Will Contingency Management Help Me Overcome A Substance Use Disorder?

Steve Trevino
August 28, 2024

Your doctor has probably recommended contingency management as part of your substance abuse treatment plan. This might have left you wondering: What exactly is contingency management, and how can it help you overcome addiction and regain control of your life? You’re not alone in seeking answers. Many people facing substance use disorders find themselves at a crossroads, searching for practical solutions that can truly make a difference.

Contingency management (CM) is an evidence-based approach that promises to do just that. It offers tangible rewards for positive behavior, tapping into the psychology of motivation and change. Could this be the key to breaking free from addiction and building a healthier future? Let’s explore how this innovative treatment method works and how it might be the missing piece in your recovery journey.

Understanding Contingency Management

CM is a behavioral therapy approach that leverages positive reinforcement to encourage patients to maintain sobriety and adhere to their treatment plans. At its core, CM focuses on rewarding desired behaviors, strengthening them through motivational incentives.

The principle behind CM is simple: when positive actions are followed by rewards, they are more likely to be repeated. This approach draws on well-established psychological theories about behavior modification and has shown promising results in treating substance use disorders. As the drug overdose epidemic continues to rise, effective treatments like CM play a crucial role in public health initiatives aimed at reducing addiction rates and improving mental health outcomes.


How It Works

Contingency management programs typically include a few key elements:

  • Goal Setting: You work with healthcare professionals to set clear, achievable goals for your recovery, such as attending therapy sessions, staying drug-free, or completing treatment milestones.
  • Monitoring Progress: Regular monitoring occurs to track your progress toward these goals. This might include drug testing, attendance records, or other measurable outcomes.
  • Providing Rewards: When you meet your goals, you receive rewards reinforcing positive behaviors. These incentives vary but commonly include vouchers, gift cards, small cash prizes, or privileges that hold personal significance.
  • Feedback and Adjustment: You receive feedback on your progress, and the program adjusts as needed to maintain motivation and ensure continued success.

CM encourages you to engage with your treatment plan through this structured approach, making recovery more tangible and attainable. Studies performed over the past three decades have found that CM can help promote abstinence from cocaine, tobacco, methamphetamine, opioids, alcohol, cannabis, and benzodiazepines. The studies also found CM to be effective among a highly diverse population, including individuals who are unhoused, pregnant, veterans, from the LGBTQ+ community, dealing with mental or physical health issues, etc.

The Controversy Surrounding Contingency Management

Despite its effectiveness, contingency management is not without controversy. Some critics argue that offering rewards for sobriety is like "buying" someone's sobriety. Others criticize external reinforcers (reward systems) because they:

  • Might not produce lasting benefits once they’re no longer in place
  • Could reduce internal motivation for change
  • Might be sold, potentially leading to relapse or increased use of other drugs

This perspective raises ethical questions about the nature of motivation and the integrity of treatment programs. Concerns about body brokering and illegal kickbacks have also emerged, with some unscrupulous actors exploiting vulnerable patients in addiction treatment settings.

However, it's essential to distinguish between unethical practices and legitimate CM programs conducted under medical supervision and within ethical guidelines. Unlike body brokering, contingency management is a clinically validated approach designed to support individuals in their recovery, not exploit them.

Evidence Supporting Contingency Management


Research consistently demonstrates the effectiveness of contingency management in treating various substance use disorders. Numerous studies provide compelling evidence of CM's success in reducing substance use and improving treatment adherence.

For instance, studies show that participants in CM programs often experience significant reductions in drug use compared to those receiving standard care alone. Success rates increase dramatically, with CM participants twice as likely to maintain sobriety compared to non-CM counterparts. Not only that, CM patients have:

  • Significantly higher abstinence rates throughout treatment
  • Higher retention in treatment
  • Higher abstinence self-efficacy

In fact, CM has been shown to produce abstinence that lasts at least one year following treatment, either as a standalone treatment or in combination with other science-backed behavioral therapies for SUDs. Other studies found that CM decreases overall substance use. For example, people who smoke cigarettes with no intention of quitting and receive CM significantly reduced their smoking. The therapy has similar effects on marijuana, benzodiazepines, and alcohol.

Benefits of CM

The benefits of CM extend beyond mere abstinence. Reinforcing positive behaviors helps reduce recidivism and prevent relapse, which are essential components in the long-term recovery journey. CM's adaptability allows it to complement other addiction treatment programs, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication-assisted treatment (MAT), making it a versatile tool in comprehensive treatment plans.

Moreover, CM can be effectively integrated into outpatient treatment services, expanding access and making it a viable option for individuals unable to participate in inpatient programs. As a result, CM helps bridge the gap in care, particularly for those facing barriers to traditional treatment.

Challenges and Limitations of Contingency Management

Despite its success, contingency management has its challenges. The sustainability of rewards is a common concern, as some fear patients may become reliant on external motivators rather than developing intrinsic motivation for sobriety. Additionally, the cost of implementing CM programs, particularly for large populations, can strain resources and limit availability.

Another potential drawback involves addressing the diverse needs of people in recovery. The CM must be tailored to fit the unique circumstances of each participant, considering personal preferences, cultural backgrounds, and specific addiction challenges. Failure to individualize CM programs may reduce their effectiveness and limit participant engagement.

Integrating Contingency Management with Other Treatment Modalities


Contingency management works best with other evidence-based treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT). This comprehensive approach addresses the multifaceted nature of substance use disorders, enhancing overall recovery outcomes.

CM can also complement psychosocial treatments, such as family therapy and peer support groups, by fostering positive behaviors within supportive environments. Collaboration between treatment modalities enhances recovery efforts and provides a holistic approach to addressing addiction's complexities.

Holistic Recovery Strategies

Holistic strategies play a big part in relapse prevention and helping you regain a sense of control over your life. They include activities that heal the body, mind, and soul, such as exercise, proper nutrition, emotional support, and community engagement.

Get the Most Advanced Addiction Treatment at More Than Rehab

More Than Rehab offers a wide range of comprehensive addiction treatment programs. Our team will work with you to personalize your treatment to meet your unique needs, ensuring you receive the most effective and supportive care on your journey to recovery. Through our commitment to exceptional care we strive to empower you to achieve and maintain sobriety for a lasting change and a healthier future. Call us today, we are available 24/7, 365 days a year.


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About The Author: 
Steve Trevino
Steve Trevino is married to Julie, his high school sweetheart and they have two daughters. He is the founder and executive director of CrossCentral Church and Recovery Center. With experience in both non-profit and for-profit treatment, he has helped thousands find freedom from addiction through residential programs, recovery workshops and consulting around the world.

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