contributing to addiction and mental health conditions. We also offer family support and therapy sessions to involve loved ones in the recovery process.


Alcohol Awareness: America's Most Deadly Drug?

Alcohol is legal and widely available in many parts of the world, including the US. It is a socially accepted drug, often consumed during social gatherings, celebrations, and even casually. However, despite its legality and widespread use, alcohol can indeed be very harmful, both to individuals and society as a whole. This article will spread alcohol awareness as it is consistently a leading cause of death in the United States.

According to NIAAA, over 140,000 people died due to alcohol-related issues between 2015 and 2019. And the deaths skyrocketed in the wake of the pandemic. Going by the numbers, alcohol is one of the leading preventable causes of death in the US, only after illegal drugs, physical inactivity, poor diet, and tobacco. Despite this, alcohol misuse remains a significant public health concern, often overshadowed by the spotlight on other substances like illegal drugs and opioids.

The opioid crisis has rightfully garnered attention in recent years. But it may come as a surprise to many that alcohol-related fatalities often surpass those caused by opioids in certain regions. This stark reality underscores the urgent need for increased awareness and action surrounding alcohol misuse.


Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Misuse

Alcohol doesn't attract consistent attention as a deadly drug because it's socially acceptable, legal, and readily available. As a matter of fact, it's deeply ingrained in many cultures and is often celebrated as a staple of social gatherings and festivities. However, this widespread acceptance belies the significant dangers associated with alcohol misuse.

Psychological Impacts

Physiologically, alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that affects virtually every organ in the body. Upon consumption, it quickly enters the bloodstream and travels to the brain, where it alters brain function, causing changes in mood, behavior, and cognition. In moderate doses, these effects may manifest as feelings of relaxation or euphoria. However, when you drink alcohol in excessive amounts it can cause profound impairment, leading to slurred speech, impaired judgment, and loss of coordination.

Impact on Physical Health

Beyond its immediate effects, long-term alcohol misuse can have devastating consequences on physical health. It can lead to liver disease, including cirrhosis, fatty liver, alcoholic and hepatitis and contribute to cardiovascular problems such as hypertension, cardiomyopathy, and stroke. Additionally, prolonged alcohol misuse can damage the pancreas, weaken the immune system, and increase the risk of certain types of cancer.


Mental Health Impact

Alcohol misuse has far-reaching implications for mental and emotional well-being. It increases the risk of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders and exacerbates pre-existing mental health conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder. Alcohol also impairs cognitive function, leading to memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and decreased overall cognitive performance.

Impaired Judgment

Perhaps most alarmingly, alcohol misuse is a significant contributor to preventable injuries and fatalities. Impaired judgment and coordination make individuals more susceptible to accidents, falls, and motor vehicle collisions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), alcohol-impaired driving accounts for almost one-third of all traffic-related deaths in the US each year, claiming thousands of lives and causing countless injuries.

Social Economic Impact

Alcohol misuse doesn't just affect the person using and their loved ones, but the entire society as a whole. The economic costs associated with alcohol-related healthcare expenses, lost productivity, and criminal justice system involvement are staggering, amounting to billions of dollars annually. According to a systematic review, alcohol accounts for 0.45% to 5.44% of GDP.

Seeking Help for Alcohol Addiction

The stigma surrounding alcohol addiction often prevents people from seeking the help they need. Society's misconceptions and judgmental attitudes towards addiction can cause feelings of shame, embarrassment, and isolation for those struggling with alcohol dependence. 

However, it's essential to recognize that addiction is not a moral failing. It is a medical condition and seeking help is a brave and crucial step toward recovery. Professional alcohol addiction treatment provides individuals with a range of customized treatment options to help them overcome their AUD and regain control of their lives. These include:

Medical Detoxification

Medical detoxification involves supervised withdrawal from alcohol under the care of medical professionals. It helps manage withdrawal symptoms like nausea and vomiting, seizures, delirium tremens, etc., safely and may include the use of medications to alleviate discomfort and reduce the risk of complications.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy aims to modify attitudes and behaviors related to alcohol use, helping individuals develop coping strategies and skills to abstain from alcohol. Contingency management, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and motivational interviewing are common approaches used in alcohol addiction treatment.


Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

MAT combines behavioral therapy with medications to address alcohol dependence. Medications such as naltrexone, acamprosate, and disulfiram can help reduce cravings, alleviate alcohol withdrawal symptoms, and discourage relapse by blocking the rewarding effects of alcohol or inducing unpleasant reactions if alcohol is consumed.

Support Groups

Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) provide peer support, encouragement, and accountability to individuals in recovery. These groups follow a 12-step program, offering a safe space for seeking guidance, sharing experiences, and fostering community.

Family Therapy

Family therapy involves the participation of family members in the treatment process to address interpersonal conflicts, improve communication, and support the individual in recovery. It helps repair relationships strained by alcohol addiction and promotes a supportive home environment conducive to long-term sobriety.

Holistic Therapies

Holistic therapies, such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, art therapy, and acupuncture, complement traditional treatment approaches by addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of recovery. These therapies promote relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being, enhancing the effectiveness of alcohol addiction treatment.

Aftercare Planning

Aftercare planning is crucial for maintaining sobriety after completing formal treatment. It involves developing a personalized plan that may include ongoing therapy, participation in support groups, regular medical check-ups, and healthy lifestyle changes to support long-term recovery from alcohol addiction.

More Than Rehab offers comprehensive substance use disorder treatment in a safe and comfortable environment. If you or someone close to you is struggling with AUD, we can help. Give us a call today to learn more. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year.


Setting Realistic Goals: A Guide to Sustainable Recovery

Sobriety is more than just quitting alcohol and drugs. It's an ongoing process of embracing a substance-free life and improving yourself. As SAMHSA puts it, it is a process of change where one strives to lead a more self-directed life, working to improve their wellness and health while trying to reach their full potential. One of the best ways to support this ongoing process of recovery is by setting realistic goals.

Realistic goals serve as a roadmap for positive change and contribute to the sustainability of a substance-free life. They provide direction, focus and motivation that you need to stay sober. Without SMART goals, you'll quickly fall into old habits and dysfunctional lifestyles. This is especially true since recovery comes with excessive free time and many temptations.

What Are SMART Goals in Addiction Recovery?

SMART goals are a framework for setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound objectives.


The goal should be specific about what you want to achieve in your recovery and include factors like what should be done and who will do it.


The goal clearly outlines the type of exercise (energetic walking) and the duration (30 minutes) on each of the five specified days.



It should be measurable so you are able to track the progress to see how far you've come. Think of how you'll measure your progress and how you'll know when the goal is accomplished.


The goal includes a measurable component, as progress can be tracked by recording the number of days per week the individual engages in the specified exercise.


The goal should also be achievable in the sense that it's realistic and attainable in your current circumstances. Consider whether the goal is reasonable and within reach and if you have the resources needed to achieve it.


The goal acknowledges the need for gradual progression, starting with a manageable goal and allowing for an increase in intensity as stamina improves.


It should be relevant and in line with your values, aspirations, and overall recovery journey. It should make sense for your recovery journey and be consistent with your short-term and long-term goals.


The goal aligns with the overarching objective of improving physical and mental well-being during recovery.



Time-bound, so it adds urgency and helps you stay focused. Your goal has to have a deadline or timeline for when it should be completed.


The goal includes a specific timeframe, starting the following Monday and continuing for the next three months, providing a clear deadline for the specified action.

Keep in mind that goal-setting is subjective. What works for another person may not work for you. So, you want to create goals that make sense for you and your sobriety journey. If you're having difficulty creating realistic and attainable goals, have your peer, mentor, or addiction treatment professionals help. It's also good to seek medical advice before making significant lifestyle changes, especially if they involve physical activities or dietary adjustments.

Why Goal-Setting is Important in Recovery

Setting realistic goals in addiction recovery is crucial for several reasons:

Goals Give your Focus and Direction

Goals provide a clear direction for your recovery journey. They help you focus on specific actions and behaviors contributing to positive change. Without goals, you might feel aimless or uncertain about your path, making it easier to revert to old habits.

Goals Motivate You to Stay Committed to Recovery

Goals act as motivators, giving you a reason to stay committed to your recovery. They create a sense of purpose and achievement, boosting your self-esteem and confidence as you progress.

Goals Give you Structure and Routine

Recovery often comes with excess free time, which can be a risk factor for relapse. Setting goals helps establish a structured routine, filling your time with meaningful and constructive activities that support your well-being.

Measurable Goals Allow you to Track Progress

SMART goals, being specific and measurable, allow you to track your progress objectively. This measurement helps you celebrate achievements, identify areas for improvement, and stay accountable to yourself and others.

Realistic and Attainable goals Prevent Frustrations and Disappointments 


SMART goals emphasize setting objectives that are achievable and realistic. This prevents setting yourself up for failure, frustration, or disappointment. Realistic goals ensure that you are making gradual, sustainable changes in line with your current circumstances.

Goals Introduce Accountability Aspect

The time-bound aspect of SMART goals introduces accountability. Having a deadline encourages you to stay committed and prevents procrastination. It adds a sense of urgency, reminding you of the importance of taking action within a specified timeframe.

Goals Help Prevent Complacency

Recovery is an ongoing process, and setting goals prevents complacency. It encourages you to continuously strive for improvement, avoiding stagnation and the potential risk of relapse.

Goals Are Great for Holistic Well-being

Goals can address various aspects of your life, promoting holistic well-being. Whether it's physical health, mental health, relationships, or personal development, setting goals allows you to work on multiple dimensions of your life simultaneously.

Goal-Setting Tips in Recovery

Recovering from substance use disorder can be overwhelming, especially during the first few months. It takes a while to achieve a true sense of stability and sanity after abusing drugs and alcohol. Here are some tips for goal-setting to help you navigate recovery:

Most importantly, embrace the idea that progress is more important than perfection. Setbacks are a natural part of recovery; the key is learning from them and moving forward. If you're struggling with setting realistic goals in recovery or maintaining sobriety, reach out for help. Our mental health professionals can help offer personalized guidance, strategies, and coping mechanisms tailored to your needs.


Love, Trust & Recovery: Navigating Intimacy After Addiction

Relationships, dating, and marriage are complicated enough. But addiction adds another layer of complexity to the dynamics. It creates emotional distance between partners, takes more time away from the couple, and affects sexual health, among other things. This explains why couples with partners who abuse alcohol or drugs report problems with intimacy after addiction.

They argue and fight a great deal, and the fighting itself can create a situation or environment in which the partner with drug or drinking problems abuses these substances to manage their stress. It's like an unending cycle where the conflicts lead to substance use and vice-versa. Over time, substance abuse destroys trust, communication, love, and stability, all of which are the foundation of healthy relationships.

So, it doesn't come as a surprise that those in the early stages of addiction recovery face the challenge of recovering their intimate relationships. Since substance use comes with isolation, secrecy, and social distancing, spouses in recovery have to start from ground zero when it comes to rebuilding their intimate relationship. This means rebuilding love, trust, and communication from the foundation up.

How to Navigate Intimacy after Addiction

The good news is that there's hope for rebuilding intimacy after addiction. It's a challenging journey, but with commitment and the right strategies, loved ones can reconnect and build a stronger, healthier relationship.


Here are some practical steps to help you navigate intimate relationships in recovery:  

Don't start a New Relationship.

Valentine's Day is around the corner, and it's natural to want to have someone by your side. However, experts recommend waiting at least a year or more before starting new intimate relationships. This allows them to focus on themselves and their recovery. And that makes sense because it's hard enough to focus on oneself in recovery – let alone factoring in another person's needs. Besides, the emotional challenges that come with relationships can trigger relapse.

Be Honest and Direct

The conflicts that you experience in your relationship don't go away when you stop abusing substances. So, both partners need to own their role in the conflict as you begin the repair process. Take an inventory of your behaviors and account for them. Be honest and direct with your loved one when talking with them about the impact that the addiction had on the relationship.

Focus on Your Recovery Journey

A strong foundation for a healthy relationship begins with your well-being. Reflect on the progress you've made during your addiction treatment program, and identify the coping skills and self-care strategies that work for you. This can include exercising, proper nutrition, a good night's sleep, etc.

You can also incorporate mindfulness practices, journaling, yoga, etc., for your mental health. If you're yet to join a 12-step program like Alcoholics Anonymous or Cocaine Anonymous, do so and stick with it. Such groups have been shown to provide peer-level support that helps people stay sober long-term.

Take it Slow

Intimacy won't happen overnight. Allow time for both partners to adjust, rediscover themselves, and learn to navigate life without the crutch of substances. This deliberate pace helps build a solid foundation for a healthier connection, ensuring that you and your loved one are emotionally prepared for the challenges and joys of rebuilding intimacy.


Build a Culture of Open and Honest Communication

One key aspect of fixing intimate relationships after addiction is learning to communicate feelings healthily. Make it a habit to share your feelings, concerns, and aspirations with your partner, and encourage them to do the same. Discuss the challenges and victories of your recovery journey openly to foster a deeper understanding of each other's experiences. Effective communication builds trust and sets the stage for a more intimate connection based on mutual support and empathy.

Set Realistic Expectations

Know that he process will have its ups and downs, and being patient with yourself and your partner is essential. Recognize that both of you are on a journey of growth and recovery, and there will be moments of vulnerability. Celebrate small victories, acknowledge progress, and communicate openly about challenges.

Spend Quality Time Together

Be involved in activities that promote emotional connection and create positive shared experiences. Quality time allows both partners to rekindle the joy and companionship that may have been overshadowed during the challenges of addiction. Whether exploring shared hobbies, going out on a date, enjoying nature, or simply having meaningful conversations, dedicating time to each other strengthens the emotional bonds crucial for rebuilding intimacy.

Reintroduce Intimacy Gradually

Approach the reintroduction of intimacy with patience and a gradual mindset. Physical and emotional intimacy may have been strained during the period of addiction, and it's essential to take small, deliberate steps. Begin with gestures of affection, such as holding hands or hugging, and gradually progress as both partners feel more comfortable and connected. This gradual reintroduction allows for a sense of safety and ensures that both individuals are on the same page as they navigate this sensitive aspect of the relationship.

Establish Healthy Boundaries

Clearly define and communicate what is acceptable behavior and what is not. This includes setting limits on substance use, fostering open communication about personal space and individual needs, and respecting each other's boundaries. Healthy boundaries create a sense of security within the relationship and contribute to rebuilding trust, an essential component of intimate connections.


Do Away With Toxic Relationships

While your attention might be on fixing strained relationships, it's also an excellent time to eliminate unhealthy relationships. For instance, if you have friends or family who still use or don't support your recovery journey, or if you are in a romantic relationship that perpetuates toxicity, it may be time to consider cutting ties. Toxic relationships can be bad for well-being, and hinder personal growth and recovery progress.

Seek Couples Therapy

Couple's therapy is critical in helping you navigate the complexities of intimacy after addiction. It can help you set relationship goals and facilitate communication, address underlying issues, provide tools for conflict resolution, and promote emotional connection.

At More Than Rehab, we offer comprehensive addiction treatment programs that recognize the importance of addressing not only individual recovery but also the dynamics of relationships. If you're having a hard time staying sober or navigating intimacy in recovery, we can help. Contact us today to begin your journey toward lasting recovery and healthier relationships.



Navigating the Winter Blues in Addiction Recovery

Around 14% of the adult population in the US experience the winter blues every year. According to experts at the National Institute of Mental Health, the condition is fairly common and is often marked by irritability, lethargy, overeating, feeling down and unsociable and sleep problems. A small percentage of people also experience a more severe medical disorder called seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during the winter months.

Winter blues can be tough on anyone, but they are particularly difficult for those in addiction recovery. The cold weather, coupled with shorter days and lack of sunlight can exacerbate feelings of isolation, depression, and cravings, as well as negative thoughts. Luckily, there are many strategies to help you stay strong and navigate this challenging season. We’ll discuss these in the article, but first, let’s explore the unique challenges that winter poses to individuals in recovery.

Unique Challenges of Winter for Individuals in Recovery

Scientists believe that shorter days and less sunlight can trigger chemical changes in the brain. This explains, in part, why people have winter blues or feel down when days get shorter in winter and fall and feel better in the spring when longer daylight hours return. In some cases, these changes in mood are serious and affect how one thinks, acts or feels.


With that said, here are some challenges that those in recovery face during winter:

Disrupted Circadian Rhythm

The shorter days and reduced sunlight of winter disrupt the body's natural sleep-wake cycle, known as the circadian rhythm. This throws off the production of hormones like melatonin and cortisol, which regulate sleep, mood, and energy levels. As a result, you may experience difficulty falling or staying asleep, mood disorders, and difficulty concentrating and staying motivated.

Increased Social Isolation

Winter weather often keeps people indoors and discourages outdoor activities, leading to increased social isolation. This can exacerbate feelings of depression and loneliness, which are common triggers for relapse. Limited access to support groups and activities also means difficulty connecting with others and may lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse.

Social Challenges

The holiday season, while festive, can be a double-edged sword for those in recovery. On the one hand, it provides opportunities for connection and joy, but on the other, the social aspect that involves drinking alcohol or using drugs can trigger cravings and relapse risks. The holidays can also bring stress due to increased social obligations, financial pressures, and expectations.

Family Dynamics and Holiday Pressures

For some, the holiday season may bring back memories of past family conflicts or unresolved issues. Such situations are emotionally challenging and can impact one’s mental state. Besides, there are the expectations and pressures surrounding family dynamics. The weight of maintaining certain traditions or meeting perceived standards may cause stress and anxiety, potentially becoming triggers for relapse.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

SAD is a more severe form of winter-related mood disturbance. It starts and ends at about the same time each year, with symptoms peaking in the fall and continuing all the way into the winter months. SAD saps energy, triggers seasonal depression and leaves one feeling moody and tired – all which can pose additional challenges in recovery.


Strategies for Coping With the Winter Blues

Light therapy can be a great solution for SAD. However, there are several other strategies you can consider for coping with winter challenge:

Regular Exercise

Exercise is the easiest way to deal with winter challenges. Many studies have linked it to improved mood, energy and, most importantly, SAD symptoms. And it doesn’t have to be intense or structured – just find something you enjoy doing, whether it's walking, jogging or even winter sports like ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding. 

Connect With Your Support Group

Regular meetings or calls with your recovery group can help you weather the storm. Group members understand what you're going through and can encourage and support you through it. It’s also great to surround yourself with loved ones who understand your journey and offer encouragement.  

Seek Out Sunlight

Maximize your exposure to natural light, even if it's just for a short period. Open curtains, spend time outdoors when possible, or use a light therapy box to help regulate your circadian rhythm and improve mood.


Engage in Enjoyable Activities

Make time for hobbies and activities you find relaxing and fulfilling. Listening to music, reading, spending time in nature, or pursuing creative endeavors can boost your mood and overall well-being.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness exercises help you stay present in the moment and avoid dwelling on negative thoughts or worries. Focusing on your breath, bodily sensations, or surrounding environment can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Additional Tips

Reach Out to Your Therapist

Consider seeking professional guidance from your therapist. They can provide personalized support, teach coping mechanisms, and adjust your addiction treatment plan as needed to address winter-specific challenges.

If you’re still having a hard time staying off substances or are dealing with mental health issues like bipolar disorder, stress, anxiety, etc., experts at More Than Rehab can help. We know how tough a dual diagnosis can be, so we are ready to provide integrated treatment to address the substance use disorder and the underlying behavioral health conditions together at the same time.

With the right support, winter blues can become a fleeting chill, a mere blip in your journey towards lasting recovery. Embrace the light within you, and know that spring is just around the corner, ready to bathe you in its warmth once again. Together, we can navigate the winter blues and step into a brighter future.


A Fresh Start: Decluttering Your Life in Addiction Recovery

There’s nothing wrong with holding on to sentimental items or memories. If anything, these can offer a sense of comfort and familiarity. But in addiction recovery, sometimes that very comfort can become a barrier to progress. That’s why it’s necessary to release things that no longer serve you. Decluttering your life is not about erasing your history or discarding cherished memories. It's about creating space for what truly matters now – your present and future in recovery.

What is Clutter?

Clutter is a collection of disorganized, scattered, or unnecessary items that create disorder and chaos in a physical or mental space. It can manifest in various forms, including:

Clutter has been shown to cause stress, anxiety, and depression. There’s also a strong connection between clutter and sleep problems, constant low-grade fight or flight response, memory issues, weight gain, lack of focus, etc.


How to Remove Clutter from Your Life

Clutter is bad for your mind and body and, therefore, bad for your recovery. Decluttering your home is a significant step towards creating a healthier, more positive environment. Here is how to remove clutter:

Physical Clutter

Physical clutter is the most obvious type of clutter and the first thing that comes to mind when discussing decluttering. Here’s how to get rid of physical clutter from your home, office or personal areas:


Take a thorough look at your space. Identify areas that contribute to stress or disorganization. Then, sort your possessions into categories. These can include essentials, sentimental items, and non-essential or triggering things.  

Start Small

Get four boxes, and label each one: one "Keep," one "Donate/Sell," one "Trash," and one "Undecided." Using these boxes makes it easy to break down the task. Once you’re done marking, pick a manageable area, like a single room or even a specific area within a room, then gather and pile all the items in the area on the floor, picking up each item and deciding which box to put it into.

Repeat this process until all items are in their respective boxes, and move on to the next area in your home. Be careful not to overdo it. In fact, you can set a time limit for the decluttering session, and only start work that you can finish within that time. This will make the process seem a lot less overwhelming.


Create designated spaces for essential items. This helps maintain order and prevents future clutter. If possible, invest in shelves, bins, or organizers to keep belongings in their designated places. The goal is to try as much as possible to keep only what truly adds value to your life.


Substance Removal

If you have any unused substances dispose of them safely. You can return them to a pharmacy or to a drug take back program. But if the process is emotionally challenging, reach out to a sponsor, counselor, or support group for guidance. It’s equally important to get rid any paraphernalia as this can be a strong trigger for further drug abuse.

Digital Clutter

Digital clutter can be just as impactful as physical clutter, if not more so, given the increasing reliance on digital devices in our daily lives. Here’s how to declutter your digital space:

Emotional Clutter

Emotional clutter pulls the mind in too many directions, leaving you feeling overwhelmed or tired. Here’s how to refresh, refocus, and get back on track toward your long-term recovery.

Practice Mindfulness

Engage in mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga. Mindfulness helps you stay present and reduces the impact of overwhelming emotions.

Let Go of Perfectionism

Understand that recovery is a journey, and perfection is not the goal. Accept that setbacks may occur, and learn from them rather than dwelling on feelings of failure.

Emotional Detox

Consider activities that serve as emotional detox, such as art, music, journaling, sleep, or physical exercise. These activities can help release built-up emotions.

Seek Support

Share your feelings with a family member, trusted friend, or therapist. Opening up to others can provide valuable perspectives and emotional support.

Healthy Boundaries

Set and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships. Communicate your needs and prioritize self-care to prevent emotional clutter from external sources.

Emotional Inventory

Regularly check in with your emotions. Take time to reflect on how you're feeling and why. This self-awareness can prevent emotions from building up and becoming overwhelming.

Seek Professional Help

Engage in therapy or counseling to address deep-seated emotional clutter. A mental health care professional can provide guidance and support in navigating complex emotional issues. They can also help you learn how to set goals, forgive, and challenge negative self-talk.


Why Decluttering Can Help Life in Recovery

Decluttering your life can significantly benefit life in recovery for several reasons:

Removing physical clutter and emotional baggage allows you to create a supportive environment that aligns with your commitment to positive change. But if you’re having a hard time, it might be a good idea to get some help.

If clutter is triggering you to go back to using, don’t hesitate to seek mental health services or substance abuse treatment. Mental health and addiction treatment can help you regain control of your life. Contact us today to find out more:


Venturing into the Modern Dating Scene With Sobriety as a Game-Changer

Venturing into the modern dating scene with a newly-found sobriety can really be a game-changer. Dating is an important part of any romantic relationship. It allows you to learn more about your potential partner and also lets you discover who you are.

But the dating world can be a double-edged sword for those in addiction recovery. On the one hand, it offers the promise of new beginnings, the potential for genuine connections, and the thrill of getting to know someone on a deeper level. On the other hand, it can be a minefield of triggers, pressures, and societal norms that revolve around alcohol and other substances.

But the good news is that dating is not only possible while maintaining your sobriety; it can also lead to supportive and fulfilling relationships. This article will explore strategies and tips to help you navigate the dating scene while safeguarding your sobriety. We’ll also discuss sober empowerment and the challenges and benefits of being upfront about your journey. 

Dating in Early Recovery and the Initial Apprehensions

Re-entering the modern dating scene while in recovery can trigger a wave of initial dating apprehensions, and it's perfectly natural to feel this way. You may experience: 

Fear of Relapse

One of the most significant concerns you may face is the fear of relapse. You've worked hard to achieve and maintain your sobriety, and the thought of entering a dating scene filled with opportunities for triggers can be anxiety-inducing. You worry that the emotional rollercoaster of dating might compromise the stability you've fought so hard to establish.

Echoes of Past Relationships

For many, past relationships may have been entangled with addiction, pain, and unhealthy patterns. The echoes of these past experiences can cast doubt on your ability to engage in healthy, meaningful relationships. You may wonder if it's possible to break free from the shackles of your history and forge a different, healthier path.

Pressure to Conform

The modern dating scene often seems to revolve around alcohol and casual drug use. Social norms may encourage you to participate in activities that you're trying to avoid. This pressure to conform to conventional dating rituals can be overwhelming, making you question whether it's feasible to date while staying true to your sobriety.

Uncertainty about Disclosure

You might wrestle with the decision of when and how to disclose your sobriety to a potential partner. The fear of being judged or rejected once you reveal your journey can create a sense of vulnerability that's hard to ignore.

Remember that these concerns don't diminish your worth or your potential for fulfilling relationships. Instead, they highlight the importance of approaching the dating scene with a sense of self-awareness, caution, and a commitment to your well-being. 

Being Upfront About Sobriety

Honesty is the foundation of any healthy and meaningful relationship. So unless you’ve found a match on one of the sober dating apps (where someone might already have an idea about your addiction and recovery) you’ll need to disclose your recovery journey upfront.

Being open about your sobriety from the beginning demonstrates your commitment to transparency. It sets the stage for open communication and trust with potential partners. It also prevents conflicts and misunderstandings down the road. It’s better to address potential issues at the beginning of a relationship rather than later when emotions may be more deeply involved.

Sharing your story is not easy. It requires a level of vulnerability and can make you feel exposed and susceptible to rejection or criticism. You may also encounter judgment or misunderstanding from potential partners. Not everyone has a clear understanding of addiction and recovery, and this lack of knowledge can lead to misconceptions or misconstrued judgments about your journey.

But the best part about sharing is that it helps you filter out those who aren’t compatible with your lifestyle and values. If someone cannot accept or respect your commitment to sobriety, it's a clear indication that they may not be the right match for you. The same applies to those who are judgmental or skeptical. 

Again, when you're honest about your sobriety, you're more likely to attract like-minded partners who share your values and respect your journey. This increases the likelihood of building meaningful and supportive relationships with those who appreciate and support your commitment. Upfront communication also helps you avoid situations that could potentially trigger cravings or temptations. It sets clear boundaries and expectations with your partner, reducing the likelihood of uncomfortable or risky situations arising. 

Empowerment through Prioritizing Personal Well-Being over Societal Pressures

When you prioritize your personal well-being over societal pressures, you’re able to express your true self, build resilience, and affirm your self-worth. In doing so, you not only enhance your dating experiences but also strengthen your commitment to a fulfilling and sober life. Prioritizing your personal well-being over societal pressures:

Tips to Ensure That New Relationships Support and Honor Your Recovery Journey

If you find a perfect match and wish to take the relationship to a whole new level, there are a few things you’ll need to set in place to ensure the relationship supports and honors your recovery journey. Here are some tips to get you started:

If the relationship becomes overwhelmingly challenging or jeopardizes your sobriety, consider seeking professional guidance from a therapist or counselor who specializes in addiction and relationships. You can also consider getting help if you’re struggling to stay sober or make healthy relationships


The Benefits of Outdoor Activities in Addiction Recovery

Many studies have shown the importance of physical activities for mental and physical health. There’s also growing evidence of the benefits of spending time in nature or being in contact with the natural environment. Doing physical activity in nature brings together those positive effects that can be particularly beneficial for those in alcohol and drug addiction recovery. The powerful synergy taps into the manifold benefits of both exercise and the natural environment, offering a holistic approach to healing and rehabilitation.

Here’s a quick look at the benefits of outdoor activities in addiction recovery:

Replaces Your Addiction with Healthier Cravings

When recovering from addiction, it's common to experience cravings for the substance or behavior you were addicted to. Outdoor activities can provide a healthy alternative to these cravings. Engaging in activities like hiking, cycling, or playing sports not only distracts you from the desire to use substances but also releases endorphins, the body's natural "feel-good" chemicals. Over time, your brain can learn to associate these healthy activities with pleasure, gradually reducing the intensity and frequency of cravings for your addictive substance or behavior.

Helps You Cope with Withdrawal Symptoms

Skyrunner athlete embraces outdoor activities for addiction recovery and nature immersion running uphill against a sunset

Withdrawal symptoms can be one of the most challenging aspects of addiction recovery. They can include physical discomfort, anxiety, depression, and intense cravings. Outdoor activities can serve as a coping mechanism during this difficult period.

Being in a natural environment, whether it's a park, forest, or beach, can promote relaxation and lower stress, helping reduce the severity of withdrawal. The physical activity associated with outdoor pursuits also helps alleviate some of the physical discomforts of withdrawal.

Mindfulness and Coping Skills

Nature encourages mindfulness, which is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment. When you immerse yourself in the natural world, you become more aware of your surroundings, senses, and thoughts. This mindfulness can be a powerful tool for managing cravings and coping with the emotional ups and downs of recovery. Additionally, outdoor challenges, like navigating unfamiliar terrain or dealing with unpredictable weather, teach you valuable coping skills, such as problem-solving and resilience, which can be applied to your recovery journey.

Adds Structure and Routine to Your Day

Establishing a routine is crucial for individuals in addiction recovery. The lack of structure in daily life can lead to boredom and increased susceptibility to relapse. Outdoor activities, like taking daily mindful walks or going for a weekly hike, can provide a structured way to spend your time. A set schedule helps you stay focused on positive, goal-oriented activities, reducing the likelihood of relapse.

Heals Your Brain

Prolonged substance abuse can lead to significant changes in the brain's structure and function. Outdoor activities can contribute to the healing process. Regular exercise, which is often a part of outdoor activities, stimulates the production of neurochemicals like dopamine, which are essential for brain health. Additionally, the calming effects of nature and reduced stress can aid in brain repair and help restore cognitive function.

Reduces the Chances of Relapse

Biker couple enjoying outdoor activities aiding addiction recovery and reducing substance abuse chances

One of the primary goals of addiction recovery is to maintain long-term sobriety and prevent relapse. Engaging in outdoor activities can significantly reduce the chances of relapse for several reasons:

Nature Immersion Improves Your Mental Well-being

Spending time in natural environments has a profound impact on mental well-being. Nature immersion allows you to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and connect with the natural world. This connection can lead to feelings of tranquility, inner peace, and a sense of being grounded. It provides a mental break from the stressors and triggers that often accompany addiction recovery, allowing you to self-reflect with a focus on nature and healing.

Reduces Stress and Improves Moods

Nature's calming and soothing qualities make it an effective stress-reducer. The sights and sounds of the outdoors can help lower cortisol levels, leading to reduced stress. Exposure to natural settings also has a positive impact on mood, often resulting in increased feelings of happiness and contentment. For those in addiction recovery who may experience heightened levels of stress and emotional challenges, these mood-enhancing benefits are particularly valuable.

Social Connection and Support

The best part is that you can enjoy outdoor activities with others. Activities like hiking, outdoor therapy sessions, community gardening, etc., help you build positive social connections, which is a crucial aspect of addiction recovery. Engaging in outdoor activities with peers or support groups fosters a sense of belonging and support, which can be particularly valuable during challenging times in your recovery.

Holistic Healing and Improved Self-Esteem

Outdoor activities like trail running promote addiction recovery and holistic recovery enhancing fitness and healthy lifestyle

Addiction affects not only the body but also the mind and spirit. Green therapy contributes to holistic recovery by addressing all these aspects. It can lead to a sense of wholeness and balance, helping you reconnect with yourself beyond your addiction.

Moreover, as you achieve goals in outdoor activities—such as completing a challenging hike or successfully nurturing a garden—your sense of accomplishment and self-esteem improve. These achievements can be a powerful reminder of your ability to overcome challenges, further strengthening your belief in your recovery journey.

Outdoor activities have become a vital tool in the recovery journey, offering a sustainable and enriching path toward sobriety and improved mental and physical well-being. As you embark on your recovery journey, consider embracing the healing embrace of nature, and let the great outdoors be your partner in achieving lasting recovery and a brighter future.

If you need any help in your recovery journey, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at More Than Rehab. Our expertise and guidance can help you tailor your outdoor activities to your specific needs and circumstances for the best results.
