Why Being In-Network for Blue Cross Blue Shield Is Better For Drug and Alcohol Treatment

JP Chastain
July 6, 2020

Thankfully, there are many options for insurance out there in the world today. However, If you happen to be a member of Blue Cross Blue Shield then there are a wide array of benefits that you get from purchasing any one of their numerous insurance options. It is estimated that nearly one out of every three people in America rely on services provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield. This is because of the extensive and vast coverage that they offer. Blue Cross Blue Shield members have access to thousands of medical assistance options, doctors and hospitals across the world all while providing safe, quality, and affordable healthcare. Additionally, Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance can cover a wide array of services, including dental care, prenatal, maternity, and newborn care to things like emergency services, hospitalization and preventative care. Another one of these services is coverage for mental health and rehabilitative services, such as rehab for drugs and alcohol.

Most insurance plans cover alcohol and drug addiction treatment services in Texas.

We hope that you never have to encounter a situation where you or a loved one may require rehab for drugs and/or alcohol, but we know that for many families this situation is all too common.

It is estimated that nearly 21 million people suffer from a substance abuse problem in our country nearly every day, not to mention people who live outside of the United States.

A substance abuse problem, otherwise known as an addiction, is very common. It is when a person is unable to stop using drugs or alcohol even if they have gone through negative experiences as a result. Things like homelessness and job loss are consequences of their addiction, something that has taken over the functioning of their brain.

Simply put, a person who is addicted to drugs or alcohol does not have the same brain as someone who is not addicted to drugs or alcohol, they are literally not able to stop doing them. That is why, in most cases, professional help from an addiction specialist is needed in order to help save their life from this debilitating disease. drug-addiction-treatment-Houston-Texas-cost-insurance-BCBS-TX

So, if you are one of those 21 million Americans who suffer from an addiction, or if you are a loved one of someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol, and you also happen to have Blue Cross Blue Shield, then do not worry. Coverage for drugs and alcohol is something that they offer coverage for, in fact, it is now required by law that insurance companies must offer some type of addiction treatment coverage, even if there is a preexisting condition. This is because of the Affordable Care Act. So, even if you don't have Blue Cross Blue Shield be sure to check with your insurance provider to see what sort of coverage they offer. The same goes for those who carry Blue Cross Blue Shield, be sure to speak with your insurance agent to see what kind of coverage your specific plan has to offer, as all insurance plans may not already cover these costs. Most insurance plans including treatment for drugs and alcohol include things like:

  • Inpatient care for approved facilities
  • Outpatient care with an approved provider
  • Medical detox, including any medications required
  • Co-occuring mental health conditions
  • Follow-up support or counseling
  • Maintenance medication


What’s the difference between in-network and out-of-network providers?

Once you figure out what kind of coverage your specific plan has to offer for drug and alcohol treatment, then there are a few things to keep in mind when trying to find the rehabilitation program that is right for you. One of, perhaps the most important questions is whether or not that treatment program is considered an in-network provider or an out-of-network provider. In-network refers to providers or facilities that are in your insurance companies network, often they have negotiated prices and hefty discounts with certain providers.

Out-of-network simply means that the provider or facility does not have a contract with your insurance agency. So, even if they may be a good facility, you are surely going to end up spending more money, perhaps on a service that is of lesser quality. addiction-recovery-program-College-Station-Texas-Blue-cross-insurance-provider

While some insurance plans may cover part of the cost of a rehabilitation program that is out-of-network, it won't be anywhere near the coverage offered for an approved facility and provider. The same can be said for members of Blue Cross Blue Shield, though they will cover some portion of the cost for an out-of-network facility (if it happens to be one you really want to go to), it will be nowhere near the amount of coverage if you chose a facility that is in-network. One of those reasons is because not only have they negotiated a deal with that facility or provider, but they have thoroughly vetted them to ensure that they are safe and that they offer quality, affordable care.

With Blue Cross Blue Shield, it is safe to say that the majority of your costs will be covered for a number of inpatient services, outpatient services, and hospitalization. Again, be sure to speak with an associate about your specific health care plan.


Located just outside of Houston, Texas, More Than Rehab now accepts Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance.

Not only are cheaper costs guaranteed, but so is the quality of the provider. Here at More Than Rehab, we accept Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance and only provide the highest quality of care. If you are looking for an excellent facility who accepts Blue Cross Blue Shield, then we are here to help! It is our passion and desire to help restore an addicted person's way of life to a place where they no longer need to rely on drugs or alcohol in order to feel normal. We treat the underlying issues that led to the addiction to begin with. We understand that addiction is a complicated disease and we offer any level of care that is necessary. We know how hard of a struggle achieving sobriety can be. We have helped many who have walked that lonely road before and we have brought them to a place of happiness. We proudly help United States military and their family members. It is never too late to ask for help, everyone deserves a second chance at life. Bryan-TX-drug-alcohol-opioid-heroin-meth-addiction-treatment

Find out if we can help you today!
Call us at (888) 249-2191
Or, fill out our online insurance verification form and we will get back to you ASAP.

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About The Author: 
JP Chastain
Paul Chastain is a psychology graduate from Columbia University in the City of New York, who has helped countless people with addiction journalism since 2008.

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