From Isolation to Connection: Why Social Support Matters in Recovery

We all need love and support from the people closest to us. This need is even greater for those in recovery. Addiction has a way of pushing people away from their friends and family. The secrecy, defensiveness, withdrawal, aggressiveness, etc. that come with addiction often sever relationships. Even in recovery, there’s stigma, isolation, shame, guilt, and all sorts of emotional barriers that make it hard to rebuild these connections. But as someone on the road to recovery, it’s very important to overcome these barriers and tap into the power of social support.

Social support is more than just having people around you; it’s about creating meaningful connections that can make a big difference in your recovery journey. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), social support is one of the most critical components of effective addiction treatment. 

What Is Social Support?

Social support is the help and encouragement that you get from your social network as you work towards a successful recovery from substance abuse. This network includes family, friends, colleagues, and broader community members. It may also include your counselor or therapist, 12-step sponsor or coach, members of peer support groups, or a spiritual advisor (if you believe in a higher power).

These people play a huge role in providing the emotional, practical, and motivational support you need during your recovery journey.


Importance of Social Support in Addiction Recovery

Recovery is challenging. And with so many triggers, you need people to cheer you on and encourage you to stay the course. Let’s have a look at how relationships with these people can impact your ability to maintain sobriety: 

It Empowers You

Strong social support can empower you and boost your confidence, which is vital in recovery. You need all the confidence to face the challenges that come with recovery. You must constantly believe you’ve got what it takes to overcome any obstacle.

This self-efficacy helps you stay on track and makes you less likely to relapse. And on days when you feel low and less confident, your support system kicks in and cheers you on.

It Improves Your Emotional Well-Being

Emotional well-being is critical in recovery. Supportive relationships give you a safe space to share feelings and reduce loneliness. Even in group therapy and peer support meetings, you can share experiences and learn healthy coping strategies from others, which can help you heal emotionally. The last thing you want is to keep your emotions bottled up, as this can lead to relapse.

It Helps Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Recovery comes with stress and anxiety. So it’s a good feeling to know there are people you can count on and trust. The more people you have in your support system, the more resources you have available to face your obstacles.

For example, when you feel shame or guilt about your past habits, you can turn to your peers in Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous for real-life experiences and coping skills. And when you need a hug, you know there’s a loved one ready to shower you with lots of them. 

It Balances Your Expectations

When you were in an active drug or alcohol addiction, you likely spent a lot of time with people who validated your harmful behavior. But in recovery, that changes. You have to leave behind the old habits and people who still live in that life.

Instead, it’s essential to surround yourself with individuals who support your long-term addiction recovery journey. This involves actively participating in 12-step programs, seeking out new and enjoyable sober activities, and spending quality time with friends who are also committed to sobriety. 


By engaging in these positive practices, you'll be able to adopt empowering beliefs and cultivate healthy behaviors that can reinforce your recovery from addiction. Embracing a supportive community and a constructive lifestyle can significantly enhance your chances of maintaining sobriety and achieving lasting well-being.

It Makes You Happier

A strong support network plays a crucial role in enhancing your overall happiness and well-being. Positive social interactions stimulate the release of feel-good chemicals in your brain, fostering a deep sense of belonging and connection. Whether through online support groups or in-person meetings, these relationships can significantly enrich your recovery journey, making it more enjoyable and less isolating.

Moreover, having loved ones involved in your life means you don't have to face every challenge alone. They can provide practical assistance, such as taking you to the hospital if you're experiencing physical health problems or ensuring you have a safe place to live. These seemingly small acts of support can alleviate major stressors, allowing you to focus more on your recovery and personal growth. The reassurance that someone is there for you can make a world of difference, turning sometimes daunting obstacles into manageable tasks.

It Keeps You From Isolating

Most importantly, social support keeps you from isolating. Isolation can be a major hurdle in recovery – but loved ones can encourage you to stay engaged and involved in social activities. Drug abuse recovery groups can also help you overcome the fear and shame that come with addiction and make it easier to integrate with the rest.

What Types of Social Support Groups Are Available Today?

Here are some examples of support groups that you can join depending on your needs:

12-Step Programs

12-step programs are based on the principles outlined in the 12 steps, emphasizing personal accountability, spirituality, and mutual support. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which provides a supportive community for individuals recovering from alcohol addiction, was the first to use the program. The other group that is known to use the program is Narcotics Anonymous (NA), which is similar to AA, but focuses on individuals struggling with drug abuse.


Non-12-Step Programs

These programs provide alternatives to the traditional 12-step approach, often focusing on self-empowerment and evidence-based practices. An example is SMART Recovery. It stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. It uses cognitive-behavioral techniques to help individuals manage their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to addiction. Other examples include Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS), Women for Sobriety, etc.

Family and Friends Support Groups

These groups are for your loved ones. They are designed to help the people around you understand addiction and offer better support. Common examples include Al-Anon for families and friends of people struggling with alcohol abuse and Nar-Anon for loved ones of those dealing with drug addiction.

Medical Support

Even in recovery, you may still need to seek medical advice and support occasionally. Your caregiver can monitor your progress and recommend treatment if required. For example, if you are struggling with relapse triggers, they might recommend sober living or outpatient care to bring you back on track. And if you relapse – which is a normal part of recovery – they will get you back to treatment, which involves behavioral therapy and medication-assisted treatment.

At More than Rehab, we understand the value of a strong support system. That’s why we always emphasize family involvement in treatment. We also have programs to help you transition back to your life smoothly. Contact us today if you wish to learn more about how we can help you recover. 


Maximizing Texas’s Opioid Settlement: Investing in Treatment & Rehabilitation

The US has been experiencing an opioid crisis since the mid-90s. This was around the time when there was a shift in how doctors prescribed pain medication. Pharmaceutical companies downplayed the addictive potential of opioids, and doctors were encouraged to prescribe them more liberally for chronic pain. Sadly, this led to a significant increase in the number of people taking prescription opioids like Percocet and OxyContin.

As more people were exposed to opioids, rates of addiction and misuse skyrocketed. Many who became addicted to prescription drugs eventually turned to cheaper, more dangerous alternatives like heroin, further inflating overdose deaths. The rise in opioid overdose deaths paralleled the increase in opioid prescriptions, highlighting a clear link between the two. 

After the CDC survey that found over 10 million patients misused prescription opioids in 2018, it, along with states like Texas, declared an opioid epidemic and changed prescription standards. Texas and 13 other states took the drug companies to court, with both Democrat and Republican attorneys general teaming up to sue. 

In July 2021, a significant agreement was made: Johnson & Johnson and three drug distributors agreed to cough up $26 billion to settle the case. But other settlements, including with OcyContin manufacturer Purdue Pharma, are still pending. Texas is expected to get about $1.6 billion from six companies over 18 years as part of these settlement agreements.


The Current State of Opioid Addiction in Texas

Texas is experiencing a drug poisoning epidemic. According to surveys, deaths from poisoning in the state increased by more than 75% in just five years. In 2017, the rate was 9.4 deaths per 100,000, and that nearly doubled to 15.8 deaths per 100,000 residents in 2021.

Although the prescription of opioids by doctors in Texas has reduced over the last few years, overdose deaths from illegally manufactured fentanyl continue to rise. A CDC report estimates 5,566 drug-related deaths occurred in Texas between August 2022 and August 2023. 45% of these deaths involved fentanyl.

The human cost of opioid addiction is immense. For every statistic, there’s a person and a story—a family member, a friend, or a neighbor whose life has been affected. Beyond that, the opioid epidemic is putting a strain on all levels of care. Hospitals and emergency services are overwhelmed by the number of overdose cases they handle daily.

This strain makes it harder for everyone to get the care they need. Local resources such as law enforcement and social services are also stretched thin trying to manage the wide-ranging consequences of the opioid crisis. 

The Potential Impact of Strategic Investments 

The $1.6 billion settlement presents a significant opportunity for Texas to combat the opioid crisis effectively through strategic investments. Proper allocation of these funds can profoundly impact the state's ability to support the people who are struggling with addiction, improve public health, and reduce the overall burden of the crisis.


Let’s explore some key areas where strategic investments can make a difference:

Expansion of Treatment Facilities

There’s a need for more treatment facilities so more people can get the help they desperately need. With more money, we can build new treatment centers and improve upon the ones we already have. This means people won’t have to wait so long to get care. These centers can offer a variety of services like detox, inpatient and intensive outpatient treatments, and special treatments for mental health conditions. More facilities means increasing the number of beds, doctors, and nurses, which ultimately leads to saving more lives.

Enhancement of Recovery Support Services

The money can also go to recovery support to give people the tools they need to rebuild their lives. This includes access to counseling and therapy, which are crucial for long-term recovery. Programs that offer stable housing and job training can help people recover and stay sober.

We can also create peer support groups and mentorship programs where people who have been through recovery can offer support and advice. These services build a strong support network that can make a huge difference.

Implementation of Prevention Programs

Preventing addiction before it starts is key to tackling the opioid crisis. When we invest in prevention programs, we can educate communities about the dangers of opioid misuse and teach healthy coping strategies.

Schools, workplaces, and community centers can run educational programs to raise awareness. Early intervention programs can identify at-risk people and help them before things worsen. Strengthening prescription monitoring systems can also prevent misuse and diversion of opioids. Prevention efforts can stop the cycle of addiction before it starts, saving lives and reducing the impact of the crisis. 

Misallocation of Opioid Settlement Funds Raises Concerns

In the wake of the opioid crisis, states across the country have received significant settlement funds intended to combat addiction and support affected communities. However, there are growing concerns about how these funds are being used. Instead of directing the money towards prevention and treatment options, some states are spending it on things like new police cars and slush funds that don't directly help those struggling with substance use disorders.

Police Cars and Equipment

In several states, portions of the opioid settlement funds have been used to buy new police cars and other law enforcement equipment. While law enforcement is crucial in addressing the crisis, these expenditures don’t provide the necessary treatment or support for individuals battling addiction.

Filling Budget Gaps

Some states use the funds to cover general budget shortfalls or unrelated projects. This means the money isn’t going to addiction treatment or prevention programs, which undermines efforts to combat the opioid epidemic.

Lack of Transparency

In some instances, funds have been placed into slush funds with little oversight or accountability. Without explicit tracking, it’s hard to ensure the money is being used to help those who need it most.

The Need for Transparency and Accountability

Unless the state and local governments put the funds to good use, they won’t help those affected. The state can ensure this happens by:

  1. Establishing robust oversight mechanisms. This includes transparent reporting, regular audits, and involving community stakeholders in decision-making processes.
  2. Learning from the missteps of other states, where funds have been diverted to unrelated expenses like new police cars and slush funds, Texas must commit to using the settlement money exclusively for addressing the opioid crisis.
  3. Strategically allocating funds to areas with the highest need and potential impact. This way, Texas can maximize the benefits of the settlement, supporting recovery, reducing overdose deaths, and ultimately diminishing the overall opioid crisis in the state.

How to Track Fund Usage in Your Community

There are several resources available to help track the allocation and use of opioid settlement funds:

News Sites

While the information might not be readily available, some platforms, like KFF Health News, have made it public after negotiations.

Government Websites

Check state and local government websites for information on fund allocation and spending. Look for sections on budget reports, public health initiatives, or opioid response plans. BrownGeer, a court-appointed firm administering the settlements, also shares the information on a public website.

Public Records Requests

You can file public records requests to obtain detailed information about funds' use. Do this through state or local government offices handling public information requests.

Community Advocacy Groups

Local advocacy groups focused on addiction and public health, such as the Texas Harm Reduction Alliance and the Texas Overdose Naloxone Initiative (TONI), can be valuable resources for information and action.

Opioid Addiction Treatment at More Than Rehab

At More Than Rehab, we’re committed to making a real impact. We offer comprehensive care, from detox and therapy to long-term support and education. Our mission is to provide a safe, supportive environment where people can recover and thrive.

With the right investments and a commitment to transparency and effectiveness, we can make a significant difference in the fight against the opioid crisis in Texas. Let’s work together to ensure these funds are used to their fullest potential, helping those in need and building healthier communities across our state.


Navigating Treatment Options on the Road to Sobriety

The road to sobriety and recovery is filled with challenges but also with immense opportunities for growth and healing. As you embark on this journey, you should know that various treatment options are available. From evidence-based care to holistic therapies, each approach offers unique benefits to support your recovery journey. This article guides you in navigating these treatment options and finding the path that best suits your needs.

Importance of Seeking Help

Struggling with addiction is a tough battle, and trying to overcome it alone can be overwhelming and sometimes even dangerous. Seeking help is not a sign of weakness; it's a courageous step towards reclaiming control of your life.


Let's explore some reasons why getting help in a drug rehab like More Than Rehab is beneficial:  

Access to Expertise and Support

Rehab programs offer access to a team of experts who specialize in understanding and addressing the complexities of addiction. Experienced counselors, therapists, and medical professionals at these centers have the knowledge, skills, and resources to guide you through every step of your recovery journey, from detoxification to long-term sobriety.

Comprehensive Assessment and Treatment Planning

Seeking professional help ensures that you undergo a thorough assessment to identify the underlying factors contributing to your addiction. The evaluation is the foundation for developing a customized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and circumstances. Through evidence-based practices and holistic approaches, professionals can tailor interventions to target both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction, increasing the chances of successful outcomes.

 Safe and Supportive Environment

Treatment centers like MTR offer a structured setting where you can focus on your recovery without the triggers and distractions of your everyday life. Moreover, being surrounded by peers who share similar experiences fosters a sense of camaraderie and understanding, minimizing feelings of isolation and shame often associated with addiction.

Accountability and Motivation

Through regular therapy sessions, group discussions, and progress assessments, you receive ongoing encouragement and feedback from professionals and peers alike. This support system helps reinforce your commitment to overcome obstacles and maintain sobriety, even during challenging moments.

Holistic Approach to Healing

More Than Rehab emphasizes a holistic approach to healing. This means that treatments are not just designed to address the symptoms of addiction but also the underlying causes and co-occurring issues. Integrating various therapeutic modalities, like cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness practices, and experiential therapies, allows professionals to empower you to develop healthier coping mechanisms and life skills essential for sustained recovery.


Treatment Options for Drugs and Alcohol Addiction

The road to recovery is unique and personal, with various treatment and support options available. In most cases, the journey starts from detox to aftercare, as shown below:

Detoxification (Detox)

Detox is often the first step in SUD treatment, during which your body eliminates the substances of abuse under medical supervision. It helps manage withdrawal symptoms and ensures a safe transition to further treatment.


Individual counseling and group therapy sessions provide a supportive environment to:

Counseling can help you figure out why you're addicted to something and teach you ways to deal with situations that make you want to use it.

Behavioral Therapies

Behavioral health therapies, like dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and motivational interviewing, help you uncover and change unhealthy thoughts and behaviors associated with addiction. These therapies teach coping skills, promote self-awareness, and address underlying issues contributing to substance abuse.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

MAT combines medication with behavioral therapies to address substance use disorders effectively. Addiction medicine can help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, making it easier for you to focus on recovery. MAT is particularly beneficial for alcohol and opioid addiction.

Support Groups

Support groups, such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), offer peer support and encouragement from people who have experienced similar struggles with addiction. These groups provide a sense of community, accountability, and shared understanding that can be instrumental in maintaining sobriety.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Dual-diagnosis treatment addresses co-occurring mental health disorders alongside addiction. About 50% of those struggling with addiction also experience conditions like depression, anxiety, or PTSD. Co-current addiction and mental health services ensure that both issues are addressed simultaneously for effective recovery.


Sober Living

Sober living homes offer a supportive and structured living environment for individuals in recovery. These residences offer accountability, peer support, and access to resources while transitioning from intensive treatment to independent living.

Continuum of Care

The continuum of care is a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment that includes various levels of care tailored to your changing needs over time. This may involve transitioning from detox to residential treatment, then to outpatient care, and finally to aftercare and relapse prevention services.

Addiction treatment options can be delivered in different settings, including:

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient or residential treatment plans offer round-the-clock care and support in a structured environment. These programs are ideal for people with severe addiction or those who need intensive supervision and support.

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP)

Intensive outpatient programs provide structured therapy and support while allowing you to continue living at home and attending to your daily responsibilities. IOPs offer flexibility and access to treatment for individuals who do not require 24-hour care.

Rehab and Detox Cost

The costs of rehab and detox can vary depending on factors like the type of treatment program, duration of stay, location, and amenities offered. In general, inpatient rehab programs tend to be costlier than outpatient programs due to the round-the-clock care and accommodation provided. Regardless, cost should not be a barrier to getting the care you need. Your health comes first. And with options like Affordable Care Act (ACA) and health insurance coverage, addiction treatment is now more accessible than ever.

Comprehensive Addiction Treatment at MTR

At More Than Rehab, we understand the importance of addressing addiction from all angles. That's why we provide a range of treatment options to address the root causes of addiction and empower our clients to make positive life changes. No matter where you are in your journey, know you are not alone. MTR is here to support you every step of the way. Take the first step towards reclaiming your life from addiction and discover the transformative power of holistic care at More Than Rehab. Your journey to recovery starts here.


Overcoming Cocaine Addiction: Effective Treatment Strategies

Cocaine addiction is a chronic and relapsing condition that can affect anyone. Today, millions of Americans have a cocaine use disorder, and millions of others have lost their lives due to cocaine-related complications. If you or a loved one is struggling with cocaine addiction, you should know that treatment is available and recovery is possible. Cocaine addiction treatment can help return you to productive functioning in your home, workplace and community.

What Does Cocaine Addiction Look Like?

Cocaine has a reputation for being extremely addictive. In fact, in cases of crack cocaine, users can become addicted after first use. Cocaine use produces intense yet short-lived effects, which can lead you to take more to re-experience the high.


Repeated use causes the mind and body to become so used to the drug that you build tolerance to it. At this point, subsequent episodes of drug use will produce decreased levels of pleasure. So, you'll need to take more cocaine often to achieve the desired effects. You may also:

Side Effects of Cocaine Use

While cocaine use produces pleasure, feelings of intense wellbeing and even heightened sexual arousal, increasing the doses raises the risk of experiencing adverse effects. Some common side effects of cocaine include:

If you notice any of these signs of cocaine addiction in yourself or someone you care about, it is best to seek help. Cocaine addiction is a severe medical condition that needs professional intervention and support.

Quitting cold turkey is not a good idea. You may experience extreme anxiety, depression, seizures, feelings of hopelessness or even suicidal thoughts during withdrawal. There's also the issue with cravings that make you prone to relapse.

That's why it is always a good idea to seek professional help for detox. Professional addiction treatment can make all the difference in reducing these risks.

Effective Treatment Strategies


Treatment for cocaine addiction can be effective, and many individuals achieve successful recovery with the proper support and interventions. It's essential to recognize that addiction is a complex and chronic condition, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treatment. However, the following evidence-based treatments and comprehensive strategies are successful in helping individuals overcome cocaine addiction.

Supervised Detox

This is the initial phase of treatment that focuses on safely managing the withdrawal symptoms associated with discontinuing cocaine use. The goal of supervised detox is to help individuals transition through the acute withdrawal phase safely and prepare for the next stages of addiction treatment.

During detox, trained medical professionals closely monitor the patient's physical and mental health. They may give medications to ease withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings. They will also offer emotional support to help one cope with anxiety, depression, and other emotional aspects of withdrawal.

Behavioral Therapies

Behavioral therapies help address the psychological aspects of addiction. They empower patients to understand the root causes of their addiction, develop coping mechanisms, and build a foundation for long-term recovery. Examples of behavioral health therapies include:


Counseling is an integral component of cocaine addiction treatment. It provides a supportive and therapeutic space for one to explore their behaviors, emotions and thoughts related to substance use. There are different counseling settings:

Support Systems

The support system is instrumental for sustained recovery. It can come from family, friends, or even peers. A robust support system helps individuals navigate the challenges of recovery, encourages them during difficult times, and reinforces the commitment to a drug-free life.


Treatment for Comorbid Cocaine Use and Mental Health Conditions

Dual diagnosis treatment helps address co-occuring cocaine use and mental health disorders simultaneously. Many individuals with cocaine addiction may experience underlying mental health issues that contribute to or result from their substance abuse. So, treating one condition without addressing the other may lead to incomplete recovery or an increased risk of relapse.

Holistic Approach

Some treatment centers like More Than Rehab also use holistic approaches to treat cocaine use disorders. These approaches involve a combination of medical interventions, behavioral therapies, support groups, stress management techniques, nutritional counseling, exercise, and other complementary therapies to address the individual's physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment at More Than Rehab

At More Than Rehab, our goal is not just to help individuals overcome cocaine addiction but to empower them with the tools and support needed for sustained recovery and an improved quality of life. If you or someone you know is seeking help for cocaine addiction, we are here to provide compassionate and comprehensive care.


Exploring Art Therapy in Substance Abuse Recovery

Recovery comes with its fair share of challenges. Obstacles like difficult emotions, cravings, relationship issues, money problems, loneliness, boredom, mental health issues, relapse, etc., can take a toll on even the strongest person. That's why people in addiction recovery go through therapy, among other supportive measures, to help them overcome these challenges.

But not everyone in recovery can or wants to express their experiences and emotions verbally. Some prefer to use other means, like art. They want to paint, draw, sculpt, or dance to externalize and process their emotions, anxieties, and trauma. The creative process becomes a language that transcends words, allowing them to communicate and dive into their innermost thoughts and feelings. It allows them to:

What is Art Therapy?

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses the creative art-making process to promote healing, personal growth, and well-being. It combines psychological principles with artistic techniques to support individuals in exploring their emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Art therapy is facilitated by trained professional art therapists with expertise in art and psychology.

Art therapy can be used with traditional therapies like Dialectical Behavior therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), offering a more creative outlet for experiences and emotions. It can also be used in group therapy sessions to foster trust and bonding, as it offers a non-threatening way for members to share their feelings openly.

How Art Therapy Works

During art therapy sessions, you will be encouraged to engage in various creative outlets like collage making, painting, drawing and sketching, movement, or dance. But the focus won't be on creating artistic or aesthetically pleasing works. Instead, it will be on the creation process and the emerging emotional expression.

You do not need any skills to participate in art therapy. For example, you don't have to know painting to practice painting therapy. However, it's important to note that some approaches, like drama and dance, for instance, can be more overwhelming than journaling when you're new to therapy. But that shouldn't worry you, as your therapist will determine the most appropriate form of expression based on their understanding of your needs, tolerance level, sensitivity, and general readiness.

Creative Arts Therapy Vs. Expressive Arts Therapy

Both creative and expressive arts therapy are umbrella terms encompassing various therapeutic approaches that use the arts as a means of expression and healing. However, there are slight differences in their focus and scope:

Creative arts therapy is a broader term encompassing different therapy modalities, including art therapy, music therapy, dance/movement therapy, drama therapy, and poetry therapy. Each modality focuses on a specific art form and uses it as a therapeutic medium. Creative arts therapy recognizes and uses the unique qualities of each art form to support healing and personal growth.

In contrast, expressive art therapy is a more integrative approach that blends multiple art forms within a single therapeutic session or process. It encourages those in recovery to engage in various creative expressions, such as visual art, music, movement, drama, and writing, often in a spontaneous and fluid manner. Expressive arts therapy emphasizes the integration and interplay between different art forms to facilitate exploration, expression, active participation, and mind-body connection.

How Art Therapy Helps in Addiction Substance Abuse Recovery

a paint pallet with used brushes on a messy canvas

Art therapy can provide valuable support and healing benefits to individuals in addiction recovery. Here's how art therapy can help you in your recovery journey:

Emotional Expression and Release

Art therapy allows you to express and release intense emotions that are often difficult to put into words. You can visually represent your emotions, experiences, and struggles through the creative process. This provides a safe outlet for pent-up feelings and allows you to release and process them healthily and constructively.

Self-Exploration and Insight

Art therapy encourages you to explore your inner world and gain deeper insights into yourself. It lets you tap into your subconscious thoughts, emotions, and memories and uncover underlying issues and patterns that may have contributed to your addiction. Art therapy provides an opportunity for self-reflection, understanding, and personal growth.

Coping Skills Development

Art therapy helps you develop new coping skills and strategies for managing triggers and cravings. The creative process allows you to experiment with different approaches, problem-solving techniques, and alternative ways of expressing yourself. As you engage in art therapy, you can discover healthy outlets for stress, anxiety, and negative emotions, empowering you to navigate challenging situations in recovery.

Self-Esteem and Empowerment

Art therapy can boost your self-esteem and empower you in your recovery journey. As you create art and witness your progress, you gain a sense of achievement and confidence in your abilities. Artistic expression provides tangible evidence of your growth, reminding you of your strengths, resilience, and capacity for change.

Building a Positive Identity

Art therapy helps you explore and develop a positive and authentic identity beyond addiction. You can discover or reconnect with your interests, passions, and values and redefine yourself to focus on aspects of your life that bring joy, purpose, and fulfillment. Art therapy supports you in building a new and meaningful identity rooted in your strengths and aspirations.

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction

Engaging in art therapy promotes mindfulness and helps you stay present in the moment. As you immerse yourself in mindfulness practices, you become more attuned to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Art-making can serve as a meditative practice, reducing stress, anxiety, and cravings. It allows you to find moments of calm, focus, and inner peace amidst recovery challenges.

Connection and Support

Participating in art therapy groups or workshops offers you a sense of connection and support. Sharing your artwork and experiences with others who have gone through similar struggles creates a supportive community. Art therapy sessions provide a safe space for empathy, understanding, and validation, reducing feelings of isolation and fostering a sense of belonging.

Art therapy can help you navigate recovery. If you've been going through a rough patch, contact More Than Rehab today. We can help you explore the benefits of art therapy in your addiction recovery journey. Our dedicated team of professionals is experienced in utilizing art therapy as a powerful tool for self-expression, healing, and personal growth.


Where to Buy Fentanyl Testing Strips in Texas

If you're concerned about the presence of fentanyl in drugs you or someone you know may be using, fentanyl testing strips (FTS) can be an essential tool to help ensure your safety. These testing strips detect the presence of fentanyl in a sample of drugs, allowing you to make informed decisions about your drug use and potentially avoid overdose.

This article will outline where to buy fentanyl testing strips in Texas and provide information on their availability. But first, let's look at the fentanyl crisis in Texas and what the state is doing to combat the spread of fentanyl and save lives


What are Fentanyl Testing Strips?

Fentanyl testing strips are small pieces of paper coated with a chemical reagent that reacts to the presence of fentanyl. They work by detecting the presence of fentanyl in different drugs (heroin, meth, cocaine, etc.) and drug forms (powder, injectables, and pills). These drug testing technologies serve as harm reduction strategies, providing essential information about fentanyl in the illicit drug supply so they can take steps to reduce the risk of overdose. 

Image courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

 How to Use Fentanyl Test Strips:

  1. Prepare a small amount (at least 10mg) of the substance you want to test and place it in a clean, dry container.
  2. Add water to the container and mix the substance and water. For most drugs, you need ½ teaspoon of water. However, if you are testing methamphetamines, use one full teaspoon.
  3. Take the fentanyl test strip out of its packaging and hold it by the end without the wavy lines.
  4. Dip the wavy end of the test strip down into the mixture, ensuring the end is fully submerged in the liquid.
  5. Hold the strip in the liquid for about 15 seconds, allowing it to absorb the mixture fully.
  6. Remove it from the liquid and put it on a flat surface.
  7. Wait 2 to 5 minutes for the test results to appear.
  8. A single pink line indicates the presence of fentanyl or fentanyl analog in the drugs.
  9. Two pink lines indicate the absence of fentanyl or a fentanyl analog in the drugs. 

Fentanyl Crisis in Texas

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. When used for medical reasons, prescription opioids, including fentanyl, are safe and effective for pain relief. However, illicitly produced and distributed fentanyl is life-threatening and has contributed to the ongoing opioid crisis in Texas and the US. 

In recent years, fentanyl has been increasingly found in other illicit drugs such as counterfeit pills, heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. And considering the potency of fentanyl, even a small amount can be deadly. This has led to a sharp increase in overdose deaths related to fentanyl use, as many people may not realize they are consuming the drug.

The opioid crisis is a public health crisis in Texas. According to the CDC, there were over 5,000 drug overdose cases in Texas between October 2021 and October 2022. Fatalities involving fentanyl in Texas increased 399%, from 333 deaths in 2019 to 1,662 deaths in 2021. And as mentioned earlier, most people who ingested "their substance of choice" had no idea it was laced with the synthetic opioid.

Drug dealers and suppliers often cut illicit drugs with substances like fentanyl to increase potency and profit margins. This has created a dangerous and unpredictable drug market in Texas, where individuals unknowingly risk their lives every time they use drugs.


What's Being Done to Combat the Fentanyl Crisis?

The recent push for the legalization of fentanyl testing strips in Texas is part of a larger effort to combat the ongoing opioid crisis in the state. Like many other states, Texas has seen a surge in fentanyl-related deaths in recent years, and lawmakers are looking for solutions to this crisis. 

In response to the opioid epidemic, the state launched the "Texas Fights Fentanyl" campaign in 2021 to raise awareness about the dangers of fentanyl and promote prevention efforts. Furthermore, on April 11th, 2023, the Texas House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to legalize fentanyl testing strips, with the bill now heading to the Senate for approval.  

The bill, authored by Rep. Tom Oliverson, R-Harris County, would allow the sale and distribution of fentanyl testing strips to the public, which can help individuals test their drugs for the presence of fentanyl. 

If the bill is passed, it would mean that drug users could test their drugs for fentanyl before consuming them, potentially saving countless lives. Employers could also use fentanyl testing strips to test their employees for drug use, particularly in industries where safety is a concern. 

Are Fentanyl Testing Strips Banned in Texas?

Unfortunately, at the moment, these strips are classified as paraphernalia and are, therefore, illegal for people to perform tests for recreational use. This legal classification has limited the availability and accessibility of these life-saving testing strips, leaving many individuals at risk of accidental fentanyl poisoning.

Accessing Fentanyl Test Strips in TX

Currently, fentanyl test strips are banned in Texas, and carrying them is a crime. However, if you are a healthcare professional or a law enforcement agency looking to purchase fentanyl test strips for legitimate purposes, you may be able to obtain them from your local health department, needle exchange program, community-based organization, or online retailers that specialize in drug testing products. Some reputable companies that sell fentanyl test strips include, amazon, and 


More Drug Overdose Prevention Strategies

Fentanyl testing strips is just one tool in the toolbox of effective drug overdose prevention strategies. Other strategies include the following:

As the fentanyl crisis continues to devastate communities in Texas and across the United States, it's essential to take action to protect yourself and your loved ones. A critical tool in this fight is fentanyl testing strips, which can help identify the presence of this dangerous drug in other substances.

However, these strips are not foolproof and should be used with other harm reduction strategies, such as seeking professional addiction treatment.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, we highly recommend seeking the help of a reputable treatment center like More Than Rehab. Our experienced and compassionate team can provide the support and guidance needed to overcome addiction and start on the path to recovery. We offer various services, including detox, inpatient and outpatient, and mental health services. Remember, addiction is a disease, but it is treatable.


Examining Racial Disparities in Addiction Treatment

Recent research has shed light on racial disparities in addiction treatment, highlighting the need for a more culturally competent and socially-aware approach in the addiction treatment industry. While many acknowledge drug abuse is a leading public health crisis in the country, racial disparities in addiction treatment are too widespread to ignore. 

According to SAMHSA, more than 41 million Americans had a substance use disorder in 2020, yet only 2.7 million received treatment. Of those who needed treatment, white people got help 23.5% of the time, while blacks and Hispanics were 18.6% and 17.6%, respectively

Another study revealed that Black people were 70% less likely to get a buprenorphine subscription at their visit when controlling for age, sex, and payment method. Most of them have to queue at public clinics every morning for a methadone dose. Buprenorphine is a great alternative to methadone as it can be prescribed by a healthcare provider and taken in the comfort of a private home. No stigma, distrust, or standing in line.


There's also a health equity study of privately insured people who had an overdose and were treated at an ER. The study found that Black people were half as likely to receive overdose treatment compared to white patients. And with the opioid crisis spreading among other ethnic groups like Hispanics and Blacks, this finding is particularly concerning. 

The evidence presented in the research demonstrates racial disparities in addiction treatment in the United States. White people are more likely to receive addiction treatment than Black and Hispanic people, which is troubling, as it suggests that certain groups are being underserved and overlooked in the healthcare system. Here's a look at drivers of racial disparities.

Systemic Racism in Healthcare

Although disparities in treatment are multifaceted, race ethnicity is a common theme all through. Systemic racism in healthcare and society at large may contribute to the disparities in addiction treatment outcomes. For example, structural barriers such as limited access to quality healthcare and social determinants of health may disproportionately affect communities of color, leading to greater challenges in accessing and completing addiction treatment.

Inadequate Health Insurance

Inadequate insurance coverage is another major contributor to health disparities. Despite significant efforts to expand access to mental healthcare, many individuals, especially those from racial minority groups, still do not have adequate insurance coverage. Medicaid is the largest payer of mental health services in the United States, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) expanded Medicaid eligibility to cover more individuals.

However, 12 states are yet to adopt ACA Medicaid expansion. Of these 12 states, 7 are in the southeast region, where most of the US Black population resides. States like Florida and Mississippi have a Black population of 15% and 37%, while the US has a population of 12.4%. This lack of insurance coverage in these states disproportionately affects Black individuals, limiting their access to addiction treatment and other mental healthcare services.


Older Americans Seeking Help and Blacks Being Terminated from Treatment

Current research also highlights two often overlooked aspects of substance use disorder trends. These aspects include facts that Americans 50+ years are increasingly seeking substance treatment and that older Black citizens starting treatment have higher rates of being terminated from treatment and not finishing treatment compared to their white counterparts. 

Lack of Culturally Competent Healthcare Providers

A lack of cultural competency among treatment providers may result in an inadequate understanding of black patients' unique challenges and needs, leading to suboptimal treatment approaches. 

The Need to Ensure that Care is Ethnically, Racially, and Culturally Appropriate

The addiction treatment industry needs to be more socially aware of systemic racism and its impact on treatment outcomes and people's lives. Substance use disorders affect individuals from all racial and ethnic backgrounds, but access to care and treatment outcomes are unequal across these groups. Historically, communities of color have faced significant barriers to accessing addiction treatment, including a lack of culturally appropriate care and systemic racism in healthcare systems.

To ensure that care is ethnically, racially, and culturally appropriate, the addiction treatment industry must recognize and address systemic racism in healthcare systems. This means increasing diversity among treatment providers and staff, acknowledging and addressing implicit biases, and providing training and education to ensure that providers have the cultural competence necessary to provide effective care to all patients. This includes healthcare training at schools of medicine across the country. 

Cultural competence is the ability of healthcare providers to understand and address the unique needs and perspectives of patients from different cultures and backgrounds. In addiction treatment, cultural competence means understanding how addiction and substance use disorders impact different communities and developing treatment plans tailored to each patient's individual needs and preferences.

Research has shown that culturally appropriate care can improve treatment and health outcomes for patients of color. Studies have found that patients are more likely to remain engaged in addiction treatment when they receive care from providers who understand their cultural experiences and can provide culturally appropriate care in addition to the standard of care. Besides, other steps like partnering with local leaders and organizations that aim to reduce inequalities have increased trust and minimized stigma against treatment, which is essential in mental health and addiction treatment.


In addition to improving treatment outcomes, providing culturally appropriate care is a matter of social justice. The addiction treatment industry must recognize that systemic racism and other forms of oppression play a significant role in addiction and substance use disorders and work to address these issues in their policies, practices, and treatment approaches.

The addiction treatment industry must take a socially-aware approach to ensure that care is ethnically, racially, and culturally appropriate.

This requires acknowledging and addressing systemic racism in healthcare systems, increasing diversity among treatment providers and staff, and providing training and education to ensure that providers have the cultural competence necessary to provide effective care to all patients. By doing so, the addiction treatment industry can improve treatment outcomes and promote social justice for all patients. 

At More Than Rehab, we support this approach to addiction treatment and strive to provide culturally competent care to all our patients. We recognize the importance of addressing racial disparities in addiction treatment and are committed to promoting equity in our services. We believe every patient deserves to be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion, regardless of race, ethnicity, or cultural background.

Our team of highly trained and diverse professionals is dedicated to providing individualized care that considers each patient's unique needs and circumstances. We believe that by taking a socially-aware approach to addiction treatment, we can make a positive impact on our patients' lives and contribute to creating a more just and equitable society.


Examining Holistic Approaches to Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a complex and multifaceted disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It impacts the individual's physical health and mental, emotional, and social well-being. Traditional approaches to addiction recovery focus on treating the physical symptoms of addiction. But they often neglect the underlying psychological and emotional factors contributing to addiction. That's why many rehab centers now integrate holistic approaches to addiction recovery.

Holistic therapy recognizes that addiction is not just a physical disease but a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. It seeks to address the underlying causes of addiction by taking a comprehensive and integrated approach to treatment. This includes managing the individual's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and any underlying mental health issues or trauma.

This article will explore some of the most common holistic approaches to addiction recovery. We will also discuss the benefits of a holistic approach and how it can complement traditional addiction treatment methods.


Understanding Holistic Approach to Addiction Recovery 

Holistic therapy is an approach to treating addiction that addresses the whole person, including their physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual well-being. It focuses on one's overall well-being while treating symptoms of substance use disorders, including withdrawal symptoms and health conditions that develop while using drugs or alcohol. 

Holistic addiction therapy can involve various techniques and practices, including mindfulness meditation, yoga, acupuncture, massage therapy, nutritional counseling, and other alternative therapies. These techniques aim to help the individual in recovery to heal their body, mind, and spirit.

Traditional approaches to addiction treatment typically focus on detoxification and abstinence. But holistic therapy seeks to help individuals in recovery develop a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. This may involve learning coping skills to manage stress and emotional triggers, improving nutrition and exercise habits, and building a support system for friends and family members. 

Holistic therapy can work in conjunction with traditional approaches to addiction treatment, such as medication-assisted treatment, behavioral therapy, and 12-step programs. By combining traditional techniques with holistic therapies, individuals in recovery may achieve greater success in overcoming addiction.

Holistic Approaches to Addiction Recovery

Alternative therapies such as acupuncture, yoga, Tai Chi, and mindfulness meditation have recently gained popularity as complementary treatments for addiction recovery. These holistic approaches aim to address the whole person's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and support their long-term recovery from addiction. Here are some examples of holistic practices and their potential role in supporting long-term recovery from alcohol and drug addiction:

Massage and Acupuncture

These holistic therapies focus on using touch and pressure on specific points in the body to promote relaxation and alleviate physical and emotional tension. Massage can help reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into specific points of the body to stimulate the nervous system and release natural painkillers. Both these therapies have been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress, which are common triggers for relapse in addiction.

Nutritional Therapy


Nutritional therapy involves using specific diets, supplements, and lifestyle changes to support the body's natural healing processes. Many individuals struggling with addiction may have poor diets, nutritional deficiencies, or imbalances that can contribute to physical and emotional instability. Nutritional therapy can help address these imbalances, improve overall health, and support long-term recovery.

Exercise and Recreational Therapy

Exercise and recreational therapy involve physical fitness and activity, such as individual and team sports, tai chi, dance, or other forms of movement that can help improve mood, relieve stress, and promote physical health. Regular exercise effectively reduces cravings, improves sleep, and reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, which can contribute to relapse.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a type of meditation that involves focusing attention on the present moment without judgment. It can help individuals develop self-awareness, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve emotional regulation. Mindfulness meditation has been shown to effectively reduce substance use and cravings and improve your overall mental health.

These holistic therapies and others, like spiritual work, art, and animal-assisted therapy, can support long-term recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol. By addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, these therapies can help individuals develop the skills and resources needed to manage cravings, cope with stress, and maintain sobriety over time. 

Traditional Vs. Holistic Methods

Traditional medical treatment methods are essential components of addiction treatment. These methods provide a scientifically proven and evidence-based approach to addressing addiction and its associated physical and mental health conditions. On the other hand, holistic approaches provide additional complementary therapies that address individuals' emotional, spiritual, and mental health needs in recovery.

Combining traditional and holistic methods offers a more comprehensive and integrated approach to addiction treatment, addressing the whole person and promoting overall health and well-being. For example, medication-assisted treatment can help manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings, while acupuncture and meditation can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Other techniques paired with holistic methods include group therapy, MAT, one-on-one counseling, and support groups like AA and NA.

Therefore, the most effective approach to addiction treatment combines traditional medical treatment methods with holistic practices. 


Benefits of Holistic Therapy

After treatment, you'll need to learn how to replace your old, dangerous coping skills with new, healthier ones. The holistic approach sets the groundwork for new behaviors to help you stay sober. Here are some other benefits of holistic therapy: 

Holistic therapy offers many benefits for individuals seeking addiction treatment, such as treating the whole person, reducing stress, promoting self-healing, and improving the overall quality of life. When used with traditional medical treatment methods, holistic therapy can provide a more comprehensive and integrated approach to addiction recovery.

At More Than Rehab, we believe in the power of a holistic approach to addiction treatment. We offer a range of evidence-based traditional medical treatment methods and complementary, holistic therapies to provide a comprehensive and individualized treatment plan that addresses all aspects of your health and well-being. 


How Naltrexone Implants Work for Alcohol & Opioid Addiction

Opioid and alcohol use disorders are a growing concern in the United States, especially with the rise in overdose deaths. In 2021 alone, 107,622 drug-involved overdose deaths were reported in the country, and opioids accounted for 80,816. In the same year, there were over 52,000 alcohol-induced deaths in the US. 

The increase in substance abuse and overdose cases indicates the need for addiction maintenance treatments. While traditional treatments for opioid and alcohol use disorder do a great job of helping people get off of drugs, they do little to prevent overdose cases. Once a recovering addict leaves the treatment facility, they may face triggers that can result in relapse and overdose. 

That's why many medical institutes worldwide are still trying to find innovative ways to enhance the convenience and chances of long-term sobriety. Naltrexone implants are one such innovative treatment option. These implants provide long-term maintenance from alcohol and opioids by reducing the risk of cravings and relapse.

What are Naltrexone Implants? 

Naltrexone implants are small pellets that contain the medication naltrexone. Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist medication that blocks the effects of opioids and alcohol on the brain, thus helping manage cravings. 


The principle behind this medication-assisted treatment is that if someone can't feel the desired effect of drugs, they won't be motivated to use them. Over time, the positive association with opioids or alcohol will fade, and temptations won't be present.

When the implant is inserted under the skin, it slowly releases Naltrexone into the body over several weeks to months. This extended release can help reduce cravings for opioids or alcohol and prevent relapse. In some cases, it can also help curb opioid overdose cases.

Naltrexone implants have shown promising results in treating alcohol and opioid addiction, mainly when used in conjunction with other forms of evidence-based treatment, like medication, counseling, and support groups. This holistic approach addresses substance use disorders and the mental health aspect. 

How Naltrexone Implants Work for Alcohol and Opioid Addiction

Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist medication that works by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain. The implants provide a constant level of medication in the body, which can help to keep the opioid receptors blocked and reduce the risk of relapse.

Naltrexone implants have several advantages as they:

Weakness of Naltrexone Treatment

Despite the advantages of Naltrexone, there are some downsides as well. These include:


How Are Naltrexone Implants Administered?

Naltrexone implants are small, sterile pellets implanted under the skin in a minor surgical procedure. The procedure is usually done in an outpatient setting, meaning you won't need to stay overnight in a hospital.

First, a healthcare professional will clean and numb the area where the implant will be inserted. This is done with a local anesthetic, so you'll be awake during the procedure but won't feel any pain.

Next, the healthcare professional will make a small incision in your lower abdomen skin. They'll then insert the naltrexone implant into the pocket they've created under the skin and close the incision using stitches or adhesive strips. They will also apply a sterile dressing to the area to protect it as it heals. 

The procedure usually takes about 20 minutes or less you can go home the same day. 

Side Effects of Naltrexone Implants

Naltrexone is generally safe. But like any medication, it can cause side effects. Here are some of the potential side effects of naltrexone implant:

  1. Pain, swelling, or redness at the implant site
  2. Infection at the implant site
  3. Bleeding or bruising at the implant site
  4. Itching or rash at the implant site
  5. Nausea or vomiting, headache or dizziness
  6. Diarrhea
  7. Anxiety or nervousness
  8. Fatigue or weakness
  9. Liver problems
  10. Allergic reactions

It's important to note that these side effects are usually mild and temporary, and most people tolerate the medication well. However, if you experience severe or persistent side effects, you should contact your healthcare provider immediately. 

If you have any medical conditions or take other medications, inform your healthcare provider before starting a naltrexone implant to ensure it's safe and effective for you.


Starting Naltrexone Treatment

Before starting Naltrexone, you must undergo an assessment to ensure you're suited for treatment. A good candidate for Naltrexone treatment would typically meet the following criteria:

Naltrexone implants are a cutting-edge treatment for addiction to opioids, heroin, and alcohol. But the FDA has not approved the implantable version of Naltrexone for use in America. The treatment is only available in Europe and Australia. Still, many centers offer other forms of Naltrexone, which also offer long-term maintenance.

For more details about Naltrexone, reach out to More Than Rehab today.


How Prescription Drugs Helped Fuel the Drug Overdose Epidemic

The opioid epidemic is a serious public health crisis that has been ravaging communities in the United States for years. While many of us may associate illicit drugs such as heroin with causing drug overdoses, prescription drugs have also played a significant role in this devastating trend. The widespread availability and ease of obtaining these medications, combined with their powerful strength and addictive properties, have resulted in an alarming rise in overdose deaths due to prescription drug misuse.

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's statistics indicate about 107,622 drug overdose deaths in the US during 2021. Synthetic opioids like fentanyl were responsible for a large portion of the deaths, accounting for 71,238 deaths. But prescription opioids (such as oxycodone and hydrocodone) were also major contributors to the crisis. According to the CDC, natural or semi-synthetic drugs accounted for 13,722 overdose deaths in 2020 and 13,503 in 2021.

These deaths were attributed mainly to over-prescribing opioid painkillers like OxyContin, which has led to numerous cases of physical dependence and addiction. In 2016, the CDC issued a national guideline on pain management to help improve appropriate opioid prescribing and minimize opioid-related risks. The guideline got a lot of support from Americans, especially in two key elements: advising physicians to issue less than a three-day supply of opioid painkillers for acute pain and trying other treatment options before considering opioids for chronic pain.


Understanding Prescription Drugs Misuse

Prescription drugs are obtained with a doctor's prescription. They treat medical conditions, including pain, anxiety, and depression. However, they can also be abused due to their powerful effects.

Prescription drugs, like any other drug, can lead to substance use disorders as an unintended consequence. It is well-documented that these medications can be highly addictive and are major risk factors for people developing opioid use disorder.

The false sense of safety that comes with obtaining these medications from a doctor or pharmacy can lead some people to take them in ways they weren't prescribed. For example, they will:

Besides, since many people store these drugs in the medicine cabinet, they can be easily accessible to others, including young people. This increases the risk of them being taken and abused without the supervision of a healthcare professional. Taking someone else's medication can lead to dangerous side effects and death.

How Prescription Drug Abuse Contributes to the Overdose Crisis

Prescription painkiller abuse has become a major contributor to the overdose crisis in the United States. These drugs are often prescribed for legitimate medical conditions, such as pain management or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, when used improperly or for non-medical reasons, they can lead to substance use disorders, addiction, and even overdose deaths.

There are several ways in which prescription drugs like Oxycontin, Adderall, etc., contribute to the overdose crisis:

One of the ways is through the development of opioid dependence. People prescribed opioids for an injury or chronic pain may start to rely on them for relief, leading to a physical dependence on the drug. As their tolerance builds, they may need to take higher doses to achieve the same level of pain relief, increasing their risk of overdose.

Another way is through the use of street drugs. When people become dependent on prescription opioids and cannot obtain them, they may turn to street drugs like heroin to manage their withdrawal symptoms. Heroin is often cheaper and more readily available than prescription opioids, making it an attractive option for those struggling with addiction. However, street drugs are often more potent and can lead to a higher risk of overdose.

Polydrug use is also an issue, particularly when people combine opioids with alcohol or other sedatives. This practice often increases the risk of overdose and can be deadly.


Who is to Blame for the Opioid Crisis?

It's important to note that the misuse of prescription drugs is not solely the patient's fault. Physicians have been criticized for overprescribing opioids, with some labeled as "pill mill doctors." They were seen as contributors to the crisis due to their over-reliance on opioid prescriptions to manage pain rather than exploring alternative treatments.

Pharmaceutical companies such as Purdue Pharmaceuticals have also been blamed for the crisis. Purdue, the real co-conspirator, was accused of downplaying the risks of addiction and exaggerating the benefits of OxyContin. It was also blamed for aggressively marketing the drug to physicians and misleading the public about the safety of its products.

The third guilty party is the American Pain Society, with its "pain as the 5th vital sign" campaign. This campaign promoted the idea that pain should be treated as a vital sign, like temperature, pulse, etc. However, it didn't come with any device to objectively measure pain as the previous vital signs, pulse temperature, respiratory rate, and blood pressure.

The 5th vital sign campaign was the first and only subjective vital sign. It led to a significant increase in opioid prescriptions, as doctors were pressured to treat patients' pain more aggressively.

Fourth on the list of blame is the Joint Commission. In 2001, it issued a mandate that required hospitals to use pain scales to evaluate patients' pain.

The commission also published a pain management guide that downplayed doctors' concerns about opioid addiction, tolerance, and risk of death. Additionally, it framed pain management as a patient's rights issue, increasing the pressure to prescribe opioids. Purdue Pharma sponsored this guide. 

Press Ganey is the fifth guilty party on the list. This company helped develop patient satisfaction surveys. The results of these surveys were then used to rank hospitals.

Then enters, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a mandate to hospitals in 2002. The mandate threatened their Medicare reimbursement if patient satisfaction scores didn't meet specific standards. Patient satisfaction was based on surveys that included them scoring their satisfaction with pain control.

Inevitably, hospital administrators made it to the blame list. With CMS' mandate, hospital administrators felt pressure to increase patient satisfaction scores by any means necessary. So they started to pressure doctors to prescribe more opioids for pain management and patient satisfaction. This eventually led to overprescribing and misuse of opioids.

prescription-painkiller -substance-abuse-medicine-cabinet-side-effects-long-term-public-health-Purdue-Pharma-Sackler-Family-state-court-cases

Prescription Drugs Lawsuits

Numerous lawsuits have been filed against major pharmaceutical companies and high-profile figures concerning the opioid epidemic. One notable example is the lawsuit against Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin. The company and members of the Sackler family, who owned Purdue, have been accused of aggressively marketing OxyContin while downplaying the risks of addiction, leading to the widespread abuse of the drug and the opioid epidemic.

In 2019, Purdue Pharma pleaded guilty to federal criminal charges and settled with the Department of Justice. The company and the Sackler family agreed to pay $8 billion in fines and penalties.

States and municipalities have also sued Johnson & Johnson, Teva, and Endo International over their role in the opioid epidemic. In 2021, Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay $572 million in a landmark opioid trial in Oklahoma and is currently facing lawsuits in several other states.

Teva has settled with New York for $523 million and is working to finalize a nationwide settlement valued at more than $4.2 billion. And Endo which has now filed for bankruptcy has agreed to pay $450 million to support the treatment and prevention of opioid abuse. 

Opioid Abuse Treatment

More Than Rehab offers a range of treatment options to help those struggling with opioid addiction and substance abuse break the cycle and achieve long-term sobriety. The treatment center provides an array of evidence-based therapies, including individual and group counseling, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), relapse prevention training, and more.
