What are some of the inspiring de-addiction stories?

JP Chastain
April 18, 2019

When people first enter the substance abuse treatment program at More Than Rehab, the lifestyle of addiction is the only thing that seems normal to them. A lot of young adults in America are accustomed to the lifestyle of drinking and drug use. In fact, it’s almost an expected rite of passage in modern American culture. Popular music, movies and television shows all glamorize the use of alcohol and drugs, while social media outlets offer a place for people to share their experiences, without any punitive consequences. This culture normalizes substance use to the point that many young Americans don’t realize any of the negative consequences that come along with alcohol or drug use.

The drug abuse problem in the United States has exploded to an epidemic level. The Centers for Disease Control shows that over 72,000 people have died in the US from a drug overdose in 2017.  This is the largest number of recorded overdose deaths ever. When you factor in the 630,000 people who have died from a drug overdose since the late 1990’s, you’ll see a worsening problem that shows no signs of stopping or slowing down. For someone who is struggling with an addiction, the best time to get help is right now. The longer you wait, the more powerful the disease of addiction becomes. Leaving your addiction untreated, will only make it more difficult to cure this potentially deadly disease in the long term. evidence-based-drug-rehabilitation-Bryan-Texas

Many people experience a turning point in their life that begins the process of recovery.

Most people who begin abusing drugs or alcohol do not plan on becoming addicted. A lot of people don’t even realize they have developed an addiction until they try to quit. The compulsive use of substances can easily develop into a life threatening illness. A chemical dependency can lead to self-destructive behaviors that will ultimately lead to serious health issues and the deterioration of personal and professional relationships. For some, these moments of devastation can be the “wake-up call” they needed in order to seek help from a drug rehabilitation center.

Know when it is time to get help for your addiction.

Once you make the decision to realize that your addiction has gotten out of control, you have to reach out for help. This may require you to navigate beyond your comfort zone, confiding in someone close to you about the problem you tried so long to hide. We know that there are a lot of people who are afraid to reach out for help. Some are afraid of the negative stigma that is associated with addiction and substance abuse. They become worried about the judgment of family and friends, fearful that they will be seen as a failure or a bad person. We can assure you that this is not the case, nor should it be. inspiring-stories-of-sobriety-Houston-Texas-drug-rehab

There is no shame in developing an addiction to drugs or alcohol. For many Americans it is almost unavoidable. Many are drawn to alcohol and drugs to cope with inner feelings of depression, anxiety or a variety of other mental health issues. Regardless of the underlying causes of your substance use, those who are closest to you will be happy that you decided to get the help you need.

Sobriety is absolutely possible! A fulfilling, healthy lifestyle is within your reach.

At More Than Rehab, we have seen a wide variety of people come to our rehabilitation center for help. We’ve had doctors, college students, musicians, stay at home mothers literally just about everyone come to us with a debilitating substance use disorder. Addiction knows no bounds. It is true that literally anyone can develop a psychological and physical dependency on substances ranging from alcohol to prescription and illicit drugs. Some of our clients were convinced that they had already ruined their lives before they walked into our addiction treatment facility. We were quick to point out that their lives were not over, but they were actually just beginning.

Seeking treatment for an addiction to drugs or alcohol can be the most important decision you will make in your lifetime. We’ve seen people who sacrificed everything in their lives just to get high. Some had lost their jobs, their families, friends and all of their worldly possessions. When they made the decision to get help and come clean, it was like we had opened up a window to a new world, a window they thought they had boarded shut. It is never too late to open your window and see the world in a whole new light. Houston-TX-addiction-treatment-drug-rehab

To learn more about the quality, evidence-based substance abuse rehabilitation and addiction treatment programs available to you at More Than Rehab, please call us today. We are available 24/7 and a licensed addiction counselor will answer your call. Don’t wait another day, make the call right away:


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About The Author: 
JP Chastain
Paul Chastain is a psychology graduate from Columbia University in the City of New York, who has helped countless people with addiction journalism since 2008.

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